• Oh and the rules are pretty easy…

    LHTR 1.3
    Online Dicey (DAAK, Frood, In-Site)
    Blind Bid (handled by DAAK server)
    10 VC or surrender
    Moves posted daily  (48 hour default w/o advance notice)
    No Tech
    No NA’s

    Just good, old fashioned, hard core gaming.

    An expert like you who won GenCon surely can handle some upstart who has been playing less than a year…  :mrgreen:

  • Look Switch, here’s the deal:

    I posted saying that under the rules I play, these particular strategies are fun and get the job done.

    You then danced all over them when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    As the loud mouth guy, it is incumbent on YOU to back up what you’re saying by playing the game under the conditions you have so thoroughly dismissed.

    If you can’t play the game for geographical reasons, or health reasons, or fear of plastic, or whatever, then maybe you should tone down your rhetoric before being dismissive of things you don’t understand.

    I’m not saying you should drive half-way across the country because your mouth gets you in trouble; I am saying you should keep yourself out of trouble by being more respectful even to those you believe are inferior.  That’s good sportsmanship.

  • Eh, I figured as much.

    Not willing to go after the best in the world, just the best who are willing to travel to a gaming con…

    Offer remains open.

    If your strats are good enough to go 5 rounds and win at GenCon, then they allegedly should be good enough to handle me in the same amount of time (or less).

    If you insist on travel to settle this, then you get to pay travel expenses, lost wages, etc.

    Otherwise… this site is free.  Distance is not a factor.  And we can even start this TOMORROW (since Mech is having technical issues, and I have about 2 weeks left before Round 2 of the Tournament).

    So… time to put up or shut up Crazy Straw…  You have officially been slapped in the face with the gauntlet.

  • Oh and if as your last post seems to indicate, the C-Sub strats are ONLY valid in time/turn limited games such as GenCon, then you need to do 2 things…

    1.  Post said qualifier on your essays
    2.  Admit that I was 100% correct in saying, on a site that is used extesnively for online play, that C-Sub strats do, as I originally posted, need to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Or, you can accept the challenge, sign up at DAAK, and we’ll get this game underway…

  • Switch, have you noticed that the really good guys don’t post on these forums?

    It is because knobs and loudmouths dominate online forums.  The good guys have better things to do than argue with the guys convinced of their invincibility.

    You can wrestle with a pig and win, but you’ll just get dirty in the process.  And I KNOW I’m getting dirty in this process, but sometimes you have to remind the pig that he’s a pig and he has to stay in the pen.

    I don’t play with guys that are bad sports, and if you talk like you write, then why the heck would I want to play with you?  I already know you’re obnoxious.  I don’t care if I can beat you or not; I know I wouldn’t enjoy playing a game with you unless you cleaned up your act quite a bit.

    So, I’ll let you continue to dominate the forum.  See if you can rack up your 6,000th post by the weekend.

    But don’t delude yourself: you are not feared, you are scorned.

  • 2007 AAR League

    the challenge has been issued, the whole damn site is waiting for the response

  • 2007 AAR League

    i have to dissagree a bit with you there crazystraw……many of us live in smaller towns and are not able to go the the big conventions…but i still consider myself one of the good guys, i started playing online because the only people who wanted to play face to face were young teenagers

  • The challenge was refused TC.

    Crazy Straw has withdrawn.

    You know, CS does not have an account at DAAK or Flames… no online gaming in any of the major forums…

    He posts his essays, claims to be some great expert, and when push comes to shove, he claims that I am bullying him when he is the one who took objection to me saying that C-Sub strats need to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Well, from this point forward, I know how to classify CS…

    All bluster, no substance.

    I am leaving the challenge open, just so that when CS comes back in a few months with the next advertisement for Caspian Sub, I can ask him if he is ready to play with the Big Boys  :mrgreen:

    You know, no matter how much I have blustered, I have always been willing to put up.  I have played a fair number of games, lost several.  But I have not written over and over about how “great” I am, and then refused to play a game against someone who decided to challenge me on it.  Hell, I am just a noob, who happens to have a pretty darn good record.  But I am not unbeatable…  I am winless against Octo in 2 games, AAjax in 1, and split 1/1 with Bebo.  And that is just since I joined DAAK.  Add in 2 losses to Tri, 2 losses in Classic to Darth, 2 losses in Classic to Avin…

    Let me just sum this whole thread up…

    Caspian Sub Essays need to be taken with a grain of salt, because they have only been tested face to face and not against online players, and are only known to be valid in time/turn limited games.

