International weaker sex day.
Actually, my girlfriend was pretty strong in the sex department on that day. It certainly wasn’t weaker than any other.
Disclaimer: I don’t actually mean the things I say here, I just want to say them so I don’t go completely insane!
I feel that the human population allows too many people to breed. There is not nearly enough control over who can and cannot breed. After all, undirected breeding is not a necessity for the survival of the human race any longer as we have become a plague, a pox, upon the planet we lovingly refer to as Planet Earth (3rd rock from the sun.)
For instance, why should a woman who comes to a COMPLETE UTTER FREAKING STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A BUSY INTERSECTION TO APPLY MAKEUP be allowed to breed??? HOLY HELL!!! I have never, in all my born days, been so close to taking the business end of my truck and attempt to drive THROUGH the side door of some idiot’s “safe car” (aka Volvo.) I mean, common people! We have GOT to do something about this.
My solution? Everyone gets implanted with an IUD so that NO ONE can breed without proper governmental clearnaces. To have children you’d have to prove the following:
A) You are employable
B) You have common FUCKING sense
C) You have an IQ in at least the double digits
D) Your DNA is compatible with the recipient’s DNA
E) Your house passes inspection by the Department of Children and Families
F) You complete army basic (not US army, any army, they’re pretty similar.) (This last is to prove you won’t get a gun and start blowing people away after 3 weeks of not getting more then 30 minutes of sleep at a time and having something yelling at you 24/7 no matter what you do because no matter what you do it isn’t the right thing!)
Now, someone’s going to say “but who determines the threshhold?” I do. Conceeded? Yes. But as this is MY rant, I make the rules!!! :P :evil:
“Why don’t we do it in the road…”
I like D) “recipient” sounds so…funny… when you think of the biological events.
of some idiot’s “safe car” (aka Volvo.)
whats with the hating on Volvos? my S80 is the shit (read: my parents’ S80, i dont have that kind of money)
C) You have an IQ in at least the double digits
id say triple digits, below 70 (80?) is technically considered mentally retarded
conceited, only pointing that out because its a different word
Jen - you wouldn’t believe how often during my obstetrics rotation have i agreed with this list to some degree (with respect to Janus’ point)
Well, I’ve already reached the carefully considered opinion that the only perfect form of government/civilization would be a pure dictatorship ruled by me. None of that “freedom” or “power corrupts” bullshit :D.
The whole volvo thing stems from debates I had in college with my friends. I distinctly got the impression from them that they didn’t need to learn how to drive because they drove a “safe car” AKA, they’d survive, who cares about pedestrians, small animals, trees, etc.
And, possibly, the best solution would be to have computer assigned mating based on genetic material???
Off topic: CC, is there another word for bone doctor then orthopedic surgeon? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois doesn’t seem to have that designation…they have a mess of cancer doctors and other docs, but i was wondering if maybe they were listed as something else?
Off topic: CC, is there another word for bone doctor then orthopedic surgeon? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois doesn’t seem to have that designation…they have a mess of cancer doctors and other docs, but i was wondering if maybe they were listed as something else?
Obviously not CC, but I think you are looking for an osteopath. From what I understand, they are one of the few whom have the authority to conduct some natural “alternative” therapies.
Off topic: CC, is there another word for bone doctor then orthopedic surgeon? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois doesn’t seem to have that designation…they have a mess of cancer doctors and other docs, but i was wondering if maybe they were listed as something else?
Obviously not CC, but I think you are looking for an osteopath. From what I understand, they are one of the few whom have the authority to conduct some natural “alternative” therapies.
Actually, I was looking for another doctor title. :) Stupid insurance agencies, big huge scam, IMHO. Pay em five grand a year and they can’t even tell me where to get a second opinion on a shattered bone! Sheesh!
They have no osteo-anything listed. Closest I could find is Podiatery and I doubt he wants to look at my spine!
(maybe socialized medicine ain’t so bad?)
(maybe socialized medicine ain’t so bad?)
Maybe no insurance at all isn’t so bad. wink
I’m going to a general practicioner….I just hope that his statement isn’t blasted because he isn’t a specialist…ya know, you gotta hand it to the Army, at least they get you to the person you need to see when you need medical attention. (When you don’t need it, they give you a 10 gauge IV and fill you with 2 liters of H2O laced with Na and other minerals.)
