I am willing to consider negotiation on the rules…
As far as the “idiot” comment… that goes back to the C-Sub paper on a 3 TRN purchase for Germany in the Baltic on G1. It just came up again on these boards, and Jen (and anyone else) I’ll let y’all decide if it is a good idea or not. I stand by calling it an idiot move.
As far as respect for you CS…
1. Respect is earned. You posted a bunch of essays here a while back, the one I recall offhand was the “Do you know a Sucker?” Yeah, real respectful there on your part.
2. I stand by the “idiot” comment because the Baltic fleet + 3 TRN moved out of the Baltic on G2 is a dead fleet, and you have lost 24 IPC’s in the process. Sure, it may have worked for you some time ago in a time limited game where slowing UK down by a turn would mean something, but in a regular game where that 1 turn means nothing if Germany gave up the initiative in central Europe, and lost their navy in doing so… yes, that is a move of an idiot in all but a turn/time limited game
3. You are the one who chose to take a swipe at me when I said that C-Sub papers need to be taken with a grain of salt. And I stand by when I said that against the best players out there, they are likely to fail. And when you accuse me of speaking in ignorance, I now say the same about you… what do you know of the quality and skill of other players all over the world, except for that small fraction who attend a Con you have been at and played by Con rules? The answer there is NOTHING. You don;t even have an account at the online Diceys. So YOU sir know not what you speak of when you dismiss those of us who, for whatever reason, play online as opposed to those who spend their funds going to game Cons.
You have been posting here in an online forum. You have put forth your ideas, and indeed your skills, as being superior to those of us here. And as a result you have been openly challenged by one of the players here in the forum that YOU sir chose to use to advertise your group and promote your essays.
Now, the ball is in your court. You can choose to ignore or walk away from this challenge. That is your choice. And the players here will then decide, based on how you choose to back up your words, what faith, if any, they place in them.
I am willing to play you via this forum so that everyone can see it.
And while we are at it, let’s remind folks what brought us to this point shall we…
Quote from: CrazyStraw on August 13, 2006, 11:03:55 PM
Quote from: ncscswitch on August 11, 2006, 09:03:54 PM
Take Caspian Sub with a grain of salt.
They are good for moderate to advanced opponents, but against the most highly skilled opponents, those ideas and concepts often get blown to bits…
Heh cheesy
Switch, I’d like to congratulatie you on having attained sufficient expertise to ascertain who is moderately skilled, advanced, and highly skilled without having played those folks. That takes a real eye for talent, and it is impressive that you have mastered it.
Keep up the good work.
You sir have no knowledge of how your C-Sub essay strats have faired here or elsewhere. Yet you chose to denigrate me, who HAS been here and has watched the games in progress, and seen what strats have worked, and what strats have failed. You chose to speak first in ignorance because of your lack of knowledge. I even made sure to point out that it was not a personal attack on my part, but a comment regarding those strategies.
But that was not enough for you. You had to take it further, because you had an axe to grind with me over how I reviewed your 3 TRN strat.
And now… now we are here.
A challenge has been issued by someone you chose to attack and impugn. The onus is yours. Do you boast and bolt? Or do you test your mettle to back up your false assumptions?