• hard decision, either UK because you control territory all around the world, and Japan because of theres a lot of different options of attack.

  • Still a fan of Japan :-)

    But liking Germany and Russia more and more :-)

  • Decided to give a supporting vote to the US since you’re all axis fans. All the other nations have too many small sized battles early on that have too great an impact on the game affecting my heart rhythm in a much undesireable way. I rarely play less than 12 rounds anyway so the US gets to be a big part of the game. If I can get through J1 without any major disadvantage Japan’s an exciting nation to play as well.

  • Japan versatile country which has to act agressively in most games.

  • I really can’t honestly vote for the allies as my favorites.  Russia is more or less restricted to building land forces.  Britain is immediately put on the defensive as she loses almost everything she has and can’t effectively get it back until the US intervenes, and the US takes ages to get forces put anywhere useful, at least in sufficient amounts.

    I’ve got to go Germany, it has a lot of power right from the start, it has enough income to build a fleet or an airforce or ground units, whatever it needs at the time, and it can go out across the board (Africa, Russia), at least until the US show up.

    Plus I just like taunting my friends by saying “I hope you like the taste of beer because it’s coming to a tap near you.”

    None of that vodka or tea crap  :-D

  • Lately, Russia.  I’m exploring different options to the Inf-max purchasing plan.  Russia is the key to Allied victory - if you lose it, you’re on a sinking ship.  I like the challenge of trying to do more than just “hold out till somebody saves me”.


  • Every time I play a game at a Con for fun the opponent picks the Axis so I play the Allied Side.  My favorite country is Germany Followed by Japan also, because they seem to have the most fun and in friendly games the game is usually conceded shortly after the outcome becomes clear which usually happens when the balance clearly tips in favor of the Allies. It is more fun to win as the underdog.

  • @OutsideLime:

    Lately, Russia.  I’m exploring different options to the Inf-max purchasing plan.  Russia is the key to Allied victory - if you lose it, you’re on a sinking ship.  I like the challenge of trying to do more than just “hold out till somebody saves me”.


    I like Russia too… ever try the 4 inf, 3 art R1 buy?
    Certainly helps to set up those Kar-Belo-Ukr dead zones…
    or more agressively followed up with some tank buys, pushes into EEU or Balkans

  • I have yet to do the Art-heavy purchase with Russia, because I like the movement of armour.

    I am always surprised when people say “buy 8 inf with Russia”.  It’s a losing strategy.  Your offensive pieces will be gone two rounds into the game, and your stacks of Infantry will do a great job of slowing down Germany slightly.

    8 Inf = Off. Punch 8, Def Punch 16.

    5 Inf, 1 Rtl, 1 Arm = Off. Punch 11, Def Punch 15, plus you get the movement versatility of the armour.

    Multiply those numbers over three rounds and you have put  33 points of offense on the board compared to “all-inf’s” 24, with 45 points of defense compared to “all-inf’s” 48.  YES, you have put three fewer units on the board overall, but you have also been killing a lot more German units than you would be able to with Inf only.

    I’ll take that trade-off.


  • It seems everyone likes to play the “bad boys” on the board.  Not that I disagree with that; even when I lose hard I still like playing Germany.  It might just be a small plastic little tank, but honestly, who doesn’t want to control a Panther?  :-D

  • @Erwin:

    Japan versatile country which has to act agressively in most games.

    yep thats why i like japan and then russia then the us(not really agressive but an economic/polticall bully whole startergy is decided by US 1) then germany. I still can’t see why anyone would want to be the uk.

  • @Mork:

    i just want to see whos peoples favorite people are and whothe least favorite are, so please be honest

    Most favorite:  Whatever gets the chicks.
    Least favorite:  Tuna.

