Hey, Deepblue, great job of the changes and edits you’ve made to the map. They look great. I should probably apologize for posting the map and then just disappearing. I’ve been without internet for while.  Anyways, unless you really don’t want to, I’d love it if you kept working on the map. You’re more on top of getting outside input than I ever was, and frankly I have a feeling I’d be too busy to do it right. All I ask is that when you’re done, post the .psp files with everything in layers still. That would be awsome. After looking at your updated map, I do have a few issues, though…
A. Having Germany start so close to Moscow might create some game play issues. Namely I think it might cut down on a lot of the possible dynamics on the eastern front. Unless the starting setup is done extremely well, games might often play out with Germany buying all tanks every turn to send right towards Moscow, and with Russia buying all men every turn to defend Moscow. Also, by starting Germany so far forward, you pretty much force the German player to always commit to going after Russia first. Granted, this is how games normally go either way, but it would be nice if the German player would at least have the option of going defensive on the eastern front and then trying an Operation Sealion or a big push through Africa and the Middle East.
Remeber, in the new rules I posted with my map originally, the new turn order is…
1. Germany
2. Russia
3. Japan
4. United Kingdom
5. Italy
6. USA
Having Germany go first, while already all the way in Western Russia might really restrict the starting setup. I would suggest putting Baltic States, Western Russia, Eastern Ukraine, and Crimea back under Russian control at the start of the game, and then have Germany’s starting setup put them in a position to take those four territories on the first turn of the game, if they decide to.
B. Italian Territory. In the turn order above, you’ll see that United Kingdom gets to move before Italy. This means, that you could give Italy a little more territory at the start, such as Abyssinia or Italian Somaliland, and then just make sure that the UK starts in a position to take these on its first turn and bring the map back closer to historical alignment. Granted, Japan goes before both UK and Italy, and its generally assumed that Japan’s first turn signifies December of 1941, however from a gameplay standpoint, Japan’s first move has pretty much zero impact on what’s going on in Africa, so I don’t think it would necessarily be bad to fudge things there just a little bit for the sake of gameplay.
C. China and new infantry. I saw that someone earlier in this thread posted the rules from Axis & Allies: Pacific on how China gets new infantry each turn. When I made this map, I never intended for it to be played with those rules. I compensated for them by just giving China a larger number of men in their starting set up. I think you should still put the Chinese capital symbol in Chungking, however you should probably make two different starting setups so that players can play both with and without the AA:P rule. Also, the AA:P rule will probably need to be modified slightly, even if it is used. In regular AA:P, China only starts with control of two territories with an IPC value. In my map they start in control of 9 such territories. If you followed the AA:P rules with no modification, I think that would be far too many new infantry for China to get each turn. I think a simpler route would be to just give China more starting men scattered through out all their territories. The men in the west would then take a few turns to get to the Japanese front, which would probably work out the same as having a few new men pop in at Chungking each turn.
D. Burma Road, Trans-Siberian Railway, Trans-Continental Railroad. I saw there was some debate about weather to keep these or not. Personally I would suggest putting them back in. Without the Trans-Siberian Railway, it would take the Russian player 7 long turns to send new infantry or artillery to a possible Japanese front. By the same token, a Japanese player who’s trying to make a push against Russia would have to take 7+ turns to get infantry or artillery to Moscow. Without the Railway, I have a feeling most games are going to end up playing out in two seperate theaters, with Japan and Germany not ever working together on a more tactical level. With the railway there, players have the option of not following history, if they desire to. The Burma Road is probably the least necessary of the three, however my goal with it was to give the UK player a way to reinforce China in a somewhat timely fashion. As for the Trans-Continental Railroad, without it, it would take US infantry 4 whole turns to move between Western United States and Washington. That seemed like too long of time to me. With the railroad the US player can shuffle troops between both coasts in only two turns, which is how it is in normal revised AA.
E. Northwest Territores. I would suggest moving this text more over to the right so that it clearly touches the land mass north of Quebec. This would make it more clear that this land mass is supposed to be part of the Northwest Territories. (Assuming that’s what you intended.)
F. The long, thing island north of Japan. I have no idea what the island is supposed to be called, but since you added to many other small islands, you might as well put a name on it. The other option would be to clarify that its part of the main Japanese islands, and thus Japan touches that sea zone. If it is supposed to be part of the main Japanese islands, then I would move the border line south of it more to the north, so that it passes through the middile of the small, thin island. This would make things more clear.
G. We should probably clarify weather or not two two sea zones on the left and right of the Philippines touch or not.
H. I saw you got rid of the Battleship image in the Atlantic to make room for the Azores and Bermuda. You might as well get rid of the destroyer and bomber images in the other two oceans, too. I know some people don’t like stuff like that on their game board anyways, and with only two images left, I don’t think they add much anymore.
Anyways, that’s all I can think of right now. Keep up the great work. Once you get it down I’ll have to print out a new copy to replace my old map.