• Ok, I’m offically fed up with music these days. Its just so… pathetic. And no, I don’t mean the NSyncs and Britnay Speares of this world, at least they admit they are crap. Groups like Mudvayne, Linkin Park, basically all rap, and even older, good bands like U2, they all sound so… horrible.

    I’m writing this because of an encounter with a good friend of mine today. He’s a huge fan of really bad Music, namely Linkin Park. He comes to my House to say Hi, and I have several of my CDs shuffling together. First I have U2’s War (their best albumn, IMO), Meat Loaf’s Bat out of Hell, Paul Mcartny Live, and The Clash’s greatest Singles. First off, he calls the Music I am listening to crap, and Paul Mcartny is on! Then Meatloaf starts playing and he identifies him as “That fat guy”.

    He pops in his Linkin Park CD into the player, and talks to me about “real” music. First off, I’m listening to classics. And Second, anyone with a good screaming voice and 2 Guitar lessons could play that Linkin Park crap.

    Now my point, there is way too much marketting and imagery in today’s Music Business. Bands care more about their hair cuts and their merchandise than their Music. And keep in mind, I am not even bringing the Britney Spears type into the equation. Old Bands like U2 are even comforming, though not as badly. U2’s All that you can’t leave behind Albumn wasn’t anything like the U2 we know and love. Where is the politics, the meaningful songs, hell where is the decent music!

    If I hear one more Albumn where 9 out of 10 songs are about someone’s Girlfriend, I’m gonna break something.

    Let me say something about Rap Music. Rap has problems 10x worse than anything the Rock industry has. Its 100% Imagery. I love a quote from Chris Rock I saw last night, “The truely hard people are in Jail. If someone went out and made themselves a Demotape, and got themselves a Publicist and a Lawyer, they probably aren’t very hard.”

    Rap artists are a bunch of posers. Not only are no instruments involved, but it doesn’t even sound remotely good! Again, older Rap sounded really good.

    “History is just a set of lies agreed upon”

    • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
      “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference” - Robert Frost
      “Only the dead will see the end of war”

    [ This Message was edited by: Yanny on 2002-06-10 17:00 ]

  • Try underground music. That’s where all the soul is it.

  • i don’t even bother with most music today, i keep with the clasics, like pink floid and the bettles. theres only a hand full of songs from the last 10 years that i enjoy lisning too. and after that i just enjoy Canadian Comady bands like Bowser&Blue. to qoute a line from one of there songs: What is an Oxymoron, heavy metel music

  • I to don’t really like most current music. I’m a big fan of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix. I cannot however say that everything new is bad; System of a Down for example. I don’t know about you guys but I think they are really good; they seem to have taken the musical political statement into the modern era. I can also apprecaite bands like Incubus simply because they have a very groovy sound and their vocalists can indeed sing.

    min phreek, have you ever heard of the Arrogant Worms? They’ve made some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever heard. Rocks and Trees is pure genius (about Canada, if you couldn’t figure that out).

    I’m not like them, but I can pretend.
    The sun is gone, but I have light.
    The day is done, but I’m having fun.
    I think I’m dumb, or maybe just happy.
    ~Dumb, Nirvana

    [ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-06-10 20:17 ]

  • yep my favs of there’s is the last saskatuwan pirate and the mounty song

  • Not all music today sounds like crap. That Britney Spears and all that so called “pop” sucks like Yanny says, but groups like U2 still have a good thing going about them I think. And even the crappy bands have some good songs otherwise I personally don’t really see how they got anywhere… And yes TG, underground is definitely where its at, by far my biggest music collection is of it.

  • AC/DC rules, any of you like 'em? SOMEONE’S gotta say yes. I like pink floyd and led zeppelin as well, and metallica. Hahahaha any of you heard Norm Macdonald? THAT’S good stuff!

  • '19 Moderator

    My music tastes are a bit odd and varried. I do like AC/DC and I’m not a fan of linkin stinkin park. My Waylon Jennings “Greatest Hits” CD is right next to my Disturbed “Sickness” CD. I have Hank Williams JR. and His stepfather Johny Horton. I allso have Alice Cooper and Offspring.

    I listen to what ever sounds good to me at the time. To me honest the lyrics are second to the sound. However I love the old Rush like “The Trees” and I have the full version of “Alice’s Resturant” on CD.

  • U2’s albumn isn’t as bad, but it’s just another creation of the marketting era. Listen to it, it isn’t of the same Quality as U2’s other Albumns are. Even Bono can get greedy sometimes.

