• OMG how can you say that? Al, valve games suck dirt. The people move like chickens with lame “click clack” shoe sounds. I feel they are all wearing high heal shoes. Do you even own COD2? Activision runs circles around valve. BTW did you know Valve was the last company that finally figured out how to stop the motion sickness in their games. like 2 years after activision came out with the original “soldier of fortune”. How lame is that?

  • Oviously not a CSS player huh?  :lol:

    I like Valve games, they rock.  CoD2 got boring REALLY quick for me.  The first CoD was wayyyyyyyyy better with the United Offensive expansion.  I like the ragdoll in Day of Defeat Source and the blood graphics.  Also it takes more teamwork to win a game in DoD: Source than CoD2 and I like teamwork games, even though sometimes I like to go rambo and kill like five enemys with no regard for my life.  :wink:


    BTW did you know Valve was the last company that finally figured out how to stop the motion sickness in their games. like 2 years after activision came out with the original “soldier of fortune”. How lame is that?

    Meh……the Japs have no problem with entertainment that causes people to be sick.  Like those cartoons that give you epilepsy if you watch them.  So we shouldnt either.  Yummy!

  • United Offensive expansion is not COD2 its nothing like it.  Well did you like soldier of fortune 2?  That game kicks any half life game as well. So did castle wolfenstein ( the last version).

  • @Imperious:

    United Offensive expansion is not COD2 its nothing like it.  Well did you like soldier of fortune 2?  That game kicks any half life game as well. So did castle wolfenstein ( the last version).

    What are you talking about man?  CoD UO was farkin sweet!!  Tanks, Jeeps, mobile machine guns, large maps.  All those things arent in CoD2.  When you make a series like CoD, you dont progress forward then go backwards.  They went forward in graphics but went a step backward in gameplay.  I didnt like Soldier of Fortune, but I did like RTCW.  I was addicted to that game for years.

  • Yea RTCW!  you know the trick to defeat multiplayer on the d-day map was to post a flame thrower behind the door in the bunker below the stairway. You just need a guy to refill your flame pack about 3 times. It makes the defense of the suitcase nearly perfect.

  • Oh yea……many a trick on mp_beach.  I like the trick jump over the left seawall breach as the axis.  There is also a way to make yourself jump the wall from the spawn as allies.  Of course everyone knows the instant reload/and infinite ammo trick (where you just drop your weapon before using a whole clip and pick it back up right away.)  I like the map village better.  It was a fun map to play.  Also I liked the map assault, cause it was a long map to try and get the objective done.  Ice was also pretty fun.

  • Yea those were the good old days… I just to play that like every day. I had a huge load of custom maps for that game… like about 100 maps for MP.

  • @Imperious:

    Yea those were the good old days… I just to play that like every day. I had a huge load of custom maps for that game… like about 100 maps for MP.

    Same here with WolfET.  The game itself takes up like 250 MB of HDD space.  I had soooooo many custom maps, my WolfET folder ended up being 2 gigs.  :-o

  • Your discussion is futile.  Red Orchestra pwns all.

    Actually, I liked CoD a whole lot, best single player WW2 by far.  I’ve not played the 2nd in multiplayer, but the first was very good, UO was good but sometimes not so fun…

    I played a bunch of the original DoD, tried to get into the source version, but couldn’t

    As far as Steam games go, I’ve been against it for sometime, but RO and Dark Messiah (check it out, freaking sweet!) have changed my mind.  Team Fortress 2 should be nice as well.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Your discussion is futile.  Red Orchestra pwns all.

    Actually, I liked CoD a whole lot, best single player WW2 by far.  I’ve not played the 2nd in multiplayer, but the first was very good, UO was good but sometimes not so fun…

    I played a bunch of the original DoD, tried to get into the source version, but couldn’t

    As far as Steam games go, I’ve been against it for sometime, but RO and Dark Messiah (check it out, freaking sweet!) have changed my mind.  Team Fortress 2 should be nice as well.

    Dark Messiah feels a lot like Half-Life 2 with the Dragon Crates.

    About the motion sickness, I still get it from Half-Life 2 when you are in the buggy.

  • Yea how come Half- Life is the only program that still hasnt solved the motion sickness programming issues? That was solved by like every company, but many friends hate that game because it gives a real pain in the head.

  • Never had the motion sickness thing.  I usually get into the game enough that much of movement doesn’t bother me.  However, if I jump of a ledge, I can “feel” the fall.  I get the weird feeling in real life too, driving fast over small hills or on the swinging pirate ship amusement park rides.

    Anyway, IL, you need to see Red Orchestra.  You may not like Steam or Valve that much, but RO is a quality piece of gaming for anyone who wants a realistic WW2 experience.  And you can shoot dudes arms off with a tank rifle.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Never had the motion sickness thing.  I usually get into the game enough that much of movement doesn’t bother me.  However, if I jump of a ledge, I can “feel” the fall.  I get the weird feeling in real life too, driving fast over small hills or on the swinging pirate ship amusement park rides.

    Anyway, IL, you need to see Red Orchestra.  You may not like Steam or Valve that much, but RO is a quality piece of gaming for anyone who wants a realistic WW2 experience.  And you can shoot dudes arms off with a tank rifle.

    I dont like the infantry fighting in Red Orchestra, but I love tanks.  :-D  The T34/85 is awesome, and the Panther is also a bad ass tank.  I dont like the Tiger so much.  It is powerful, but its slow in reloading and speed.

  • I like the infantry or combined arms maps better…

    Just can’t stand tank only battles as they are so huge with little fighting going on.  Why waste 5 minutes to get into a 30 sec firefight?

