• By request, here is the link to the most recent version (1.4) of LHTR, Larry Harris Tournament Rules.

    For anyone who may not have encountered them, this is probably the most commonly used rule-set for online gaming.


  • @ncscswitch:

    By request, here is the link to the most recent version (1.4) of LHTR, Larry Harris Tournament Rules.

    For anyone who may not have encountered them, this is probably the most commonly used rule-set for online gaming.

    I think this post should be under the forum for House Rules!

  • 2007 AAR League

    Is there a pdf of the 1.3 rules?

  • My bad, I misremembered the version number, and thought 1.3 was the original, and the green text represented the change to 1.4.

  • @B.:

    I think this post should be under the forum for House Rules!

    I understand your interest in the OM, and in your own proposed variants of the game.  However, the simple fact remains that LHTR does indeed represent the most commonly used rule-set for online gaming.

    The reasons for this are multiple and compelling, such as the massive amount of errata in the box rules.  “SBR’s do the roll of the die or the IPC value of the territory, whichever is GREATER” [emphasis added].

    It also corrected the dreadful rule combination that almost guaranteed an Axis win on G1 by allowing for Sea Lion supported by all 6 initial German FIGs.

    That last example alone… making the outcome of the game dependent upon the roll of 6 German tech dice for LRA, with automatic Axis win if the odds prevail and Germany rolls a 1… is more than ample reason to scrap the OM and use a superior rule set.

    And while we admire the work being done elsewhere on these boards for a new and more realistic rule-set, in the interim we go with the best rule-set available, which also happens to be the rule-set used by almost everyone else playing online.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Multi-national attacks:
    I read the section on multi-national attacks and now i’m really confussed.  I thought Larry himself had agreed that allied units in a seazone could be taken as causualties.  (I always thought that this was an obscure issue but I have had it happen at least 3 times over the last month).  If I am reading the new rules correctly allied units CAN’T be taken as causalties.  Did I miss something?

    :?  :?

  • Larry changed his mind and went with Blackwatch’s interpretation. Allied fleets are just basically not there during a battle.

  • JSP…

    While initially I agreed with what is now the rule, I fought long and hard for the inclusion of those alliance ships as potential casualties.  Used every argument I could drag up to support it…

    But, I do agree with the current version.  It is in keeping with the nature of the game, if not of “reality” :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    I actually prefer the new rule, it eliminates any ambiguities.  I will be eating a lot of crow over this one.  :-D

  • Funny, that is one of the first things I said when the new rules came down :-)

  • @ncscswitch:

    That last example alone… making the outcome of the game dependent upon the roll of 6 German tech dice for LRA, with automatic Axis win if the odds prevail and Germany rolls a 1… is more than ample reason to scrap the OM and use a superior rule set.

    And while we admire the work being done elsewhere on these boards for a new and more realistic rule-set, in the interim we go with the best rule-set available, which also happens to be the rule-set used by almost everyone else playing online.

    I don’t use LHTR, because it is not officially approved by Hasbro / Avalon Hill, even though it IS the standard for most tournaments.

    How is a G1 attack on UK an automatic win for Axis?  The German air is decimated, the US can recapture, USSR can attack, the game is far from over.  Germany cannot hold UK, so must expand back east, but because of loss of fighters, Allies quickly build transport fleet to threaten W/S Eur or provide reinforcements to Archangel / E. Eur. etc depending on the situation.

  • The reason the Fall of London on G1 is an Axis win is pretty simple…

    UK can spend NO MONEY on UK1.  They are already decimated, and then they can;t even buy anything.
    Germany on the other hand gets to build with about 80 IPC on G2…

    16 ARM heading for Russia?  On top of 8 existing, plus a significant INF screen?  And NO UK forces to reinforce or divert attention away from Russia?  No US move into Africa so that Germany keeps its eleveated income by taking 9 more IPC’s from UK, dropping them to just over 20 IPC by the time they finall DO get to buy something?  And US forced to defend UK against a second possible Germany strike on G2, since Germany’s landing force is still intact, and they are probably not totally devoid of AF…

  • But alas, that is off topic, and continued discussion requires a new thread.

    As for LHTR…

    It may not be “Hasbro” sanctioned, but it IS snactioned by the game designer.

    Saying that it is not Avalon Hill sanctioned or Hasbro Sanctioned is not valid is like telling me that my 1st Edition AD&D books are all invalid and trash because they have E. Gary Gygax’s name and the TSR logo on them instead of Wizards of the Coast.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Saying that it is not Avalon Hill sanctioned or Hasbro Sanctioned is not valid is like telling me that my 1st Edition AD&D books are all invalid and trash because they have E. Gary Gygax’s name and the TSR logo on them instead of Wizards of the Coast.

    I see.

    If I had known that I didn’t have the right to post my opinion, I wouldn’t have bothered.

  • I did not say you did not have the right.  I responded to your post.

    The tactics discussion needs to be a new thread to continue.
    And I offered a counter to your Hasbro statement.

  • I read this post and people have posted 2 or 3 differences in the tournament rules and the rules that came with the game.  Any more that I should be aware of?  If I play recreation with my friends FTF is there going to be huge differences than if I just taught them the tournament rules without them really knowing?

    Germany taking over UK on G1… now thats scary!!

  • Tech is a major difference.
    FIGs on AC’s is different

    Those are the two that always stick out in my head.

    Just print off a copy of LHTR, and introduce any players you meet to it, that way when they make their way HERE, they are ready :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    SBR is another that always comes to mind.  Under the original rules you could bring 20 bombers & bomb germany back to the stone age.  Under the new rules total losses per turn can’t exceed the territories value.  Most of the other changes are clarifications.

  • Actually, that is just another clarification also.

    If you read both the OM and the “what’s Changed” insert in the Revised game, you see that the intent was to limit SBR’s (primarilly because Heavy Bombers were so massively overpowered in Classic).

    LHTR simply corrected language/wording issues from the OM that made the limitations more clear.

  • Does that revised Luftwaffe Dive Bombers rule include attacks on sea zones?

    God help a lone transport, or even a small fleet with no AC, if that be the case.

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