Yeah ok.
But what you do think of my argument that “naval/carrier fighter” should attack just as strong as defend?
+++++ thats fine as long as the price and cost don’t misalign it with respect to value vs. other unit buys.
So what would be a good price for a 3/3 naval fighter? Is 8 IPC too cheap compared to 10 IPC 3/4 land fighter?
++++ 8 IPC fighter seems correct… but a destroyer costs 10 IPC at 2/2, while this plane is at 3/3 costing 8… seems a no brainer to just buy planes… thats why i now favor a 3/2 fighter which splits the difference. The attack at 3 resembles its devestating torpedo payload against surface ships, while the 2 defense makes it closer to its relationship in air combat against land based fighters. It also brings the value in line with other naval buys.
Divebomber are slightly more agile than bombers and I understand the selection of 3/2 vs bomber’s 4/1.
++++ yes that was the idea.
What shall be the cost of a 3/2 dive bombers? 8 IPC too?
+++++ yes see above.
It does appear now we have too many planes though.
Fighter, naval figher, dive bomber, bomber…
++++ no just two fighter type planes:
- all purpose fighter
- torpedo bomber/ divebomber one use for sea, another use for land… same values and costs.
vs. land only getting infantry, armor and artillery…
++++ in land were adding optional rules for mech infantry, heavy artillery, and heavy tanks.
If we were to pick between naval fighter and dive bomber to add, you would pick naval figher right?
+++++ yes i would but it can be for both just for different reasons.
Quote from: Imperious Leader on July 04, 2006, 09:27:25 PM
++++ What i remember is the total domination they enjoyed in Poland and France…due in part to the Blitzkrieg concept and entirely new vision of mobile warfare. The Germans hardly used planes against ships due in large part to Goering and his motto: “whatever flys is under my dominion”
That is why the German Carrier could not be completed for service because Goering would not release any planes for training in maritime combat drills other than simple strafing at beaches and harbors.
Ok, what we gotta focus on a dive bombers in general (not just German)?
++++ yes i was just using some illustration to back up the point. IN the war all nations had this “divebomber” plane.