AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • ok fine

  • Axis & Allies
    National Advantages

    1. United States
    ––Island Bases (pg 38, Operations Manual)
    ----Chinese Divisions (pg 38)
    ----Marines (pg 38)
    ----Mechanized Infantry (pg 38)
    ----Paratroopers: Your bombers may act as transports; they may load, carry, and drop up to two infantry. You must declare during your combat move phase that your bomber is doing a paradrop. They don’t need to land afterwards; you can choose to destroy them. When dropping units, bombers can’t attack. Hostile antiaircraft guns roll one die for each bomber doing a paradrop and each unit being dropped. You may not paradrop during your noncombat move phase.
    ----Filipino Guerillas: Once per game, if any power on your side captures the Philippine Islands, you may put three of your infantry there for free.

    2. United Kingdom
    ----Radar (pg 37)
    ----Joint Strike (pg 37)
    ----Enigma Decoded (pg 37)
    ----Mideast Oil (pg 37)
    ----Allied Resistance: Once per game, if any power on your side captures Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and/or Norway, you may put two of your infantry there for free (those units represent either the Free French in West Europe, the Polish Home Army in East Europe, or the Norwegian Underground in Norway).
    ----Colonial Garrison (pg 37)

    3. Soviet Union
    ----Russian Winter (pg 35)
    ----Nonaggression Treaty (pg 35)
    ----Salvage (pg 35)
    ----Trans-Siberian Railway (pg 36)
    ----Conscription: During your purchase units phase, you get 2 infantry for free.
    ----Red Guard: Once per game, if your capital gets attacked (not including strategic bombing raids), you may place one infantry there for each industrial complex you control before the conduct combat phase.

    4. Germany
    ----U-Boat Interdiction (pg 36)
    ----Atlantic Wall: During any amphibious assault against Western Europe or Norway, all your infantry there defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.
    ----Wolf Packs (pg 36)
    ----Waffen-SS: Your infantry attack on a 2 during the first cycle of combat.
    ----Panzergrenadier (see Mechanized Infantry)
    ----Blitzkrieg Tactics: When paired with a bomber, your tanks attack on a 4.

    5. Japan
    ----Tokyo Express (pg 37)
    ----Kamikaze Attacks (pg 37)
    ----Banzai Attacks (pg 38)
    ----Imperial Guard: Once per game, if your capital gets attacked (not including strategic bombing raids), you may put two infantry there before the conduct combat phase.
    ----Mounted Infantry: Your infantry may move 2 spaces. However, they may not blitz (see pg 13, Tanks and Blitzing).
    ----Guerrilla Tactics: Your attacking infantry and tanks may fire at the opening fire step during the first cycle of combat.

    6. Italy (optional)
    ----Gustav Line: During any amphibious assault against Southern Europe, all your infantry there defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.
    ----Mountainous Terrain: Units can’t blitz when passing through Southern Europe.
    ----Elevated Ground: All your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3.
    ----Blackshirts: Once per game, if your capital gets attacked (not including strategic bombing raids), you may put two infantry there before the conduct combat phase.
    ----Frogmen: During your combat move phase, your infantry may jump into a sea zone and attack naval units. They have to be picked up by a transport during your noncombat move phase or else they drown.
    ----Rome-Berlin Pact: Once per game, you may skip your combat move phase and conduct combat phase. During the German player’s turn, he/she may move all your pieces during his combat move phase and conduct combat phase.

    What do you guys think?

  • Ok since Mr. Andersson has not bothered to come back to the fold…. Your now in charge of NA’s… we need 10 NA’s for each player and 10 for italy ( italy will be an optional player)…

    That list is good except a few things:

    waffen SS… all your infantry attacks at 2? you sure?  remember SS panzer will be a new unit ( black painted tanks).

    Salvage allways seemed to be a problem to me due in large part that a tank unit represents a corps/ army sized formation and no side had ever been able to repair that many enemy tanks during the war. perhaps a division worth but not more.

  • Sure. All the current NA’s are on pg 1 right?

  • no ill post what we got… you will have to decide what works best under playtest conditions. ill post.

