New game called: Battle of France 1940

  • I listen to film scores on the side, (Hanz Zimmer for the win) and this one seems to fit pretty well with the game as well.
    From “Gears of War”
    Any feedback on the game/soundtrack selection is appreciated!!

  • @Freddy:

    I listen to film scores on the side, (Hanz Zimmer for the win) and this one seems to fit pretty well with the game as well.
    From “Gears of War”
    Any feedback on the game/soundtrack selection is appreciated!!

    I like Gears of War, so it works for me, on both of these scores. It gives it a action packed score for sure. :-)


    The Battle of France 1940 is officially on sale! I have updated my website: accordingly.
    There are two options for purchase:
    One is a complete set with units for the French, British and Germans, the board, rule book and combat cards. The pieces are not original, and are the exact same as the ones in both editions of Europe 1940. For those who already have those pieces, the second option includes the board, the rule book, and a complete set of combat cards.

    Now is the time to ENGAGE. ATTACK. CONQUER.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Freddy, I actually played a little last night of your game. Germany won initiative. When you do your combat moves, some of the German troops are far back enough, where they don’t see action immediately.

    My question is, you do move all troops, first, before any combat, whether they are in combat or not, right?

    The next question, on Division Singularity battles, do you do the complete battle with one territory, and if the attacker loses all his troops, then is this when another territory can attack the same place?

    Did I read that right or not?

    If you move the troops on the combat move phase, and they initially didn’t get to fight the first battles, and they are in place to fight Division singularity battles and tank Blitz battles, can they go ahead and do these special attacks, since they are obviously in place, at this point?

    Sorry, just trying to figure how movement and these special battle situations work. :-)


    John Brown

    PS France will have the initiative next time I play.

  • John Brown,
    First, some of German units that are stationed near the back and not near the front lines can still make attacks usually. Tanks and Mech Infantry can move three, and infantry, artillery and AAA can move two. So perhaps the movement rules are throwing that a bit off.

    Second, in the scenario where the German units attacked allied forces and are destroyed, yes another zone can attack this same territory again. However, the combat move phase is much different than the A&A system in that you DO NOT MOVE ALL YOUR UNITS INTO COMBAT AT ONCE. Move one “division” and resolve combat immediately, THEN you can move your other units and resolve combat one-by-one.

    Just FYI, There are some german units that cannot take place in battle immediately, don’t move them before move/combat phase. “Combat move/immediately resolve combat” phase still goes before non-combat move

    EXAMPLE: If you have some units attacking a territory, resolve combat immediately; If you lose, you can bring more units from another zone in to attack that same territory. Even if that division loses, you can bring in another division, and another until you win (or just run out of units! hahaha  :evil:)
    ON THE FLIP SIDE, if you win with that first attack, the second division of units (lets say made up wholly of tanks) can move three spots: One into the zone just cleared by the previous attack, and then TWO MORE ZONES to attack a territory or city further into enemy territory.  
    If that doesn’t clear the combat up, I’ll be more than willing to try and explain it in more detail again. If anyone has any more questions I am always here to help clarify. Thank you for your question, John.

  • @Freddy:

    John Brown,
    First, some of German units that are stationed near the back and not near the front lines can still make attacks usually. Tanks and Mech Infantry can move three, and infantry, artillery and AAA can move two. So perhaps the movement rules are throwing that a bit off.

    Second, in the scenario where the German units attacked allied forces and are destroyed, yes another zone can attack this same territory again. However, the combat move phase is much different than the A&A system in that you DO NOT MOVE ALL YOUR UNITS INTO COMBAT AT ONCE. Move one “division” and resolve combat immediately, THEN you can move your other units and resolve combat one-by-one.

    Just FYI, There are some german units that cannot take place in battle immediately, don’t move them before move/combat phase. “Combat move/immediately resolve combat” phase still goes before non-combat move

    EXAMPLE: If you have some units attacking a territory, resolve combat immediately; If you lose, you can bring more units from another zone in to attack that same territory. Even if that division loses, you can bring in another division, and another until you win (or just run out of units! hahaha  :evil:)
    ON THE FLIP SIDE, if you win with that first attack, the second division of units (lets say made up wholly of tanks) can move three spots: One into the zone just cleared by the previous attack, and then TWO MORE ZONES to attack a territory or city further into enemy territory.  
    If that doesn’t clear the combat up, I’ll be more than willing to try and explain it in more detail again. If anyone has any more questions I am always here to help clarify. Thank you for your question, John.

