I feel sad because of this game. ;_;

  • You kept forgetting to spend when it came your turn?? Now that’s funny! I want to play you man. I see a victory at last.

  • I was distracted, and playing against an unforgiving player that wouldn’t let me rectify my error once I began to move a piece. This was all played past midnight; I’d like to see you even try to touch me when I’m at top game.

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!  I’m rolling around on the flloor laughing so hard that my nuts are turning purple….HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!

  • God, I’m surprised you haven’t been banned yet. You bring nothing to this forum, from what I’ve seen of your other posts, and just flame people.

  • Solo,

    My advice to you is:  stop playing that opponent.

    If they are THAT unforgiving, even when helping someone new learn, then you are dealing with an A-hole of major degree.

    Just stop playing that person, find someone else.  They will either stop being such an a$$, or you will no longer have to deal with it.  Win/Win for you :-)

  • Moderator

    Maddogg, lets not jump on new users.

    Not everyone might get your “over the top” bravado and it is hard to read whether something is sarcasm and/or friendly “trash talking” sometimes.

    So just make sure you are a little more careful.

    Remember we’re all here to have fun!  :-D


  • Or better yet just kick his butt.  Always keep the turn sequence card in front of you and go through each step rigorously.  After a few games of this you will never forget.  But don’t fall into his game.  Let him take back his errors and such but win anyways.  I suggest if you own teh game yourself, setting up the board and playing the game a few times against yourself.  This will help you learn how to make the allies play harmoniously which usually amounts to knowing when to support Russia and when to support africa and planning your naval movements at least three turns in advance.  You’ll also learn to think as the other powers and understand their fears.  If you have never played as Germany you will never understand how tenuous the Western Europe/Southern Europe problem is and how to exploit it.  It is simply this that forces can land in Africa and then tag team with your next shipment into Eastern Europe or push into Southern if you use your FIGs as sacrifice against the german navy.When the Germans only need to defend one territory and they know when you are coming it will be relatively easy for them to counter your mves.  This is what I always hated about the Full on towards germany strategy.  It is so predictable and can easily be countered.

  • Ok, I’ll shy away from new users in the future unless it’s friendly, helpful, etc. You know what cracked me up though don’t you? “I’d like to see you even try to touch me when I’m at top game”. But I take your message to heart. I won’t mess with newcomers anymore!!

  • Well its OK to use humor, but not at the expense of others. They may be new players but we all start somewhere… they may even have a better learning curve and improve over your own skills at the game and beat you in a match.

  • Solo,
    An observation:  Don’t try to be Billy Bada$$, when you’ve never won a game.


    I was distracted, and playing against an unforgiving player that wouldn’t let me rectify my error once I began to move a piece. This was all played past midnight; I’d like to see you even try to touch me when I’m at top game.

    Advice:  Take to heart the advice from limitedwhole.  Play the game, even if it’s just a scenerio, and practice until the turn segments become second nature.  Remember to use your materiel, as you would use chess pieces.  They must work together to be effective.


  • @Solomaxwell:

    God, I’m surprised you haven’t been banned yet. You bring nothing to this forum, from what I’ve seen of your other posts, and just flame people.

    And quit calling me God, my name is Jesus

  • Solo,
    An observation:  Don’t try to be Billy Bada$$, when you’ve never won a game.

    At this point, I have won a game, actually. ;-)

    I was only saying that because of the fact that MADDOGG says he has never won a game, and he has most likely played many more than I have. Most likely, I am a better player.


    My advice to you is:  stop playing that opponent.

    If they are THAT unforgiving, even when helping someone new learn, then you are dealing with an A-hole of major degree.

    Nah, he’s not really that bad a guy. He only did that because he knew that I was going to beat him unless he enforced the turn sequence rules.

    Besides, it’s a lot more convenient for me, since he’s the one that owns the board, and he lives with me.

  • As Ronald Reagan use to say “well there you go again”. Here’s a verse from an old Beatles tune that I love. See if you can guess the title……“back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, teacher get’s annoyed”.

  • 2007 AAR League


    As a new guy here also, I can honestly say that coming in and immediately getting into a fight between you (a rookie) and MADDOGG (a veteran) is not a good way to start out.

    MADDOGG is right in his last post. He dropped it and you took another shot at him just to have the last word. The Mods are only going to ask him to hold back for so long.

    My experience here is that everyone will be more than helpful and accomodating as long as you aren’t a “bull in a china shop”.

    Just my $ 0.02.

  • As Ronald Reagan use to say “well there you go again”. Here’s a verse from an old Beatles tune that I love. See if you can guess the title……“back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, teacher get’s annoyed”.

    Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. One of my favorites (although under “I Am The Walrus,” of course), in fact. I can assure you, though, that I’m not at all homicidal, or even an angry person. I tend to be laid back, unless someone takes the initiative and angers me.

    I’m not trying to be offensive, and I’m not trying to argue. That was not a “shot” at MADDOGG, despite what you may take it to be.

  • Actually Maxwells Sillver Hammer was on my all time favorite album… Abbey Road… The Walrus was on another album but I can’t remember which.

  • I Am The Walrus was on Magical Mystery Tour, I think.

    I only just discovered Maxwell’s Silver Hammer recently, actually; a friend of mine mentioned it, and I had to listen to it (I have all of the Beatles albums, but I typically only listen to a song or two at a time, not the whole thing).

  • Moderator

    Actually U-505 MADDOG isn’t vet necessarily, he can post a lot though… he joined on Jan 31… 8-)


  • Yeah, but he’s gotten some pretty good experience, being one of our most active players, since then, and always playing and learning from good opponents. Unlike many people, the refreshing thing about him is that he really learns well from his mistakes rather than being stubborn and sticking to his own preconceptions.

  • Moderator

    In the games forums, yes I probably would say that he is getting “vet”… But I see the rest of his posts as well, and no hard feelings MADDOG (since it was addressed lovingly), But I still remember that first post… :wink:


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