Baron, how bout this for a simplified (closer to OOB) approach, that puts convoy raids on the attackers turn:
1. Warships and Subs may conduct convoy raids against any income producing territory bordering a convoy zone. This works similar to a shore bombardment, with each participating ship simply targeting a specific territory (No need for a rough division of damage between allied powers bordering the same sz. The attacker simply chooses each ships target).
**2. Surface ships can only make a raid in an empty convoy zone (if enemy ships are present, a naval battle results. No raid). Submarines can raid any convoy zone, unless enemy destroyer is present (if enemy destroyer is present, a naval battle results. No raid).
3. Convoy raid damage is determined using the OOB method, with each raid inflicting up to the value of the targeted territory.** The total amount of damage is immediately removed from the targeted player’s treasury.
4. Each convoy zone can only be raided once per round, per side.
Sound good?
At first glance it seems effectively a working alternative to Convoy Disruption nearer OOB mechanic.
#1doesn’t seem necessary. Once the damage are rolled, you apply the damage accordingly and let the owners split as they wish. The same way casualty are determined by multiple defenders.
The damage cap would be the sum of all enemy’s adjacent TTs to Convoy SZ.
It would be easier to implement into Triple A.
What do you do about Fighter rolling 2D6, keeping 1-3 as damage?
I’m OK with TcB.
Any idea about Strategic bombers?
In OOB Convoy system, every 1D6 roll gives an avg of 1 IPC, 2D6 gives 2 IPCs.
But getting no damage is possible, and there is no risk to the attacker.
What about letting StB rolling 1D6 and keeping 1-3 as damage?
1 IPC avg is much lower than 2.583 IPCs (or 2.916) avg on SBR.
Even if I try to develop a Convoy system similar to SBR, I believe that to increase action in ATO, there should be minimal danger against raider during his Convoy raiding phase.
So the OOB method: 1-3 = 1-3 damage 4-6 = 0 damage
DD, CA, BB roll 1 D6, CV have no dice, TcBs and Fgs get 2D6 along with Subs,
is my prefered choice. It imply no risk but there is 50% on 1 dice to totally miss.
That’s fine for me. Combat units must fight Subs to get ride of them.
Changing this phase into attacker’s turn makes it more efficient.
The more units are able to survive somehow from combat or raid, the more intense would be this theatre of operation. There will be plenty of units in many SZs.
That is why I prefer OOB raid, TP being able to escape on 2nd round, DD blocking 1:1 Sub, and only for one round, Sub cannot hit or be hit by submarine, etc.
Also, I’m actually working on developing Convoy SZs for 1942.2, so only Sub can do convoy damage in a way that it increase the losses for Allies vs Axis but the counter will be 5-6-8-9-12-15 cost structure, which I believe favors 2 Allied powers over 1 Axis power (Japan).
I will use Convoy rules to reduce UK and US economy, so buying cheaper warships would still be a burden due to IPCs shortage. I have hope this can balance things out.
Since the cost structure affect warships only, Russia have no Convoy SZ, so its economy cannot suffer from raid.
Now, I can provide a complete and still simple National Convoy Disruption House rule for 1942.2.
IDK if this mechanic can also works with G40.
First thing, the Convoy SZ is to be identify with owner’s Control Marker.
All Convoy SZs worth 4 IPCs and are bordering at least 1 TT or have an island group in it.
These TTs can worth 0 IPC to many IPCs, this doesn’t change the 4 IPCs Convoy SZ basis.
Here is all 1942.2 Convoy SZs I would implement (some such as SZs 2, 3, 45, 53, 57 can be considered as Allied lend-lease shipping SZs coming from either UK or US toward Russia or Australia) :
United Kingdom 31 IPCs
8 SZs x 4 IPCs = 32 IPCs max.
SZ 3 (Iceland), 7 (Northern UK), 8 (Southern UK), 10 (Eastern Canada), 23 (West Africa),
SZ 34 (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Persia), 35 (India), 45 (North Eastern Australia)
United States 42 IPCs
9 SZs x 4 IPCs = 36 IPCs max.
SZ 2 (Greenland), 11 (US East Coast), 18 (Caribbean), 22 (Brazil),
SZ 53 (Hawaii), 55 (Mexico West Coast), 56 (US West Coast), 57 (Midway), 65 (Alaska/Western Canada)
Germany 41 IPCs
2 SZs x 4 IPCs = 8 IPCs max.
SZ 5 (Baltic)
SZ 15 (Italy)
Japan 30 IPCs
7 SZs x 4 IPCs = 28 IPCs max.
SZ 36 (Malaya), 37 (East Indies), 47 (Borneo),
SZ 48 (Philippines), 60 (Japan), 61 (China), 62 (Korea)
The most important thing to note :
lf at least 1 territory bordering (or the Island group within) the Convoy SZ is taken from his original owner and the Convoy SZ belong to the same owner, then this Convoy SZ is deactivated and can no longer be raided by enemy’s of the original Convoy SZ owner’s which have his control marker in this Convoy SZ.
