Hi Baron,
Land battles are much more ambiguous in A&A. The time scales are a lot different than Naval battles.
The great (large) Naval battles in the Pacific were events that happened over the course of a day … maybe two. They were quick, decisive and excessively violent strikes.
The great land battles were events that generally took weeks … or even months.
AAA’s implementation in land battles was quite different than AAA in naval battles.
At sea, super-high concentations of AAA where loaded on a ship and used intensively for a few minutes with comparatively high results.
On land, AAA is spread out in a wide variety of implementations… defending supply depots, key infrastructure, imbedded with ground units, defending air-bases etc… and that AAA will be used MANY times in the course of the week(s) / month(s) battle that A&A is simulating.
In A&A, a round of Naval Combat is probably something that happens in a day … or even a half-day. And AAA was thrown out A LOT sooner than the attacking plane’s torpedo’s or bombs were dropped.
An A&A round of land combat is something that happens in maybe a week or even weeks of combat. And during that time, AAA is coming from a large number of areas over a large amount of time.
Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense to have land-based AAA preemptive during regular combat.