Island hopping is great, but its not critical. Sometimes just having a presense in the region will do just great. This is how I build my fleets…… My flagships are my carriers. They are great for defense and their fighters can support amphibious assaults. I will have no less than 2. I then will support my fleet with destroyers. I try to build 2 for every carrier. If you build destroyers and in order to get more bang for your buck, get combined bombardment. This will increase your amphibious firepower drastically. Basically you’ll be able to do the job of a battleship at half the cost and twice the firepower. Then build the rest of your force out of transports and a couple of submarines. If you use this fleet right, you will have everyship being productive on every aspect, offense, defense, and logistics. Your maximizing your money and strength. Lets take a fleet of 2 AC’s, 6 destoyers, 2 subs, 4 troopships with 2 tanks, 2 artillary, and 4 infantry. You attack the phillipines with an amphibious assault. the 6 destroyers should pretty much wipe out all opposition. But if not, you have 4 fighters and all the ground units to clean up. Battle should be over without losing anything. Your fighters land for fleet defense. Basically you have a fleet that can hit hard on land and sea. Your enemy will think twice before hitting you.
Alternate Turn 1 buys…
3 INF, 3 ARM
3 INF, 1 ARM ,1 FIG
4 INF, 3 ARTGermany:
1 AC, 8 INF
9 INF, 3 ARM
10 INF, 3 ARTUK:
1 AC, 1 TRN, 2 INFJapan:
4 TRN (w/ bid)
1 IC, 2 TRN (w/ bid)
INF, ARM, and TRN’sAsian IC’s buys excluded from the above…
Those are ncsswitch’s standard buys.
gratutious evil laugh
In one of my recent games I lost the German Med Fleet to a force of FOUR Russian FIGs on R2…
Haha, thats insane.
I usually have 4 INF 3 ART on R1.
Haha, thats insane.
I usually have 4 INF 3 ART on R1.
now someone here has some sense. why do you need the rusian to take out the german navy. what are the british doing smoking tea leaves? you need to take as much land as possible from the germans.
USA 1:
2 Bombers
USA 2:
2 Bombers
USA 3:
USA 4: Germany has no income, doesn’t matter what you’re buying. :)
Okay, only really works well in LL because of the 3.5 IPC damage vs 2.5 return fire damage rule. That’s a benefit of 5 IPC for America and you’re only using American infantry for support anyway, tnaks are nice, but not needed. Let england capture it all, she’s closer to Europe anyway.
3 INF, 1 ARM ,1 FIGwhy whould anyone need a fig for russia? that one makes no sense
I’ve used this buy successfully many times. I will usually add a 4th fighter in R2 or R3. The fighters give Russia a lot of flexiblity. From the caucasus they can reach all of eastern europe most of Central Asia and India. Also they are very useful when your trading territory with Germany.
Or if Germany’s being a jerk, 4 fighters is plenty to sink the Transport/Battleship fleet for Germany. At times that can force Germany to blow money on auxillery ships.
On my current lowluck game i lost my med fleet to a ftr and bmb =[
In our new game CC and I opted for 2 Inf in Ukr. and 1 IC to Japan and 1 IC to Germany - we’ll see how it goes!! (8 IPC bid)
its IPC not IC
Right. And also, we’re talking about buys, not bid placements, which is what I described - DOH! I have a neat idea for G1, but I won’t post it here until Jennifer and Frimmel play their R1…
2 Destroyers, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Artillery???
thats a grave gamble. and as for you froodster: WHO THE HELL BIDS $36??
In my current game my Russian R1 purchase was 1Bomber, 1 Armor, 1 Infantry, save 1 dollar. As we have yet to complete the first round I don’t know how well it will work. I prefer to use air assets with Russia anyway as they land behind the lines and do not become ireplacable casualties like armor.
As far as a Russian AC I have used that before although not on round one. It was an intentional throw away purchase to get the Germans to use their air assets to attack fighters deffending at 4. While I lost a fleet I had no real use for the Germans lost most of their luftwaffe which was my goal.
thats a grave gamble. and as for you froodster: WHO THE HELL BIDS $36??
It was 2 IPCs, not 2 ICs.
thats a grave gamble. and as for you froodster: WHO THE HELL BIDS $36??
It was 2 IPCs, not 2 ICs.
naturally this was an obvious typo - he just typed that we had a bid of 8 ipcs, and with 2 inf, it’s only natural that 1 ipc each would go to japan and germany.
And Jen - what are you talking about? -
What are the traditional Turn 1 buys?
this isn’t written in stone but IN KGF
Russia: 2inf,2art,2tank
Germany: 4inf, 3art, 2trn
UK: 2 trn,4 inf
Japan: 3trn,1art save 2 ipc or 2trn and 1 ic with bid
USA: 3trn,1inf, 3 tanks sav 4 -
I think Jen is suggesting that might be my G1 buy.
I may as well tip my hand - I’ll be building 2 ICs, one in Algeria and one in Libya, and one sub in the baltic after moving the original baltic fleet to SZ 3. I even save $2 for G2 with that build! Or maybe just 5 subs…
I think Jen is suggesting that might be my G1 buy.
I may as well tip my hand - I’ll be building 2 ICs, one in Algeria and one in Libya, and one sub in the baltic after moving the original baltic fleet to SZ 3. I even save $2 for G2 with that build! Or maybe just 5 subs…
tu est locco :lol:. thats funny it would probally be more worth it to transport from italy.
You’re right - I’ll put the ICs in Norway and West Russia instead.