Nice boobs and butt! Wanna have a long erotic night of hot A&A action? You bring the game, I will bring the chips and zima!
(that was sarcasm btw - except the nice boobs and but part)
I avoided this thread for a while, cuz I knew it would be a bunch of geeks drooling over a pretty girl. Not to call names, I am a fellow geek (I started playing the game at 13 when it came out). But outside of that what is the point of having an ongoing post about how attractive Jen is? I understand that it is cool she plays the game, and is also attractive. But I don’t go to this forum to flirt or drool over a picture. I come to talk about the game, and some of the political stuff.
Jen, with that in mind I would like to ask you a question (this is obviously not a flirting/drooling thing because of the question, and at the same time it is not meant to be an attack). What was the point of posting your picture? You are not a dumb person, this is an A&A board and I think you knew the response you would get (you also posted a picture you thought was you at your best).
Me and you see eye to eye on a lot of things, and posting your picture does not change how I view you (other than why you did it). When you are in an atmosphere like this forum, you had to know you would get the responses you have gotten. Most males on this forum will treat your arguments differently because of the picture (don’t argue with the pretty girl).
One of the best things about forums is that they are faceless. I can’t tell you how many times (in real life) I have had to listen to some girl ramble on about her shoes, the mall, or how she aspires to one day be a fashion designer because she was attractive and I wanted something. It’s the game males/females play, so be it. Why bring it here?