When such Convoy SZ is deactivated, simply flip this Nation Control Marker face downward.
Only Submarine can raid Convoy SZ.
During Phase 3: Conduct Combat
Combat Sequence
1. Strategic and tactical bombing raids AND/OR Convoy Disruption
Each Submarine can either make a regular attack (Step 3. General combat) or a Convoy raid (Step 1. S&TBR AND/OR Convoy Disruption).
Even if there is warships (including DD) in Convoy SZ, Submarine can still make such raid.
Once the raid is done, Submarine cannot retreat and must stay in raided SZ.
Each 5 IPCs Submarine can make 1 IPC + 1 to 3 IPCs damage, by rolling 1D6: 1-3 = 1-3 IPCs / 4-6 = 0 damage.
So a single Sub always does at least 1 IPC damage (50% of the time, and more the other 50%).
There is no defense roll and Destroyer cannot do anything about it.
It is up to the Convoy SZ owner’s to send Destroyers (and more) on his turn to sink Subs.
These damage and odds are for:
5 IPCs Sub A2 first strike, D1 M2, damage: 1D6 (1-3= 1-3 / 4-6 = 0) +1 IPCs.
6 IPCs Destroyer A2 D2 M2, cancel 1:1 Sub Submerge and Stealth Move but not first strike.
If you want to play with OOB Sub and DD, then damage per Sub must be 2 IPCs + 1-3 IPCs.
The odds must be different because Submarine commander must see some benefits to not attack warships.
The odds for 5 IPCs Sub is 2/6 x 6 IPCs for DD = 2 IPCs damage on average.
1 IPC + 1-3 IPCs gives the same 2 IPCs average.
The odds for OOB 6 IPCs Sub are 2/6 x 8 IPCs DD = 2 2/3 IPCs
2 IPCs + 1-3 IPCs gives 3 IPCs average but the cap is 4, which gives 2 5/6 IPCs.
This is pretty close, and OOB Subs are lame ducks on defense vs DDs.
Damage are immediatly remove from Convoy owner’s hands, never more than 4 IPCs per SZ for the whole game round.
And attacker must put his own Control Markers (1 per IPCs damage) as a reminder for the game round of how many IPCs were raided if multiple raids occur from more than one alliance powers.
These Markers will be removed from the SZ during Convoy SZ’s owner 1. Purchase and Repair Units. Step 2: Pay for Units and Repair Damaged Units and Facilities.
Here is all AA50 Convoy SZs, 1941 set-up I would implement (some such as SZs 2, 3, 46, 53, 57 can be considered as Allied lend-lease shipping SZs coming from either UK or US toward Russia or Australia) :
United Kingdom 43 IPCs
8 SZs x 4 IPCs = 32 IPCs max.
SZ 3 (North East of UK), 8 (Southern UK), 9 (Eastern Canada), 17 (French West Africa),
SZ 34 (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Persia), 35 (India), 38 (East Indies), 46 (Solomon Islands)
United States 40 IPCs
9 SZs x 4 IPCs = 36 IPCs max.
SZ 2 (Greenland / Northern UK), 10 (US East Coast), 18 (Brazil), 19 (Caribbean),
SZ 53 (Hawaii), 55 (Mexico West Coast), 56 (US West Coast), 57 (Midway), 65 (Alaska/Western Canada)
Germany 31 IPCs
1 SZ x 4 IPCs = 4 IPCs max.
SZ 5 (Baltic)
Italy 10 IPCs
1 SZ x 4 IPCs = 4 IPCs max.
SZ 14 (Italy)
Japan 17 IPCs
6 SZs x 4 IPCs = 24 IPCs max.
SZ 36 (South Malaya), 37 (North Malaya),
49* (Borneo), SZ 50* (Philippines),
61 (China), 62 (Japan)
*Deactivated on set-up.
For G40 Convoy rules continuation