New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • Moderator

    Gulf of mexico to NY would make the transition from the Atlantic to the Pacific to easy

  • Wow, group, low turnout this week.  One post with suggestions?  That’s it?

    Is everyone happy with what has been suggested?

    The following are only two zones apart.
    Hawaii to San Diego
    West Africa to Portugal
    Pacific Northwest to Aleutian Islands

    I have added the following ports pairs.  I don’t think this will be the final list, I’m still not sure about some of them.

    Cape Town to Brazil
    Cape Town to Madras
    Madras to Australia
    Japan to Caroline Islands
    New Guinea to Canberra
    Lower Egypt to Cape Town
    Lower Egypt to Gibraltar
    Archangel to Great Britain
    Washington to Great Britain
    Great Britain to Gibraltar
    Washington to Morocco
    Tunisia to Crimea
    Malay to Shantung (or anywhere on SZ 106)

    Other thoughts:
    Port on Java??

    Needed 2 port icons:  (I still don’t like the way this looks)
    Great Britain
    Lower Egypt

  • It’s Friday!

    The Seventh draft has arrived!

    I have made the following changes from the sixth draft:

    Sea Zones have been numbered.
    Ocean Names


    When reviewing the map please consider both historical accuracy and game play.
    The image has been reduced by 50% for faster downloads. (Makes it a little fuzzy)
    Unfinished elements have been removed.
    This is a work in progress.

  • Forgot:

    San diego

    Puget Sound

    Mariana islands


    Port in Iraq- basra route of Lend lease for Soviets in south

    Ceylon ( not that place on tip of india)



    One in texas

    Southern Italy

    Turkish straights


    western france

    southern france

  • My friends and I want to play the Global War variant.  Should I print v7 of the Map or wait for more refinement?  How balanced is the game?  Has it been play tested much?  Is there a ‘normal’ opening bid for the axis?

    Why not make China its own nation instead of an american subsidary?

    What impact does Italy not moving at the same time as Germany have on the game?



  • Wait they have two craigs? Brothers?

  • Is the full resolution Paint Shop Pro files for version 7 of the map available?  Any recommendation if I should spend the $$$ to print v7 or wait for a later revision?

  • its not finished yet… wait for the final version.

  • Deepblue, my suggestion would be to start putting seaports in every spot the people suggest one should be from a historical perspective.  Then go back and take off any that don’t pair up with at least one other port that’s three spaces away.  After that looks for ones that only link up at three spaces if you take an indirect route, but are only two spaces away if you take a direct route.  Most of those ones can be removed, too.  After that, you can look for ones that might need to be removed for gameplay reasons.

  • yes good approach!

  • I don’t care what the actual names of the ports are.

    When referring to ports refer to the territory the port will be attached to.  This will hopefully speed things up and allow people to follow the thread more easily.

  • Currently there are 29 port icons on the map.

    Almost every territory that a port before has one now with a few exceptions.

    The major exception is the west cost of the United States it is just not far enough or too close to everything.

    One idea is to put a port on Kamchatka.  What do you think?

  • Their was no port there. The only warm water Soviet port that could qualify was Vladivlastok.

  • It’s Friday!

    The Eighth draft has arrived!

    I have made the following changes from the seventh draft:



    When reviewing the map please consider both historical accuracy and game play.
    The image has been reduced by 50% for faster downloads. (Makes it a little fuzzy)
    Unfinished elements have been removed.
    This is a work in progress.

  • Starts to look better and better!  Maybe add a harbor to the north of Norway (Narvik) and an airbase to the Azores. (it was used for that only)

  • What happened to Ceylon, Kiel, Dakar, Calcutta, Mariannas,Port Moresby,Puget sound, Vladivlastok, Portsmouth, and San diego?

    These are in every case more important than the ones you did sake Hawaii.

  • Greetings.

    I’m new to the site as a poster and have a few comments…

    First, a top-notch job with this map, best seen to date. (Would it be possible to get a PDF or Illustrator version at some point?).

    1. Recommend reinstating the SZ line between DENMARK and the border NORWAY/SWEDEN. —OR— As an alternative, extend the southern line of SZ-10 to DENMARK and give SZ-10 a vertical eastern border from DENMARK to NORWAY creating a ne SZ west of DENMARK. (Note: For what it’s worth, the Kiel Canal (then the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal) allowed German ships to travel from the Baltic to the North Sea without having to go around Denmark and avoid potentially dangerous storm-prone seas.  The Bismarck traveled through the canal during its short career. It might be cool to add that feature – just a thought.)
    Rational: Bombers from anywhere in the UK can hit GERMANY and POLAND via the Danish Staits in the Baltic (and vis versa) – never passing over Western European ground positions.  This should not be possible – the bombers of that era just didn’t have that kind of range especially navigating to stay over water as presented.  (Bombers from Berlin/Warsaw to Edinburgh/Glasgow?)

    2. Why isn’t Hong Kong a VC? I’d include it before I gave a VC to Okinawa’s Naha.
    Raitional: It was a MAJOR port of the Far East during WWII, if not one of the most important.

    3. Recommend adding the Falkland Islands.
    Rational: During World War II, the Falkland Islands served as a Royal Navy station and serviced ships which took part in the Battle of the River Plate.

    4. Recommend adding the Diego Garcia inside SZ-63 (after all it is as important as Johnston Island is in the Pacific).
    Rational: The RAF seaplane outpost was established to partol the Indian Ocean sealanes;  the island also serviced battle damages ships.
    Note:  The Corvette HMIS BENGAL, an Australian built minesweeper in the service of the Indian Navy which had been escorting the Royal Dutch tanker ONDINA, arrives at Diego Garcia to repair battle damage after a battle with the Japanese Armed Merchant Cruisers HOKOKU MARU and AIKOKU MARU; the HOKOKU MARU’swas sunk as a result.  This victory causes the Imperial Japanese Navy to abandon commerce raiding with surface ships in the Indian Ocean.

    Thanks for all the work you all are doing – I look forward to the final product.


  • A Western US port would only function if you also had one in Kamchatka, Solomons, Gilberts, Wake, or Johnston…. or Cuba/East coast of Panama!

    Great work on the map deepblue, I have been following this thread with much interest!


  • Welcome Raider & OutsideLime,

    Glad to see some new “faces” on the thread.

    Raider your suggestions are good but…

    1. Well crap, your right I see the issue.  I have not had time to really look at this but it looks like the only way to “fix” it is to add a sea zone.  This means renumbering the sea zones.  I loath the thought, where were you two weeks ago?

    Group do you agree with Raider’s suggestion?

    1. You can’t compare VCs from two different nations.  Each has a set and equal number of VCs with values.  The decision was between Hong Kong and Singapore, and Singapore won.

    3 & 4) The map is set except for game play issues like the one you discovered.  I can’t keep adding to this map it will never get finished.


    A Western US port would only function if you also had one in Kamchatka, Solomons, Gilberts, Wake, or Johnston…. or Cuba/East coast of Panama!

    Does anyone like any of these ports?  It is a bit odd to not have a port on the western United States.

    Thanks for the support, keep the suggestions coming.

  • Gentlemen,

    I would like to close the port topic soon.

    So… is everyone happy with the current ports?  If not please get your suggestions up on the thread.  Remember that ports need a pair so list pairs and use the names on the map so thread members can follow the discussion easier.


    Everyone happy with the current airfields.  I will be adding one on the Azores per Micoom’s suggestion.

    How about Europe or Russia? There seems to be a shortage of airfields in the Atlantic theater.

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