    Thanks Freddy! I’ll try that again. :-)


  • No problem, John!
    If you have any more problems, feel free to ask questions!
    Hope everything goes well,

  • John Brown,
    Just in general, the defending power is always still “in the battle”, even if the opposing player is the one attacking. Remember, that after the first round of combat (Germany attacks, then France/Britain defends) the defender can RETREAT his/her units so to reinforce another territory or to escape a certain loss. So in the previous example, if Germany attacks and is sure to win, the french defender can retreat after the first round of combat. OR he can continue on if he so chooses, but it is an option.

    The game is built upon the “blitzkrieg effect” of rapid movements into enemy territory, and the opposing ability to escape and retreat when in a losing position. If the rules (on pg. 7, 12) are not clear, please tell me because I will need to change that for subsequent editions.

    Sorry, but I made a mistake in the last post, AAA guns only move one space, not two. Sorry about that

  • @Freddy:

    John Brown,
    Just in general, the defending power is always still “in the battle”, even if the opposing player is the one attacking. Remember, that after the first round of combat (Germany attacks, then France/Britain defends) the defender can RETREAT his/her units so to reinforce another territory or to escape a certain loss. So in the previous example, if Germany attacks and is sure to win, the french defender can retreat after the first round of combat. OR he can continue on if he so chooses, but it is an option.

    The game is built upon the “blitzkrieg effect” of rapid movements into enemy territory, and the opposing ability to escape and retreat when in a losing position. If the rules (on pg. 7, 12) are not clear, please tell me because I will need to change that for subsequent editions.

    Sorry, but I made a mistake in the last post, AAA guns only move one space, not two. Sorry about that

    Somehow, I missed that section on page 12. I will definitely have to reread that for sure. If I have any more questions, I will be sure to ask.

    Thanks again, Freddy! :-)


  • Hey Freddy, Can ships retreat? Also sometimes if ships can retreat, can they retreat forward, or do they have to go back?
    Just trying to understand. Thanks

  • Shedder,
    Yes ships can retreat, and they can retreat to any open sea zone, even if that means they “retreat forward.” They cant retreat into a battle, but still. They cant retreat into the same sea zone they were attacked from either.
    Hope that helps,

  • Hey everybody!!
    To showcase a little more about my game, and how it is played, I have created a “First Look” kinda thing for the game. Its just to give an idea of some mechanics, and how the board looks with real pieces on the map. It also addresses how big the board is compared to the pieces and other such things. I have updated my website ( on “About the Game” and I have posted it on youtube! If you guys have any questions feel more than welcome to ask me anything!
    Here is the link for the First Look teaser for the game!

  • Just a heads up, guys, I have created another trailer entitled: %Battle of France 1940 trailer" (original title, I know). In also working on a tutorial video as well!!
    Please check it out here

  • @Freddy:

    Just a heads up, guys, I have created another trailer entitled: %Battle of France 1940 trailer" (original title, I know). In also working on a tutorial video as well!!
    Please check it out here

    Thanks Freddy! I will have to checkout your tutorial video, when your done. :-)

  • Hey all,
    I just wanted to get the word out that I will be attending FMGcon in Oshawa, Canada! I will be at a vendor table selling the game so if you are in the area and want a closer look at the game and the components come on by! If you will be attending I am looking forward to meeting and discussing the game with you!!

  • I like. I’m going to the site after saying this. The Germans shouldn’t have superior tanks. They didn’t. They just used them properly. The only way I can think of to simulate the difficulties the French soldiers faced would be a week long meth binge for the French player. At that point the average individual would have reached 10% of the level of ineptitude displayed by the French high command. Continuing the binge beyond a week is unhealthy though so we will just have to settle for the 10% effect.

  • I love how the first sentence of the description is “This is not America’s fight.”

  • The11HP20,
    I agree with your point on how the tanks were not of themselves of better material or better equipped. However, that is not to say that the Germans as a whole did not have a distinct advantage in the way they manned and used the tanks.
    For example, the Germans had an extra gunner in the “cockpit” than their french counterparts. Additionally, they were equipped with radios that the French simply did not use with armor. Both of these caused the German army to have a superior armored force. The way I chose to describe these “armored” forces as being superior is with a lower pip system. I didn’t see a better way of showing it than lowering their defense values. I am VERY open to a more applicable suggestion- in fact I would appreciate such ideas.

    In terms of the whole “meth” thing… I don’t have a valid way of putting that into the rulebook hahaha
    “The french player must take Methamphetamines for no less than seven days prior to the playing of the game.” Which, BTW would be the best rule ever…
    Any suggestions are welcome!
    Thanks guys,

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    I love how the first sentence of the description is “This is not America’s fight.”

    At the time, was it? We weren’t really “into” European politics at the time.

  • Freddy, thanks for doing that video with Young Grasshopper. This will help me learn the game better, when I get around to it. Awesome job, my friend. Awesome job. :-)

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