(maybe socialized medicine ain’t so bad?)
Maybe no insurance at all isn’t so bad. wink
I’m going to a general practicioner….I just hope that his statement isn’t blasted because he isn’t a specialist…ya know, you gotta hand it to the Army, at least they get you to the person you need to see when you need medical attention. (When you don’t need it, they give you a 10 gauge IV and fill you with 2 liters of H2O laced with Na and other minerals.)
i think that there needs to be a change in this kind of thinking - i.e. that fluids are so benign. Often they help, but they can also prove to be very problematic at times, and they need to be used with more caution than they are now.
Sane woman? Huh?
(maybe socialized medicine ain’t so bad?)
Maybe no insurance at all isn’t so bad. wink
I’m going to a general practicioner….I just hope that his statement isn’t blasted because he isn’t a specialist…ya know, you gotta hand it to the Army, at least they get you to the person you need to see when you need medical attention. (When you don’t need it, they give you a 10 gauge IV and fill you with 2 liters of H2O laced with Na and other minerals.)
i think that there needs to be a change in this kind of thinking - i.e. that fluids are so benign. Often they help, but they can also prove to be very problematic at times, and they need to be used with more caution than they are now.
How do you mean?
Generally speaking the US Army had a tendancy to put 1-2 liters of fluid in you if you had flu like symptoms but no fever. I can’t speak for the entire army, but it helped me and it taught me that hydration is more then a funny word, it’s pretty important for your day to day health.
(maybe socialized medicine ain’t so bad?)
Maybe no insurance at all isn’t so bad. wink
I’m going to a general practicioner….I just hope that his statement isn’t blasted because he isn’t a specialist…ya know, you gotta hand it to the Army, at least they get you to the person you need to see when you need medical attention. (When you don’t need it, they give you a 10 gauge IV and fill you with 2 liters of H2O laced with Na and other minerals.)
i think that there needs to be a change in this kind of thinking - i.e. that fluids are so benign. Often they help, but they can also prove to be very problematic at times, and they need to be used with more caution than they are now.
How do you mean?
Generally speaking the US Army had a tendancy to put 1-2 liters of fluid in you if you had flu like symptoms but no fever. I can’t speak for the entire army, but it helped me and it taught me that hydration is more then a funny word, it’s pretty important for your day to day health.
just in general - “fluids” is too much a knee-jerk reaction in hospitals, and often we don’t think about using them hard enough.
I’ll take your word for it. My experience in the states with private (aka civilian hospitals) is that they always slap a generic Zinthromax (or other antibiotic) script in your hand and kick you out the door. They never actually evaluate you and determine what’s really wrong.
Example: I had a cold for an entire winter. I got 3 perscriptions for anti-biotics and a perscription only decongestant but it only got worse and worse.
Example: I had the same symptoms arise in the Army, they put 3 liters of water in me and gave me a conselling statement for not drinking enough water. (dehydration is damaging government property) and the symptoms went away a couple of days later.
I think our hospitals just might be doing too many “knee jerk reactions” and not enough diagnosis’s. Sometimes you need an anti-biotic, sometimes you just need Vitamin C, Zinc, B-Complex and Water. (Aka, Brocolli and Water)
Whereas my experience is the reverse…
Martin Army Hospital:
160+ X-rays of my knees over a span of a year (not kidding about the number… 3 shots plus any make ups if one came out bad every time I was seen) and I still could not walk or stand without crutches and/or braces.
Military Solution: Medical Discharge and a prediciton of total knee replacement within the next 10 years
Roaring Spring Orthopedic:
1 set of X-rays, 1 exam, 1 surgery to scrape massive amounts of scar tissue out of my knees
Civilian Solution: Repair my knees and they are at 90% of what they were when I was 16… and it has been nearly 20 years since my med board and I still have my original knees.
Who’d you see at MACH? I saw Dr. Bujescul and Mrs. Cooper, they were really nice…although, they forced a MEB/PEB as well on my back. :(
This was back in 1989…
Yer old! In 1989 I was 12 years old!!!
My favorit quote for the year from Monty Python and the Holy Grail…
“I’m 37, I’m not old.”"