If you are playing a KJF (or playing 50/50 correctly), losing India should not be a concern.
I would agree an IC in an all out KGF is a bad idea.
But the russians can support India sufficiently in most cases.
Not if Germany built no fleet G1. Then UK air takes out baltic fleet.
A G1 AC is so common that it is now almost a “given”, and Ihave even had some good discussions supporting an AC AND TRN on G1, both in the Baltic…
Perhaps “here in this forum” it is common. It is not as common in others (Caspian for instance). I know at Gencon I havent seen many others use it, though I have.
But I wouldnt think because it happens alot here it happens everywhere.It doesn’t.
As for AC+ buys, if you know how to play Germany you can utilize several AC buys. AC+T, AC+3T, AC+2T+S. Depending on circumstances all can be effective.
Seeing as this thread is horribly derailed…
What about a German AC/2 TRN, 2 Artillery purchase on G1; placeing the fleet in SZ 14 and the Artillery in S. Europe.
You’ll own Africa forever and you can quickly shift units from S> Europe to Caucasus by passing stacks of Russians in Ukraine if you so wish…anyway, it’s a lot faster then walking from Italy to Stalingrad by way of Greece and the Ukraines.
Seeing as this thread is horribly derailed…
What about a German AC/2 TRN, 2 Artillery purchase on G1; placeing the fleet in SZ 14 and the Artillery in S. Europe.
You’ll own Africa forever and you can quickly shift units from S> Europe to Caucasus by passing stacks of Russians in Ukraine if you so wish…anyway, it’s a lot faster then walking from Italy to Stalingrad by way of Greece and the Ukraines.
Because this does nothing to save the baltic fleet. You lose valuable IPC’s that way.
An AC purchase there with the med fleet going west will put a stronger fleet out there to protect africa.
An AC purchase may save the Baltic Fleet for one round. 2 or 3 Rounds in a unification scenario. However, it does nothing for pulling the allies out of position to help Russia. If anything, it forces them to be as slow as they should be, so they are prepared to make a strong move against Germany.
However, an AC/2 Transports in the Med are very secure (considering you also have a BB/Trn to start with). It threatens/protects T-J, Egypt, IEA (if Canal is open), Madagascar (If Canal is open.), Kenya (if Canal is open); Gibraltar, W. Europe, S. Europe, Balkans, Libya, Algeria, Ukraine, Caucasus, Fr. W. Africa and Brazil all from the 4 sea zones in the Med. And you can bring a significant invasion force with you. (4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Armor w/BB shot and 2 Fighters.) Should you need to assault an allied position.
At worst it slows allied progression in Africa, givng you more assets longer.
At best it destroys allied progression in Africa, makes your southern fleet viable and prevents the allies from getting the Suez closed allowing Japan to float in and set up a 1/2 punch on allied shipping if need be. At least, it offers a method to platform 6 fighters (2 German, 4 Japanese) well in range of the E. Coast.
Dunno though. I don’t know if leaving Russia unmolested for the most part on G1/G2 for all those benefits is worth it. Not that the extra 2 Transports are that huge of a difference in price, considering the Baltic fleet dies on G2 with 1 AC, 2 Fig, 2 SS, 1 Trn, 1 DD anyway, which is much more expensive then the loss of 16 IPCs for 2 transports….
My thought is plant an IC in India, along with one from the US in Sinkaing. then have the UK put another one in South Africa. The combined US and UK presence in Asia slows Japan down, while the UK build in South Africa is a further detriment to Germany taking over africa.
An American shuffle through Africa will also stop German agression and doesn’t cost 15 IPCs
What would be a better use of those 15 IPCs?
Fighter and Armor
5 Infantry
3 Armor
Infantry, 3 Artillery
2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Armor
Just about anything.
Personally, I like the 3 Fighter build for England 1. 5 fighters, 1 bomber sinks SZ 5 fleet with AC and 2 fighters.
The IC in South Africa also has another use. After Germany has been knocked out, the South Africa IC can produce navy to go after Japan.
Yes, but so can an Indian IC and at a much faster rate.
whoa ho ho - touche’
You would honestly be saving 1-2 turns by producing fleet out of India rather than SA. Good counter point Jen.