I always liked the classic SBR rules where you roll a dice per bomber and take that amount straight from their cash on hand. Off the top of my head, I would do something like… 1 or more warships in a convoy zone allows for 1d6 to take cash.
I truly believe Convoy disruption should be 4 IPCs cap per Convoy SZ
It is still near the OOB average around 4.6 IPCs per Convoy SZ.
**Bordeaux Convoy SZ 105 must be deleted.
If at least 1 TT bordering a Convoy SZ is on enemy’s hand, this SZ can be raid.
If two Allied Powers share a Convoy SZ, the economical damage must be split as evenly as possible between the two according to the number of TTs owned.
Also riping off the cash on hand is applied directly during attacker’s Convoy Raiding phase.**
Instead of direct naval combat on enemy’s ships, Submarines and Bombers (StB and TcB) should be able to make economic attack in a Convoy SZ on the attacker turn.
This should be easy to apply if attacker’s Control Markers are put in the Convoy SZ as reminder.
UK Europe will lost 8 IPCs at most to the 2 homeland Convoy SZ IPCs.
(Same pressure as OOB 8 IPCs from 6+2 TTs Convoy SZs)
Germany can only loose 4 IPCs from Finland-Norway Convoy SZ, and from any TTs conquered in UK, Southern France, or any North American conquered TTs.
(This make also the same economic pressure on Germany as OOB.)
Italy can only loose 4 IPCs, from Adriatic SZ. Or 8 IPCs, if it takes Southern France.
(Malta with aircrafts can become interesting as another way to raid on these two SZs.)
USA can loose 4 IPCs per Convoy SZ, which includes at the beginning Alaskan Sz (from 3 to 4 IPCs), Hawaiian (increase from 1 to 4 IPCs Convoy damage), Philippines Convoy SZs (increase from 2 to 4 IPCs Convoy damage) and Gulf of Mexico SZ (an increase from 3 to 4 IPCs Convoy damage).
This makes USA much more affected by distant raids from homeland than OOB, while east (12 IPCs) and west (10 IPCs) coasts are lowered to 4 IPCs (a more logical level), each.
Japan can only loose 4 IPCs from homeland Convoy SZs but one DEI islands Convoy SZ rise from 3 to 4 and Philippines’ SZ Convoy damage rise from 2 IPCs to 4 IPCs.
Anzac is also much more vulnerable to Convoy Raid, up to 3 SZs at 4 IPCs each = 12 IPCs economic damage.
(Solomon’s Islands now become far more interesting as a base to raid these 3 SZs with Bombers.)
URSS have still nothing to loose.
Warships as a whole fleet can raid an empty Convoy SZ for 1D6.
Each Submarine can either attack enemy’s warships and TPs in a Convoy SZ OR raid the Merchant Convoy, for 1D6 damage.
**Each Tac bomber can either attack ennemy’s warships OR raid a Convoy SZ for 1D6 damage,
Each Strategic bomber can either attack enemy’s warships and TPs OR raid a Convoy SZ for 1D6+2 damage.
But Fighter cannot perform any Merchant Convoy Raid (MCR).
However, Fighters on Carriers in the SZ can be use as interceptors to protect Merchants Convoy against TcBs and StBs.
Same rule apply as in SBR:
Roll for bombers vs interceptors segment.
Remove casualties.
Then, all attack rolls must submit to a Convoy preemptive defense @1,**
coming from Destroyer Escorts, Corvettes and AA gun added on Merchants ships.
Against Submarines there is no Fighters defense, only the preemptive roll @1 per Submarine.
1 preemptive roll per each Submarine, TcB, StB or 1 preemptive roll against a whole fleet of warships.
To increase some kind of Convoy raid such as in Battle of the Atlantic and subwarfare, Submarine needs probably to be able to fight both naval combat AND economic battle in a given round of play.
Here is my suggestion:
**Sub either attacks surface vessels and TPs OR makes a Merchants’ ships Convoy Raid (MCR)
in Convoy SZ, as suggested above, damage per Submarine unit: 1D6 IPCs taken from enemy’s hand.
Defender roll a preemptive @1 against each Sub doing a raid, this picturing the Destroyer Escorts and Corvettes work.
Shipping Lines Disruption (SLD) is available to any Sub (no matter if it attacked or made a raid, or was on the move earlier in the turn) which is alive and still in a Convoy SZ.
Each Sub doing Shipping Line Disruption destroys 1 IPC from enemy’s hand.
4 IPCs maximum still apply per Convoy SZ.**
This could simulate how Subs Staying on Station are ready to fall on any defenseless lonely pray passing by.
This 4 IPCs cap can also be an incentive to scatter Subs in many Convoy SZs as much as possible to optimize IPCs losses OR to make a kind of Wolfpack attack with multiple Subs at no risk during SLD.
In addition, this SLD for Submarine only make them more cost efficient on economic damage at sea.
With such cap at 4 IPCs:
StB (cost 12) odds would be 3.194 -2 = 1.194 IPCs/MCR
TcB (cost 12) odds would be 2.5 -2 = 0.5 IPCs/MCR
Sub (cost 5) odds would be 2.5 -0.833 = 1.667 IPCs/MCR + 1 IPC/SLD = 2.667 IPCs/Raid
Compared to economic damage on isolated IC or Bases, aircrafts are near half less cost efficient doing Convoy Raid:
OOB G40 SBR StB on IC only 4.583 -2= 2.583 IPCs/SB Raid
G40 SBR HRed with StB taken down by IC’AA gun able to do 2 IPCs damage:
4.916 -2= 2.916 IPCs/SB Raid
TBR with Tactical B (12 IPCs) dmg 1D6 (avg 3.5 IPCs): +2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPCs damage/TB Raid
Sub 2.667 IPCs (1.667 per MCR+ 1 per SLD) VS StB 1.194 IPCs per MCR only.
According to both HR game mechanics I suggested, you can see both StBs (2.916 IPCs/SBR) and Subs (2.667 IPCs/ MCR+SLD) would be statistically near even point against their favorite targets.
However, another feature is required to keep track of the IPCs loss per Convoy SZ.
For each IPC paid due to MCR or SLD in a given SZ, put 1 attacker’s Control Marker in this Convoy SZ.
When it reaches 4 markers (you can also use plastic chips under 1 Control Marker worth 1, plus each chip worth 1 so a single 3 green chip means a given SZ has been emptied of 4 IPCs goods), any additional IPC damage in this individual Convoy SZ have no effect.
That way, the raided player would have a mean to remember how much damage was taken per each individual SZ during the whole game round and how many powers made the raid.
Example, Italy in 1 Adriatic SZ can be MCR by UK and USA, if UK ripe off Italy of 2 IPCs and USA rolls for 4 damage, it will be easy to stop at 2 IPCs by looking on the number of UK’s Control Markers/chips.
I believe it is this need to keep tracks of the situation which make Larry put Convoy Disruption just before the Collect income phase of a Power, instead of the attacking Power’s turn.