  • And with that, i am heading for bed.

    Crazy Straw, when you are ready to accept the challenge, I will be here.

    I am willing to put my game play to the test… to put my actual game to the test of my words.

    Darn shame that you are not.  Might have been a damn fine match.

  • @tcnance:

    i have to dissagree a bit with you there crazystraw…

    Hey TC.

    I bet we probably agree more than you think.  Remember, I said Switch shouldn’t have to drive across the country; I said instead he should be more respectful even to people he believes are inferior.

    And you’ll note I’m not bragging about or even MENTIONING what my record is or isn’t.  It’s irrelevant.  The only mentions about a couple of things I have done came from other posters; I’m not a fan of dueling with credentials.  My point is that Switch says things about what can and can’t work on expert players, but whether I am any good or not (and let’s assume I’m no good :-D ), he has no idea whether those strats have actually worked against good guys, so he’s in no position to make such statements.  Simple fact.

    That’s what makes him a loudmouth.  If he just said he disagreed, that would be different.  But he calls people idiots and talks about things he can’t possibly know.

    If he ONLY said, “Take CSub with a grain of salt”, then guess what?  I’d AGREE with him.  I’d say that about all strategies, especially for a game that has only been out for a few years.  But he goes way beyond that.

    Odd way for a moderator to run a board.  That’s a guaranteed way to keep talented people, such as people less talented than Switch thinks he is, out of the forum.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Switch, $2 from each of the 4000 members on this site is plenty to get you out to see CrazyStraw. :)

    Hell, I’d love to play CS, it seems he doesn’t go the whole infantry stack EVERY BLOODY GAME!  You know how utterly BORING that gets?  Sure….either side with a lucky roll of the dice can turn the entire game in their favor in an infantry stack game.  It takes skill to do it in a game with limited infantry production though.

    (This is more of a house rules thing, but my face to face games we limit infantry production to 1 X IPC income per round.  If you have more then you just cannot produce anymore until you conquer more land or loose more troops.  It’s amazing what happens in games when you’re forced to buy tanks and planes.)

    I’m not saying infantry stacks don’t win games.  All I’m saying is give us something different!  Even my tournament game turned into a bloody infantry stack!  And it was going so well with people actually using strategy and vieing for positions of power instead of cowering on their capitals, building 40-80 infantry and then trying to walk to their opponents capital before the end of the tournament round!

    C-Sub essays at least give us alternatives to the infantry stack.  Hell, I’m about ready to declare games over by whomever is in the strongest position by round 3, since that prevents 60+ infantry for a nation.

    Though, CS, I would say post your own rule set to counter Switch.  At least give him something to reject.  Playing online’s not that hard.  You might learn something, he might learn something.  You could even take a victory, do a detailed analisys of it and make that your next essay!  How to beat the Infantry Stack by CrazyStraw!!!

  • I am willing to consider negotiation on the rules…

    As far as the “idiot” comment… that goes back to the C-Sub paper on a 3 TRN purchase for Germany in the Baltic on G1.  It just came up again on these boards, and Jen (and anyone else) I’ll let y’all decide if it is a good idea or not.  I stand by calling it an idiot move.

    As far as respect for you CS…

    1.  Respect is earned.  You posted a bunch of essays here a while back, the one I recall offhand was the “Do you know a Sucker?”  Yeah, real respectful there on your part.
    2.  I stand by the “idiot” comment because the Baltic fleet + 3 TRN moved out of the Baltic on G2 is a dead fleet, and you have lost 24 IPC’s in the process.  Sure, it may have worked for you some time ago in a time limited game where slowing UK down by a turn would mean something, but in a regular game where that 1 turn means nothing if Germany gave up the initiative in central Europe, and lost their navy in doing so… yes, that is a move of an idiot in all but a turn/time limited game
    3.  You are the one who chose to take a swipe at me when I said that C-Sub papers need to be taken with a grain of salt.  And I stand by when I said that against the best players out there, they are likely to fail.  And when you accuse me of speaking in ignorance, I now say the same about you… what do you know of the quality and skill of other players all over the world, except for that small fraction who attend a Con you have been at and played by Con rules?  The answer there is NOTHING.  You don;t even have an account at the online Diceys.  So YOU sir know not what you speak of when you dismiss those of us who, for whatever reason, play online as opposed to those who spend their funds going to game Cons.


