AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • United States National Advantages

    1.  Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During you’re mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: China, Sinkiang, or Kwangtung. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    3.  Liberty Ship Program
    In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
    Your transports now cost 6 IPC’s.

    4.  Superfortresses
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your bombers roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. They defend on a 2.

    5. Great Wall of China
    During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army fell back to the Great Wall.
    Your infantry on China and Sinkiang defend on a 3.

    6. Naval Industry
    After Pearl Harbor, the US tried to rebuild its Pacific Fleet.
    All Naval units cost one less IPC for the entire game.

    8. Filipino Guerrillas
    The HUKBALAHAP helped pave the way for the US invasion of Leyte.
    Once per game, if the Allies control the Philippine Islands, you may place two of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

    10. Pacific Divisions
    Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either Sink, Chi, Kwa, Phi, Alsk or Haw if you control it.

    11. Carpetbombing
    Each bomber can for one round bomb enemy land units hitting at a 2. It must first survive enemy ID rolls.

    12.Essex Aircraft Carrier
    Once per turn, 1 CV (Aircraft Carrier) can be purchased and placed at Eastern United States for 14 IPC.

    13. Iowa Class Battleships
    The Iowa’s were thus designed as fast escorts for aircraft carriers, rather than as a classical battleship. Speed was the essence of their design, topping thirty knots on calm waters. They owed it to their extremely powerful machines (more than 50% better than on the previous South Dakota) and the length of their hull (for hydrodynamic reasons, the longer the ship, the faster she can go). The guns had the same caliber as those of their predecessors (16-Inch) but it was a new more powerful model. They were also valuable antiaircraft platforms, especially in the era of the Kamikaze.
    Your Battleships may move 3 spaces and have a +1 AA gun fire.

    14. Communist Guerillas
    Communist guerrillas remained the only really effective force against the Japanese in Occupied China.
    Starting on the first US turn, the US player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= One Japanese Infantry is destroyed and removed from the map.
    2=  The US player can select the territory of China, Sinkiang or Kwantung and force all Japanese units that move into this territory to stop or force units moving out to be reduced to a movement of one.
    3= The Japanes players loses 2 IPC
    4= The Japanese player loses 1 IPC
    5= No effect
    6= Communist Guerillas neutralized (no roll next turn)

    15. Chinese warlords
    Majority of Chinese forces in WWII belonged to warlords who were most interested in their own power. Some of them defected to the Japanese Empire but later just as easily rejoined the Nationalist government.
    Axis do not collect income from China, Kwantung, Manchuria or Sinkiang in Collect Income phase if the territory is not occupied with at least one land unit.

  • Put them together.

    Few questions though. Tekkyy You say  US Marines is an optional unit, so remove the NA… But where have we mentioned that US Marines are optional units?  Mech. Infantry is indeed added. But I think we can and should make an NA for the US to represent its total mobility of all its armed forces.

  • ok we need 3 more… some of the NA’s are not in sequence so it might have been overlooked.

  • 14. Communist Guerillas
    Central government’s elite units suffered some 60% casualties at the Battle of Shanghai. China lost most of its well-trained troops prior to WWII. However, Communist guerrillas remained an effective force against the Japanese in Northern China.
    Starting on the first US turn, the US player rolls one die per turn and notes the results as follows:
    1= The Japanese player removes one Japanese INF (infantry) from Manchuria, China or Sinkiang.
    2= The US player selects the territory of Manchuria, China, Sinkiang or Kwantung. Movement of Japanese land units to and from the territory is prevented this turn. ie. Reinforcements and Retreats.
    3= The Japanes player collect 2 less IPC from Manchuria next turn.
    4= The Japanes player collect 1 less IPC from Manchuria next turn.
    5= No effect
    6= Communist Guerillas neutralized (no roll next turn)

    Few questions though. Tekkyy You say  US Marines is an optional unit, so remove the NA… But where have we mentioned that US Marines are optional units?  Mech. Infantry is indeed added. But I think we can and should make an NA for the US to represent its total mobility of all its armed forces.

    Yep we don’t actually have marines. We tried to not introduce too many units and sort of encapsulated air assault and amphibious assault into PARA (paraptrooper).

    Yeah lets make an US NA for mobility. INF (infantry) move at 2. Maybe BMR (bomber) as transport rules no longer standard but part of this NA.

  • Hi guys, just wondering when U.S. NA’s willl be finished and when all NA’s will be posted. I would also like too know if any changes could be suggested after all NA’s are posted because I just started following you guys. I hope I can help in some way.

  • Hey you can help right now. look at our current list and see what you dont like and why

    also once we are done we are going thru the list one more time ( all 6 nations) so see what you can add to what we got allready.

    we will add your contribution to the list of contributors… but it should be something good.

    Tekkyy: Death head 420 should be added if he wasnt allready.