  • @Jermofoot:

    I like the infantry or combined arms maps better…

    Just can’t stand tank only battles as they are so huge with little fighting going on.  Why waste 5 minutes to get into a 30 sec firefight?

    Ill agree with you on that.  I like to shoot infantry when im in a tank, and im sure its likewise with infantry armed with anti-tank weapons.  Some people are just tank kind of people (such as myself) and some people are infantry kind (such as yourself Jermo.)

  • @MechanizedWarfare:


    I like the infantry or combined arms maps better…

    Just can’t stand tank only battles as they are so huge with little fighting going on.  Why waste 5 minutes to get into a 30 sec firefight?

    Ill agree with you on that.  I like to shoot infantry when im in a tank, and im sure its likewise with infantry armed with anti-tank weapons.  Some people are just tank kind of people (such as myself) and some people are infantry kind (such as yourself Jermo.)

    I love tanks though, if you have good people.  And having infantry help cover you while they move up is essential.  I like driving in halftracks too, that’s why I love Makhnovo so much.  You playing tonight?

  • @Jermofoot:



    I like the infantry or combined arms maps better…

    Just can’t stand tank only battles as they are so huge with little fighting going on.  Why waste 5 minutes to get into a 30 sec firefight?

    Ill agree with you on that.  I like to shoot infantry when im in a tank, and im sure its likewise with infantry armed with anti-tank weapons.  Some people are just tank kind of people (such as myself) and some people are infantry kind (such as yourself Jermo.)

    I love tanks though, if you have good people.  And having infantry help cover you while they move up is essential.  I like driving in halftracks too, that’s why I love Makhnovo so much.  You playing tonight?

    I wished I had it.  I just played it on the free weekend.  I havent bought a game in about a year and a half.

  • Since this is the thread me and IL argued between DoD and CoD I decided to post here.

    Although the new CoD3 game looks like itll have the same SP (which was the whole reason I said it was going to suck) I was happy to see that CoD3 will have a very good MP and I now have a renewed hope for this game.

    The MP will have the same concepts as the CoD United offensive (about damn time!!), using jeeps, tanks, mobile MG’s, and the ranking system.  I was happy about that, after CoD 2’s dissapointing MP being so plain after they made such a kick ass MP in CoD UO.  So now that they were on the right track, I was even more surprised to hear that they were implementing some concepts from other games.  Now there are going to be different classes, much like in RTCW or the Battlefield series.  There will be classes that can heal you (medic), give you ammo, destroy tanks (bazooka/panzerfaust), or can call artillery (sniper).  Also there will be a class that can deploy landmines to cover certain areas (much like Wolf ET.)  Mobile MG’s can be set up on any surface and you can fire them while standing up (much like DoD.)  Im glad to see that they are finally making a good game using concepts from here and there to finally make a bad ass MP.  Cant wait for its release.  :wink:

  • @MechanizedWarfare:

    Since this is the thread me and IL argued between DoD and CoD I decided to post here.

    Although the new CoD3 game looks like itll have the same SP (which was the whole reason I said it was going to suck) I was happy to see that CoD3 will have a very good MP and I now have a renewed hope for this game.

    The MP will have the same concepts as the CoD United offensive (about damn time!!), using jeeps, tanks, mobile MG’s, and the ranking system.  I was happy about that, after CoD 2’s dissapointing MP being so plain after they made such a kick a** MP in CoD UO.  So now that they were on the right track, I was even more surprised to hear that they were implementing some concepts from other games.  Now there are going to be different classes, much like in RTCW or the Battlefield series.  There will be classes that can heal you (medic), give you ammo, destroy tanks (bazooka/panzerfaust), or can call artillery (sniper).  Also there will be a class that can deploy landmines to cover certain areas (much like Wolf ET.)  Mobile MG’s can be set up on any surface and you can fire them while standing up (much like DoD.)  Im glad to see that they are finally making a good game using concepts from here and there to finally make a bad a** MP.  Cant wait for its release.  :wink:

    Never got to play COD2 multiplayer.  UO was fun, and the original was great - but I think many people were looking for more from the original than taking the vehicle route.  I don’t know what to think.  I loved the original, but it’s starting to sound like the battlefield series (which is good, but I don’t need another).

  • @Jermofoot:


    Since this is the thread me and IL argued between DoD and CoD I decided to post here.

    Although the new CoD3 game looks like itll have the same SP (which was the whole reason I said it was going to suck) I was happy to see that CoD3 will have a very good MP and I now have a renewed hope for this game.

    The MP will have the same concepts as the CoD United offensive (about damn time!!), using jeeps, tanks, mobile MG’s, and the ranking system.  I was happy about that, after CoD 2’s dissapointing MP being so plain after they made such a kick a** MP in CoD UO.  So now that they were on the right track, I was even more surprised to hear that they were implementing some concepts from other games.  Now there are going to be different classes, much like in RTCW or the Battlefield series.  There will be classes that can heal you (medic), give you ammo, destroy tanks (bazooka/panzerfaust), or can call artillery (sniper).  Also there will be a class that can deploy landmines to cover certain areas (much like Wolf ET.)  Mobile MG’s can be set up on any surface and you can fire them while standing up (much like DoD.)  Im glad to see that they are finally making a good game using concepts from here and there to finally make a bad a** MP.  Cant wait for its release.  :wink:

    Never got to play COD2 multiplayer.  UO was fun, and the original was great - but I think many people were looking for more from the original than taking the vehicle route.  I don’t know what to think.  I loved the original, but it’s starting to sound like the battlefield series (which is good, but I don’t need another).

    Well the only thing that would probaly beat CoD 3 is if Dice decided to go back and do WWII and make it even awesomer.  Then without a doubt I probaly wont play CoD 3 cause id be so damn addicted to flying.  :-D

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