• I simply used Testor oil paint for my metal naval units and other plastric part and never had problem.


  • I only painted UK.
    Because they came green and pink.
    The other countries are alright. Germany in my 2nd copy of revised got a little darker but not too noticeable.

  • When you wash the pieces do just use water or do you use soap?

  • dont need either, but if you must dish soap and warm water and let dry before painting.

  • yeah I used both warm water and a little bit of dish soap
    forgot if I rinsed though…

  • I agree washing pieces isn’t 100% necessary, but doesn’t hurt. For detailing, I use Tamiya paints which are pretty durable, quick drying, easy to clean and can take a bit of rattling around in the trays. I added a few decals to some pieces to give them a bit of color (used as special pieces in a rules variant - see attached pic)

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • Polywog what and how do these new units perform?

    also you got a better picture.

  • The infantry are paratroops. They attack at 2 / defend at 3. I opted to not use bombers or air transports to carry them, but rather to assume that transport is available during the combat move from (only) any terrirtory of an ally’s home color. Transport move is 3 spaces & subject to any AA in the defending territory during drop. The units otherwise behave as infantry.

    The battleship is Japanese - it’s a normal battleship but attacks and defends at 5. (Yamato/Musashi)

    The two German tanks att 4/def 4 and like BB’s take 2 hits to destroy. The US tank att 3/def 4 and has a free non-combat move like the “panzerblitz” NA.

    In the rules variant, these units can’t be purchased. They are “issued” to each player depending on rolls determined from “special rules cards”. Sort of like bonus pieces/bonus techs. The cards (attached, but still a work in process) go along with a few additional rules having mostly to do with making techs useful/available/interesting… The idea is to roll 1 die at the start of a turn and do that number on the card and lower for that turn. For the first 3 turns, slots 1, 2 and 3 are “automatic”. I’d appreciate any feedback on the cards or the concept.

    Unfortunately, I have a better pic of the pieces, but is waaaay over the 128 k attachment limit.

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • I see those cards you made. Interesting.do they take place of the NA’s? or are they lust like risk and you get one at the end of your turn?

  • Yes, they do take the place of NAs. For example, Russia has 4 cards: 1 for turn 1, one for turn 2, on for turn 3 and one to cover all other turns. Before purchase new units turn 1, russia rolls 1 die and follows the instructions for that die roll and lower on that card. Units acquired are placed on their slot on the card until the place new units phase of russia’s turn (so that the player can keep track of which units go in which assigned territories). At the end beginning of russia’s 2nd turn, they use the turn 2 card …and so on. These units are in addition to any “normal” purchases and do not count towards a territory’s production limits.

  • Ok great. I was gonna do something like that with AARHE… but i really grow tired of making hundreds of player aids. Its like working at Mcdonalds back when i was 15.

    Another thing to add to the list…

    Heck if you want to help us out it would be great!

    its up to you.

  • Sure! I’d love to help.  Let me know what I can do.

    By the way, the goal of these cards (like so many other variants) was to point each player towards some historical similarity (Germany produces subs most turns, is likely to develop jets, rockets, etc). Also, I never liked the OOB techs or the NA’s but liked the idea of both.

  • Ok head over to AARHE NA’s we are working on Italy which is for the phase three map

    We need about 15 total NA’s so that the deck of ‘cards’ will have many choices. Like your idea we made the NA’s random picked in a sequence (about 2-3 each turn we are currently looking at)

    The cards and your ideas are right up our style of things.

    Also take a look at our current NA’s for Russia and Germany which were basically complete, but if you feel it has some holes or you think some other ideas are better then jump in and we will come back and make changes.

    We have yet to do Italy, UK, Japan, and USA

    of course we will add your name to the contribution list for full credit.

    But do help us with getting out some more ideas. Each nation needs about 15 NA’s  and its better to have more and trim the fat off latter.

  • Cards for NAs can be good.

    Random. Secret (until revealed). Anti-cheat.

  • Getting Krylon spray here in the Netherlands is not that easy,  :? I’m thinking of using Tamiya spray for the job. See here for a list of colors;

    For Russia TS-1 Red Brown or TS-33 Dull Red 
    For Germany TS-4 German Grey 
    For Italy TS-32 Haze Grey
    For Japan TS-34 Camel Yellow
    For UK AS-15 Tan
    For US  TS-5 Olive Drab
    For China TS-3 Dark Yellow
    For France TS-10 French Blue

    any suggestions on the choice of colors??

  • Those paints are like 6 buks a can… If you go with krylon you got a huge can for 3 bucks.

    Also make sure the paint is specifically for plastic.

  • @Imperious:

    Those paints are like 6 buks a can… If you go with krylon you got a huge can for 3 bucks.

    Also make sure the paint is specifically for plastic.

    True…  they are expensive.  BTW, you use the same krylon for the metal pieces of Skytrex\ GHQ etc…?

  • Actually i do. I used to think that it would peel off but thats not true. Krylon for plastics may not work for metal, but regular krylon does work.

    and dont use krylon for plastics because it sucks. It may sound weird but its true. its too watery

  • Arrgh…  :| Couldn’t find Krylon here in Holland… So I went with that expansive Tamiya stuff, and with some dutch brand… Russia, Red Brown, UK Dark yellow (looks like sand…) German, German Grey, Italy, Haze Grey, and Japan i have tried deep or camel yellow. But this yellow isn’t staying on the molds!!  :x I have even used a primer and still it won’t stick to either the plastic and metal… All other colors worked fine… Somebody knows what to do, for the yellow to stick??

  • you cant use that paint because its for metals.

    Cant you order paint from USA via internet?

    Is it some terrorist thing?

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