  • so most US infantry divisions are mechanized right?
    what about US paratrooper divisions? shall they move at 2 as well?

    16. Mechanized infantry
    Later in the war, the United States Army used large numbers of M3 Half-track vehicles to give their infantry mobility.
    Starting from turn 3, all your INF (infantry) move 2 and may blitz.


    Hi guys, just wondering when U.S. NA’s willl be finished and when all NA’s will be posted. I would also like too know if any changes could be suggested after all NA’s are posted because I just started following you guys. I hope I can help in some way.

    sure, help with US NA for now
    this is the last nation for the first pass
    soon we’ll be going through the whole thing again


    Tekkyy: Death head 420 should be added if he wasnt allready.

    yep Death Head 420 is on the list

  • Yea Tekkyy that mech one is great!

    perfect solution.

  • OK how bout one for marines and another for strategic bombers?


    Allow infantry on the first round landed on small islands to get a +1 boost on the first round?

    Strategic Bombers

    High altitude bombers attack at 5 defend at 2 and cannot be hit by AA guns? ( representing B-29’s superfortress)

  • That Mech is great. Marines should also be in. But I don’t know about that Strategic Bombers, we have already 4. Superfortresses… That means 2 for the same not? Maybe merge them together.

  • 2. U.S. Marines
    In World War II, the Marines played a central role in the Pacific War; the Corps expanded from two brigades to two corps with six divisions, and five air wings with 132 squadrons. In addition, 20 defense battalions and a parachute battalion were set up.[24] The battles of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa saw fierce fighting between U.S. Marines and the Imperial Japanese Army.
    Your infantry, landed on small islands receive a +1 increment for the first round only.

    Added a little historical flavor to it.

  • either make it “Islands” (OOB/LHTR definition)
    or list the territory for the Marines NA

    yeah probably amend 4. Superfortresses to have the AA immunity
    note defending FTR (fighter) acts as ID (infrastructure defense) in Combat Move phase
    shall Superfortresses be immune to that as well?

  • Yes to last post.

    superfortresses NA should be not possible to shoot down by AA. They flew at high altitude.

    WE also have to look at how we allocate NA’s i understand its random but how many and how many each turn?

  • 2. U.S. Marines
    In World War II, the Marines played a central role in the Pacific War; the Corps expanded from two brigades to two corps with six divisions, and five air wings with 132 squadrons. In addition, 20 defense battalions and a parachute battalion were set up. The battles of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa saw fierce fighting between U.S. Marines and the Imperial Japanese Army.
    Your infantry, landed on Pacific Islands, Malta and French Madagascar, receive a +1 increment for the first round only.

  • Make them card driven.

    At the start of the game one free pick. Player may pick its wanted NA. From turn 2, players pick 1 card randomly each turn.

  • 7. U.S. Code breaking intelligence
    During World War II, the U.S. utilized a great military intelligence advantage over the Japanese, in both their radar capabilities and code breaking. The radar on Midway gave position, bearing, and altitude. Intelligence experts discovered that the Japanese planned to attack an unknown site referred to as “AF.” To test the theory that Midway was the target, a disinformation message regarding Midway’s freshwater supply was sent out over open communication channels. The Japanese intercepted the message and redistributed it in their JN 25 code, saying that “AF” needed freshwater.
    U.S. navy units have a +1 increament for the first round only, when attacked by the Japanese.

  • Micoom:

    add those to the file…

    Make them card driven.

    At the start of the game one free pick. Player may pick its wanted NA. From turn 2, players pick 1 card randomly each turn.

    This would be what should be done… except i also feel that some of these should occur as they historically did… perhaps for each nation 2-3 of their NA’s offur at specific turns?  Also some predetermined total should be used… one per turn but for how many turns… if the game lasts 10 turns we cant have 10 NA’s

    perhaps a cap of 6 total for each nation? 1 they start with, 1 they get automatically - as per history), and 4 they draw randomly?

  • Actually the selection progress was briefly covered before…

    Basically he national unit is standard.
    During the first 2 rounds each player randomly selected an NA.
    (Card, dice, whatever)

    We could make it more NAs if you want.

    Each player gets 3 National Advantages, the first item and 2 more randomly selected items. For the first 2 rounds, at the beginning of each round every player randomly selected a National Advantage. (Draw a chip or card from a bag). The randomly selected National Advantage comes into effect immediately when the player reveals it any time in the game.

  • @Imperious:

    perhaps a cap of 6 total for each nation? 1 they start with, 1 they get automatically - as per history), and 4 they draw randomly?

    yeah, definitely need a cap
    otherwise all NA comes into play eventually and it can become predictable

  • Yes, you’re right, the first NA (old National attack/unit rule) is standard. A cap of max 6 sounds also OK. Randomly driven is easy to fix, but History driven will be a challenge…

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