  • no ill post what we got… you will have to decide what works best under playtest conditions. ill post.

    check this section:


  • I’ll save it on Microsoft Word and edit as necessary. Commonwealth Divisions is included right

  • Were any American troops actually fighting in China?

    With Chinese Division NA we might need to remove the 2 US VCs in China…

    At the moment we have 2 US VCs in China to model persuading one of the many Chinese divisions to do something.

  • Were any American troops actually fighting in China?

    flying tigers thats it… no land forces

    With Chinese Division NA we might need to remove the 2 US VCs in China…

    ++++ have to look into this

    At the moment we have 2 US VCs in China to model persuading one of the many Chinese divisions to do something.

    +++ perhaps china needs to be more independant rather than tied to US VC conditions. not sure

  • @Imperious:

    +++ perhaps china needs to be more independant rather than tied to US VC conditions. not sure

    well we don’t do map changes
    so its just a matter of removing the VC if anything

    I don’t want China to be a new player if thats what you meant
    I am actually not too keen on Italy being a separate player either but its ok its just among the optional rules

  • @Imperious:

    +++ perhaps china needs to be more independant rather than tied to US VC conditions. not sure

    I’m with the idea of making China an independent power in the optional rules. Chiang Kai-Shek wasn’t really pro-American, he just wanted Western military aid and precious Lend-Lease supplies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiang_Kai_Shek#Wartime_leader_of_China).

    nyway if you guys aren’t tired of this project yet we could create NA’s for China. Tekkyy whadya think?

  • China can be independant but controlled by USA… it should have its own builds and money and most likely 2 IPC infantry which can be summarized into a new Chinese list of NA’s . this list will cost the USA player from his allotment of NA’s for China. What you think?

  • yeah this is tough without complicated rules

    for one, Chinese forces are not gonna help US conquer Germany lol so forces raised there shouldn’t be able to move too far away from China

  • Well, Chinese should only be able to battle Japanese forces. The only exception is when the Japanese are on original Russian territories. So basically, the Chinese can only do battle on the Pacific coast and can’t run around and battle everyone they want.

  • As for NA’s for china, they should get very few, and not that powerful ones.

    Let me do a little research and I will come up with some.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hitler sent ‘lesser’ people to labour camps, and the Russians (if memory serves) did the same to captured German units. Perhaps there’s a way to add this into the game?
    I.E. For every five German Infantry Russia destroys, add one IPC to your national reserves.
    Once per turn a German infantry, instead of participating in combat, can deport citizens of their current country to labour camps. This adds 1 IPC to your reserves Note: You may only deport three times from the same territory. - The deportations could also be added to the NVC.

  • Moderator

    I think they should be unrestricted… What “US” player in his/her right mind would try to spend all the logistical time of creation and transport to fight an enemy on the opposite side of the world when 24/7 his hands are full in China? Think K-I-S-S, and I am not even that good with the rule… But this is what we strive for…


  • Well, Chinese should only be able to battle Japanese forces. The only exception is when the Japanese are on original Russian territories. So basically, the Chinese can only do battle on the Pacific coast and can’t run around and battle everyone they want.

    yes the Chinese should only be able to protect their own nation of greater china which includes Japanese held manchuria and kwangtung. You can even stretch this to include french indo china but it would not be as good as the first two.

  • @Adonai:

    I.E. For every five German Infantry Russia destroys, add one IPC to your national reserves.
    Once per turn a German infantry, instead of participating in combat, can deport citizens of their current country to labour camps. This adds 1 IPC to your reserves Note: You may only deport three times from the same territory. - The deportations could also be added to the NVC.

    Yeah we could try something like that.
    Some time able we came up with this rule about capturing retreating infantry. The details are in the latest draft.
    At the moment these units are just removed/destroyed.
    We could make it for Russia and Germany (or even Japan) for every X enemy units captured gives 1 IPC.

  • Well, if 1 side retreats, than x amount of units must stay behind, once this territory is liberated, the units kept as prisoners are freed and may do battle or non-coms on the next turn. How does this sound, just throwing things from the top of my head.

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