• For our House Rules using a D20.  This is a Tech that Japan can achieve.

    Production Time: 1
    Cost each Turn: 12
    Movement: 2
    Attach: 7 (which is +1 compared to standard Sub)
    Defense:6 (which is +1 compared to standard Sub)

    ACHI M6A
    Production Time: 1
    Cost: 7
    Movement: 4
    Attack: 6
    Defense: 3


  • '14 Customizer

    Those are really cool! I love your paint job on the I-400’s.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Nice work!

    I recently read a book on the I-400’s. It was very good although I can’t remember the name.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I love the I-400’s, and are those planes from shapeways?

    Those are very cool.

    Are these house rules for Global 40 or something else?

    Nice work, man! :-D


  • Thanks……Those House Rules are for a Global 39.

    The planes are not from Shapeways, however they do have some on there.  Not sure where i got those from.  Have had them for a while.  You have to glue the Skids onto the Plane.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Thanks……Those House Rules are for a Global 39.

    The planes are not from Shapeways, however they do have some on there.  Not sure where i got those from.  Have had them for a while.  You have to glue the Skids onto the Plane.

    I figured it was 39, because of the dice you used. The planes are cool, regardless! :-D

  • Nice!

  • Customizer



    I recently read a book on the I-400’s. It was very good although I can’t remember the name.

    **––“Operation Storm” is probably the best of three books I’ve read that were written specifically on this subject, the Japanese bombing of the US West coast and/or Panama canal, using sub-launched aircraft. They had even planned for possibly using a “dirty” bomb. Good book. Good paint jobs, too. I guess I’ll be seeing them from the U.S. side this weekend in our game.

    Tall Paul**

  • '17 '16 '15

    Yes that was the one Tall Paul!

    I had never really heard of them before.Thought it was well done. Had a good Japan perspective.
    Was interesting to read how different sub captains carried out the kill all survivors of merchant sinkings order.

  • Tall Paul-
    Yes, Chris already said he will be going for that Tech.

  • Customizer


    Tall Paul-
    Yes, Chris already said he will be going for that Tech.
    **––No Doubt!
    ----If you & Chris would read the above book, (I’ll let you borrow mine), you’d see that these 400-class boats & a few others were so HUGE that they made wonderful sonar/radar targets,…and were very sluggish in underwater manuevers. To me that means their DEFENSIVE value should be REDUCED, not improved. Also, If I remember they didn’t carry any additional torpedoes so I’m not sold on their OFFENSE being improved either. Their offensive improvements were primarily their three sub-borne aircraft.
    ----I understand the “gameplay value” of an improved tech unit though, as well as the desire to give “new” capabilities to such a cool looking sculpt as these.
    ----Anyway, I’m looking forward to having some FUN with ya’ll. I only wish I’d had a little time to better learn all of yall’s house rules, set-ups, and such.

    Tall Paul
    p.s.-Bring your tablet as I remember the above book is an “e-book” on my amazon reader app. I think I can “loan” it to you (somehow).**

  • '16 Customizer

    Those subs look really nice! I really like your house rule and pieces.

  • Awesome :)

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