• No tech, 8 bid Germany which goes to north Africa.  What’s your opening?

    I send 4 Inf to Sinkiang and stack 8 Inf in Yakut SSR.  I leave 1 Inf in Karelia.  I have recently been experimenting with attacking Norway, but I’m still unsure how much force to dedicate to that.  The rest goes to West Russia.  The aircraft land in Caucasus and I usually buy all Infantry.

    I’m uncertain about building all Infantry, and I need to refine my Norway and Western Russia attacks.

  • Germany will take Caucuses just for the sake of destroying your FTRs. Then you’re in a rough spot because you need to retake Caucuses and most of your INF is 2 Turns away from being anywhere useful.

    Some changes:
    Land 2 FTRs in Moscow
    Move 2 INF from Kazakhstan to Caucuses, at your discretion
    You don’t need 8 INF in Yakut either; 6 is good enogh to stall Japan for a turn or two. By then, if Japan really wants to she can amass an army in Bury to quash your army.

    I personally am a fan of clearing (if not taking) Ukraine on R-1, but there’s no ironclad rule on that and if you can KO the Norwegian FTR, then that makes up for not killing the Ukrainian FTR. Good luck!

  • '16 '15 '10

    4 inf 3 art or 5 inf 1 art 1 tnk are always be better than 8 inf R1.

    Norway is huge for Russia if it works, but there’s a big element of risk there (unacceptably high risk imo).  If you are going to do it, it has to be with the full 3 inf 1 art 1 tnk 1 fig.  Your opening (if I understand it correctly) leaves you vulnerable to a massive German countterattack on West Russia, not to mention a potential attack on Cauc.  But I’d be more worried about West Russia.

  • I agree that Norway is an unexceptable risk and that leaving infantry in the East is a waste.  Move them west asap.  If you want a real agressive Russian open, do the triple:

    3 inf, 1 tank to Belo
    3 inf, 1 art, 2 tank, 2 figs to Ukarine
    6 inf, 1 art, 1 tank to WR

    You have a chance of one of these going real bad.  I normally start with the WR, then Ukraine, then Belo, so I can better determine whether a retreat is necessary.  So long as you take all 3, Germany will be on its heels.  I would immediatly land UK forces in (forget the name, between karelia and moscow) and gear up to start landing significant forces in Norway on T2.  US to Algeria on T2, and probably use Indian forces to retake Egypt if 2 units there or less.

  • The odds don’t favor Russia:

    1. 6 hit die vs. 6 hit die (4 units vs. 3) in Belo

    2. 18 hit die vs. 15 hit die (8 units vs. 6 units: but it should be 6 units for Russia as if you lose the ftrs it’s game over) in Ukr

    3. 13 hit die vs. 11 hit die (8 unit vs. 5 units) in W Rus

    Instead of doing too much, it might be advisable to hit W Rus hard with 10 inf, 2 art, 3 arm, 2 ftr, and create deadzones all around and trade territories with Germany until the reinforcements arrive.

    It’s a game 1 concession for Allies if 2 out 3 turn out bad.  For allies, time favors them so draw out the game and let Germany rush you.

  • I just recently played Russia in a 6 person game of 42 AA50 and all I did for the first 5 turns was buy all men and retake back all the countries bordering Moscow itself every turn. I took it, then Germany took it back then I took it back again, etc. I made sure Germany was always 2 squares away from Moscow. Also I kept all my men back two squares away with the tanks and the planes so they could never be attacked. I used the planes to retake with the men and artillery only. Always kept one infantry on each place bodering German forces so there was no blitzing by Germnay. Only on Caucuasus did I keep enough men to make it as difficult as possible to capture and Germany did take it twice and I had to take it back both times. Germany bombed Lenningrad and I never bothered to repair the IC so when it was captured he could not build there anyway. Make sure you keep your NOs coming in. No other allies on your places and don’t loose Arch Angel. Finally UK came to my help and I started buying all tanks and that was the beginning of the end for Germany. 8-)

  • @gnasape:

    The odds don’t favor Russia:

    1. 6 hit die vs. 6 hit die (4 units vs. 3) in Belo

    2. 18 hit die vs. 15 hit die (8 units vs. 6 units: but it should be 6 units for Russia as if you lose the ftrs it’s game over) in Ukr

    3. 13 hit die vs. 11 hit die (8 unit vs. 5 units) in W Rus

    Instead of doing too much, it might be advisable to hit W Rus hard with 10 inf, 2 art, 3 arm, 2 ftr, and create deadzones all around and trade territories with Germany until the reinforcements arrive.

    It’s a game 1 concession for Allies if 2 out 3 turn out bad.  For allies, time favors them so draw out the game and let Germany rush you.

    I agree.  I offered it as an option instead of hitting Norway (High Risk, Little Reward)  This at least is High Risk, High Reward.  I actually prefer to hit WR and Ukraine.

  • Moderator


    Instead of doing too much, it might be advisable to hit W Rus hard with 10 inf, 2 art, 3 arm, 2 ftr, and create deadzones all around and trade territories with Germany until the reinforcements arrive.

    This is usually what I do, and with a 3 inf, 3 arm buy you immediately have 7 armor which should be close to matching Germany and should prevent a German move to either Kar or Ukr for several rds.  You can follow up in rd 2 with 4 inf, 1 rt, 2 arm and your overall offensive units start to look pretty impressive:  3 rt, 9 arm, 2 ftrs.

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