    You have been posting here in an online forum.  You have put forth your ideas, and indeed your skills, as being superior to those of us here.  And as a result you have been openly challenged by one of the players here in the forum that YOU sir chose to use to advertise your group and promote your essays.

    Now, the ball is in your court.  You can choose to ignore or walk away from this challenge.  That is your choice.  And the players here will then decide, based on how you choose to back up your words, what faith, if any, they place in them.

    I am willing to play you via this forum so that everyone can see it.

    And while we are at it, let’s remind folks what brought us to this point shall we…

    Quote from: CrazyStraw on August 13, 2006, 11:03:55 PM
    Quote from: ncscswitch on August 11, 2006, 09:03:54 PM
    Take Caspian Sub with a grain of salt.

    They are good for moderate to advanced opponents, but against the most highly skilled opponents, those ideas and concepts often get blown to bits…

    Heh  cheesy

    Switch, I’d like to congratulatie you on having attained sufficient expertise to ascertain who is moderately skilled, advanced, and highly skilled without having played those folks.  That takes a real eye for talent, and it is impressive that you have mastered it.

    Keep up the good work.


    You sir have no knowledge of how your C-Sub essay strats have faired here or elsewhere.  Yet you chose to denigrate me, who HAS been here and has watched the games in progress, and seen what strats have worked, and what strats have failed.  You chose to speak first in ignorance because of your lack of knowledge.  I even made sure to point out that it was not a personal attack on my part, but a comment regarding those strategies.

    But that was not enough for you.  You had to take it further, because you had an axe to grind with me over how I reviewed your 3 TRN strat.

    And now… now we are here.

    A challenge has been issued by someone you chose to attack and impugn.  The onus is yours.  Do you boast and bolt?  Or do you test your mettle to back up your false assumptions?

  • You sir have no knowledge of how your C-Sub essay strats have faired here or elsewhere.

    Dude, it is because of retardation like that comment that I can not take you seriously.

    I have very limited information on how well the C-Sub essays have done in this forum.

    I have a surprisingly large amount of information about how they have faired “elsewhere”. It is YOU who doesn’t have that info.

    And that, for the umpteenth time, is why I know your karate is a joke.  Your logic is spectacularly bad.

    Ok, I’ve made my points.  I’m not trying to make your life hard.  Say what you want from here on out; I’m not going to try and show you up in front of your posse anymore.  My comments from this point forward will be nice and sweet if they are directed at you.


  • Then be on your way sir.

    When you are willing to test your mettle come back.  Otherwise, be gone with you and your alleged superiority.  I claim the field until such time as you are willing to test yourself beyond the small group of people who attend Cons…

  • Hey Jennifer.

    Thanks for the comments.

    Yeah, infantry stacks get the job done in a lot of situations.  Eventually you can end up playing a game of chicken in Europe  :-D Â

    Interesting idea on limiting infantry purchases.  Do you play like that all the time?

    And I’m sure I’d learn something from Switch; most games have some cool facet.

    My favorite thing I’ve seen recently was in a situation where my opponent abandoned Caucasus R1 (that is surprisingly common in some circles; primarily with high-level KJFers).  I thought it was kind of odd/bad that he moved the AA gun out of Caucasus so Germany could waltz right in there with 2inf 1ftr vs. 1inf.  But what did the weasel do?  He bombed Caucasus with the UK!  Then, of course, he owned Caucasus again for the rest of the game.

    That was a new move to me and I thought it was kind of slick.  He killed 2inf of mine for 1inf of his, and he bombed the money right out of my hands that I had collected for the territory.  That’s some clever thinking.

    BTW - I don’t know if you’re on CSub, but if you like that kind of thing check out the Axis Puzzles.  A couple of them are pretty slick too.


  • Switch!  I’m so glad you stuck around!  I thought you said you were logging off to watch some really important TV or something.

