Freddy, I actually played a little last night of your game. Germany won initiative. When you do your combat moves, some of the German troops are far back enough, where they don’t see action immediately.
My question is, you do move all troops, first, before any combat, whether they are in combat or not, right?
The next question, on Division Singularity battles, do you do the complete battle with one territory, and if the attacker loses all his troops, then is this when another territory can attack the same place?
Did I read that right or not?
If you move the troops on the combat move phase, and they initially didn’t get to fight the first battles, and they are in place to fight Division singularity battles and tank Blitz battles, can they go ahead and do these special attacks, since they are obviously in place, at this point?
Sorry, just trying to figure how movement and these special battle situations work. :-)
John Brown
PS France will have the initiative next time I play.