  • Russia is definitely more fun in the Revised game.  There’s more territories to fight over and you have to do more than just buy infantry to survive.  I definitely like to purchase some armor so I can mow down stray Axis pieces when Germany or Japan come at my lines too aggressively.  Armor creates more dead zones than artillery IMO because of its ability to blitz.  I also like to pop out a third fighter by the 5th or 6th turn (circumstances permitting) to maximize my flexibility.  I like to conserve that armor when it’s late in the 3rd quarter and the Allies are taking friggin’ forever to arrive on the scene.

    Yes, Russia I enjoy because, after all, which country is closer to the center of the action?  NOBODY!

  • @Weekend:

    Russia is definitely more fun in the Revised game.  There’s more territories to fight over and you have to do more than just buy infantry to survive.  I definitely like to purchase some armor so I can mow down stray Axis pieces when Germany or Japan come at my lines too aggressively.  Armor creates more dead zones than artillery IMO because of its ability to blitz.  I also like to pop out a third fighter by the 5th or 6th turn (circumstances permitting) to maximize my flexibility.  I like to conserve that armor when it’s late in the 3rd quarter and the Allies are taking friggin’ forever to arrive on the scene.

    Yes, Russia I enjoy because, after all, which country is closer to the center of the action?  NOBODY!

    right you are but i think Japan is slightly better beacuse no ones going to stop you most of the time.

  • @cyan:


    Russia is definitely more fun in the Revised game.  There’s more territories to fight over and you have to do more than just buy infantry to survive.  I definitely like to purchase some armor so I can mow down stray Axis pieces when Germany or Japan come at my lines too aggressively.  Armor creates more dead zones than artillery IMO because of its ability to blitz.  I also like to pop out a third fighter by the 5th or 6th turn (circumstances permitting) to maximize my flexibility.  I like to conserve that armor when it’s late in the 3rd quarter and the Allies are taking friggin’ forever to arrive on the scene.

    Yes, Russia I enjoy because, after all, which country is closer to the center of the action?  NOBODY!

    right you are but i think Japan is slightly better beacuse no ones going to stop you most of the time.

    Japan is the Peyton Manning of A&AR – it puts up big numbers every time.  However, if the Allies do their job right, they do a Bill Belichik and run out the clock on the Japs.  It’s all about the numbers . . .

  • I’d have to go with the U.S.– plenty of purchasing power and options.  The board looks completely different by USA’s turn, so flexibility and creative adjustment to the outcome of the first turn keeps USA on its toes.  Plus what’s not to love about getting to buy aircraft carriers anytime you want?  :-)

  • Japan is the Peyton Manning of A&AR – it puts up big numbers every time. However, if the Allies do their job right, they do a Bill Belichik and run out the clock on the Japs. It’s all about the numbers . . .

    I love the analogy!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I like Japan because America never expects the Japanese Inquisition!  =)

    If you set it up right, you can take out Alaska, W. Canada and W. USA in 1 shot and hold it.  All without diverting anything but 1 Transport, 2 Battleships and a bomber from teh front until you make your move.

  • @Jennifer:

    I like Japan because America never expects the Japanese Inquisition!  =)

    If you set it up right, you can take out Alaska, W. Canada and W. USA in 1 shot and hold it.  All without diverting anything but 1 Transport, 2 Battleships and a bomber from teh front until you make your move.

    Taking Western USA with only transport (albeit 2 offshores) would only happen due to an allied (US) misplay, IMHO….unless of course you have transports that can move 3!

  • @axis_roll:


    I like Japan because America never expects the Japanese Inquisition!  =)

    If you set it up right, you can take out Alaska, W. Canada and W. USA in 1 shot and hold it.  All without diverting anything but 1 Transport, 2 Battleships and a bomber from teh front until you make your move.

    Taking Western USA with only transport (albeit 2 offshores) would only happen due to an allied (US) misplay, IMHO….unless of course you have transports that can move 3!

    ONLY due to an Allied misplay?

    You CAN leave the Western US open, and it CAN be a perfectly valid move.

    HOLDING Western US is probably - I do not say definitely - a result of an Allied misplay.  But allowing Western US to fall is perfectly acceptable in certain situations.

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