    And that was a very nice font you chose for your last post.  It was quite compelling.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Hey Jennifer.

    Thanks for the comments.

    Yeah, infantry stacks get the job done in a lot of situations.  Eventually you can end up playing a game of chicken in Europe  :-D

    Interesting idea on limiting infantry purchases.  Do you play like that all the time?

    And I’m sure I’d learn something from Switch; most games have some cool facet.

    My favorite thing I’ve seen recently was in a situation where my opponent abandoned Caucasus R1 (that is surprisingly common in some circles; primarily with high-level KJFers).  I thought it was kind of odd/bad that he moved the AA gun out of Caucasus so Germany could waltz right in there with 2inf 1ftr vs. 1inf.  But what did the weasel do?  He bombed Caucasus with the UK!  Then, of course, he owned Caucasus again for the rest of the game.

    That was a new move to me and I thought it was kind of slick.  He killed 2inf of mine for 1inf of his, and he bombed the money right out of my hands that I had collected for the territory.  That’s some clever thinking.

    BTW - I don’t know if you’re on CSub, but if you like that kind of thing check out the Axis Puzzles.  A couple of them are pretty slick too.


    Yea, I have a C-Sub account (Nikita_Polchenkov) but I hate the way your forums are set up.  Get something like this, wehre I can drill down by topic and see all replies simultaniously. :)

    Yes, in my friendly matches with real human beings that I’ve played iwth before we have a few house rules we play by.

    1)  You can never have more infantry then land value.  (That means most you can have is 24+40+30+30+42 or 166 give or take about a dozen because of change of ownership.)

    2)  You cannot collect income from a territory unless you control it from the end of your turn to the start of your next turn. (Basically, we do collect income right before purchase units.)  Prevents needless trading of land.  Control markers are a pain to deal with. :)

    3)  Transports can attack and defend.  (If they attack, they cannot transport units in either non-combat or combat.)  Hey, there’s either a gun there or there isn’t.  Pick one. :)

    4)  British/American units cannot be on Russian territories.  Any “allied” units on Russian zones are converted to Russian units at 2:1 (round down.)  For instance, if England moves 4 infantry, 4 armor to Karelia, then on Russia’s turn (at the end of their turn) they convert into 2 Russian Infantry, 2 Russian Armor.  This is both a benefit and a detriment.

    5)  Midway, Solomon Islands, Caroline Islands and Wake Island are worth 1 IPC.

    With those 5 changes, we’ve erased any need of a bidding system.

  • My favorite thing I’ve seen recently was in a situation where my opponent abandoned Caucasus R1 (that is surprisingly common in some circles; primarily with high-level KJFers).  I thought it was kind of odd/bad that he moved the AA gun out of Caucasus so Germany could waltz right in there with 2inf 1ftr vs. 1inf.  But what did the weasel do?  He bombed Caucasus with the UK!  Then, of course, he owned Caucasus again for the rest of the game.

    That’s pretty funny. That’s interesting though; did you not have your bomber ready? I would have just bombed Caucasus. Maybe you had too many G1 moves to do which is common. And I’m guessing that he didn’t need his bomber elsewhere. A lot of the time you need the UK bomber in Egypt to liberate it from a strong bid.

  • @Jennifer:

    …but I hate the way your forums are set up.  Get something like this, wehre I can drill down by topic and see all replies simultaniously. :)

    Heh  :-D

    CSub is not a forum.Â

    When we set it up we figured there were already enough arenas for slinging posts.  We opted to go for a magazine-type setup with more structure than the other sites.  We moderate the email pretty heavily and we don’t let quite a bit of it through.  Part of the idea was to create a high signal-to-noise ratio since there were already a lot of places that were more free-form.

    We’d rather have a month with no messages than a month with 100 useless messages.

    We don’t have the formula perfect by a long shot, but at least we have created something that is different than the A&A sites that are already out there.  AND THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT THE OTHER SITES AREN’T GOOD!  The free flowing forums are a very good element in the A&A universe.  We just wanted to add a new kind of element.


  • Hey Tri.

    I don’t remember the last time my German bomber was somewhere other than Anglo R1.  It’s a side effect of always going for the united navy; I’m almost always under-powered in Anglo.

    But I thought about bombing CAU.  I wanted it.  Couldn’t have it.


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