Sorry Jen. You’re right, I didn’t mean it to if it did. My point is I think testing things out in LL is a great (and easy) way to learn things without the need of an opponent or the time required to play a PBEM game.
I have an Excel spreadsheet that can do LL battles and show outcomes. It is easy to adjust, and I usually have myself miss on 3’s but my opponent hit on 3’s giving me a slight worst case for LL and it is a really good way to guage how battles can turn out. You can really get a good feel for Europe using LL and see if you are really doing yourself harm by sending 2 inf a turn to Afr with Ger or if you are better off going all troops to Europe (after rd 1 egy attack). These are much easier to test in LL than ADS and you don’t need an opponent to do so.
I certainly agree there are differences such as artillary and to me it seems 4’s tend to be a bit devalued in groups in LL, and economics, ipc and unit count are much more important, but you can still use LL as a guide for planning since it is much easier to look 2-3 turns ahead than it is in ADS.
And I certainly wouldn’t want to bash ADS since I’ve been playing it almost exclusively for the last year. :-)
I think my last LL game against someone was over a year ago, but I like to test my own strats using LL, then adjust a bit for ADS.
Depending on the curve “average dice + good dice” could be anyway between 50-100%.
Good + avg should be significantly greater than 50%.
If were talking bell curve, avg should fall between +/-1 std dev.
For example if I lose a battle that I had 55% chance to win, I wouldn’t call that bad luck. I may have come out on the “bad” end but it is still within acceptable results. You’re right it is certaily open to interpretation and how people define luck though.
Now if you attack 2 inf, 1 ftr vs. 1 inf and both hit, is it really bad luck that the defender hit? I mean he is going to hit every third game. When I talk about luck, I think it is more of when a trn hits a lone bomber, which is about 16-17% of the time.
I think Avg results are anywhere from 25%-75% and the extremes are the outlaying top and bottom 25. (one in four or one in three games) So, good + avg to me means 75% of the games. Those are the games I really focus on trying to win.
Now, I’m sure some people will define it higher or lower, but avg should be more than just the 50% result. Otherwise, every time a lone defending inf hits, people are going to complain “oh I lost that game because the lone Russian inf in Kar hit on G1, you only had a 33% chance to hit. These dice just cost me the game!”
Which I think everyone here will consider a bit absurd. :-)
Now if that inf killed 5 infantry, 2 arm, and 1 ftr, now you have a complaint. :-D