Frood AACalc Dicey / Sim / Odds Calculator: Updates and Opinions

  • Moderator

    Now that I’ve actually used the roller for a few games, I gotta say good job Frood.

    I like the change you recently made with the clearing out the battles when they are over.


    I think now maybe I will enable the e-mail field to survive the “Clear” button

    That would be great.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Thanks DM.

    Here’s a thot on how to incorporate the NA’s - rather than having checkboxes as wargamersclub has, I would increase the number of unit types. This will enlarge the form somewhat, and perhaps I’ll have to split the units into three lines (Land, Air, Sea).

    So eg. the land units line would have Inf, rwInf (Russian Winter Inf), awInf, (Atlantic Wall Inf), Mar (Marines), etc.

    This would also solve the multi-national defence / joint strike problem because you just enter the Russian Inf in rwInf and the US inf in the regular Inf field etc.

    The OOL naturally will get somewhat longer as well.

    The increased number of units might slow the script down a bit  :-P, and I might have to axe the 10,000x option, leaving just 1,000x and 5,000x.

    As for Kamikaze/Kaiten - complicated, and also stupid NAs IMO. I’d also have to add a field to enter which unit should be targeted.

    Update: my sim had a record number of hits last month, just shy of 11,500! Maybe I’ll put an ad on the page again… During my first such cash grab, my Google Adwords earned… wait for it… $1.56! w00t!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I meant the number of rounds to go.  But I guess that doesn’t reset now that it’s a radio button.

    And yea, now that I’m exploring NAs, a LHTR and a OOB NA options would rock. (I’d say your best pet is to flag them with radio on/off so you don’t need to make the grid bigger, but that’s just my old HTML 3.2 coding speaking.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Why would you want the # of rounds to reset?

    As for doing NA’s with just global on/off buttons, that makes for a simpler form but makes joint forces impossible. You could have a number entry field I suppose, saying X infantry are Dug-in, Y battleships are Most Powerful, but that makes the form more complicated and the PHP even more complicated.

  • Moderator

    I like the idea of splitting the form into 3 lines Land/Sea/Air regardless of whether you do NAs.

    I generally have my windows somewhat minimized and would perfer not to scroll right and left so much.  :-D

  • Dan,

    Let me offer a MAJOR suggestion before you mess up the current site, or make it too cumbersome…

    Add a link at the top of the page to a “National Advantages Enabled” combat roller.

    Then, at the new sub-page, have your regular roller with all of the “new units” of the NA’s added (dive bombers, Russian Winter INF, etc)

    That way you ahve a “clean” roller that is easy to use for Tournament play, and the average user, and the more complex National Advantage (and Technology) enabled site with all of the potential options (jet fighters, super subs, russian winter, Atlantic Wall, etc.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    The thought of  something like that had occurred to me…

  • 2007 AAR League

    Okay, I’ve changed it so that the e-mail field now also survives the Clear button and the death of one side or the other.

    Anything else that irks people, that makes you say “I wish I didn’t have to do this every bloody time…”?

    The NAs may take a while, esp. if I have to create an option for simple/advanced versions of the form.

    What I’m thinking is that the simple one wouldn’t even list tech units (SSubs, JFigs or HBoms), while the advanced one would give the NAs and techs.

    The fact that NAs are different from Classic (does it even have them?), Revised and LHTR creates additional headaches… Ooohh. That might have to wait until summer.

    What other options could go to the Advanced view?

  • I did not even think about the various versions of the NA’s

    To be honest, I think you are either looking at a MASSIVE list of options, or a heck of a lot of pages IF you attempt it…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    There are only two versions:

    LHTR National Advantages for Revised
    OOB National Advantages for Revised

    Most of your coding’s already there, it’s just a matter of copy pasting I presume.  (Infantry defending at a 3, just use the armor code.  Infantry attacking at a 2, just use the inf+art code.)

    Just a suggestion.

    Actually the biggest detail is the new German Dive Bomber rules that allow you to attack at a 5 or less and the Japanese battleships.  But you can work around that just by looking at the results.

  • 2007 AAR League

    That’s not how it really works, Jennifer - I have the same code rolling dice for all kinds of units, it’s just a matter of changing the values for the units.

    Well, if I implement NAs it won’t be with multiple versions of the page. If I can’t think of an elegant way to do it I won’t do it.

    Think think  :-) going to my happy place… Might be a while tho.

    Is the e-mail field working well for you now Jenn?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Uhm, probably.  Sorry, I havn’t done a round for a couple of days because I used the inhouse dice roller for games with only 1 small battle.  Don’t need a new tab. :(

    As for instituting the new rules, the only major change is the 5 or less to hit and you already have that code for Jet Fighters.

  • 2007 AAR League

    New tab??? :?

  • I think she means needing to send another donation by asking you to do more coding on your site :-D

  • 2007 AAR League

    Ahh… He he, no worries, she has contributed more than her share. I do it for the joy of it, I don’t expect anything, especially from Jennifer who has donated twice now.

  • Well, I did not ask for all the extra coding, so just the one for me :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, I meant popping another tab in Mozilla Firefox. (New window for you Internet Exploder users.)

    And yes, it works fine now. :)  Thanks.

  • 2007 AAR League

    No worries - I’m not expecting multiple donations from anybody! only about four people have donated period, so as far as I am concerned those four are good for life. I do this for one reason - because I enjoy it and my ego gets a big stroke from people actually using my tool. That’s it. The donations are nice and are appreciated, but not why I do it.

  • I’ll stroke your ego, but my checkbook is a bit thin after the holidays…  :mrgreen:

  • @froodster:

    No worries - I’m not expecting multiple donations from anybody! only about four people have donated period, so as far as I am concerned those four are good for life. I do this for one reason - because I enjoy it and my ego gets a big stroke from people actually using my tool. That’s it. The donations are nice and are appreciated, but not why I do it.

    can we call the “pizza and pop” a donation?? :-P

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