  • Y Master,
    I concur. In the 60’s and 70’s the music that made it big was anti-establishment groups/individuals. Now they have become the Anti-Establishment Industry. Selling Coca-cola, McDickey’s, and FUBU is as big, if not bigger than the music.
    I like da Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Rush. I love old Country(Momma, 18 wheelers, Jack Dan’ls, trains, teddy bars, guns, ‘n my man dun me wrong songs). I even like a lil rap.
    Just don’t break my eardrums,talk about raping, killing, or takin’ away any part of my Bill of Rights, and I kin tolerate you pukes!
    HA! - Xi

  • I Like todays hard/heavy music.
    It has emotion,and nothing beats heavy distorted bass.
    Most other music today is bubble gum garbage.
    Hearing Korn bust their jarringbeats sends shivers down my spine, just enough rage to make me want to kick a hole through my T.V.

    Incubus, Monster Magnet, Soundgarden, STP, Rage Against the Machine and of course Korn are all brilliant.

    I like Rap from Dr. Dre and Method man/Redman, not because they are “hardcore”, its because their Rap is funny, I’ll laugh my ass off listening to it.

    The best underground music, if you call it underground music, is Beck.
    That guy knows how to mix genres. Classic!
    He mixes business with leather.

  • Ghoul,

    You named some great bands. My rant is not directed at those bands. My rant is directed at bands like Mudvane, Puddle of Mudd, ect. They are “hard” bands put together by a record company. Basically trying to capitalize on people wanting more music like Rage/Korn, except this new Music sucks.

  • Moderator

    The over exposure really irritates me. Why are all the radio stations the same and why do they play the same damn songs over and over every hour? Needless to say I no longer listen to radio. It’s really ashame because as soon as one band comes out with a unique sound and sell, then about a million other bands come out and sound similar and ruin the whole thing.
    I really enjoy bands like Pearl Jam, who no longer make videos and limit their public appearences. They’re great in concert too! Unfortunately a lot of their early stuff was over played but their stuff from Vitology on is better anyway, IMHO. No Code rules!

    [ This Message was edited by: DarthMaximus on 2002-06-11 17:03 ]

  • paul macartney?!! the worst of the beatles. he’s been next to useless since he stopped riding lennon’s coat tails…

    hmmm… lot of top 40 pop… and U2, floyd et al ARE top 40…

    any other rivet-goths about? you want good music from the last half decade? listen to wumpscut, vnv nation and covenent… political? how about a little billy bragg - great intelligent leftist lyrics and he can’t half write a beautiful and original love song and all. allthough i get the feeling there are a lot of right-wingers in this group… there’s still lots of great celtic music being made and i’m a huge fan of “trip-hop”: massive attack et al…

    i must admit that i can’t stand the white-rap-with-heavy guitars of limp bizkit et al. a lot of it does sound rather contrived…
    … which isn’t to say that pop doesn’t have its merits. music doesn’t have to have a message all the time - there’s nothing wrong with fun and entertainment purely for its own sake. there are the occaisonal dancy pop songs which try as i might i just can’t help loving… madison ave.'s “don’t call me baby” comes to mind…

    england are through to the next round!!!

    sorry - got distracted by football… oh well, that’s enough babble for the moment. i think i’m gonna go have another beer in celebration!

  • Celebration for England going through to the next round…? aren’t you canadian?

  • On 2002-06-11 16:32, Yanny wrote:

    You named some great bands. My rant is not directed at those bands. My rant is directed at bands like Mudvane, Puddle of Mudd, ect. They are “hard” bands put together by a record company. Basically trying to capitalize on people wanting more music like Rage/Korn, except this new Music sucks.

    I totally agree with you there.

  • Many great songs by the bands listed, but in the long run few of these are Great bands. One song by them(including my one of my selections, RUSH) purty much sounds like another. Though they are not my favourite band, Da Beatles were in a world almost unto themselves. Between them they could play over 60 instuments in their peak production years. Name me another band(even one of up to seven members) that can do that WIHOUT SYNTHESIZERS!

    NOTE : I’m not so limited in my ways to enjoy life that I would choose to CRANK UP DA BASS just to to feel it pummel my body.
    I want to enjoy listening to music for a long time to come. However, I’m already the only guy I know my age with little(and it’s selective)hearing loss. Crank up your music next to my car and I’ll match it with a competitor(country, rap, techno, pop, blues,you name it- it’s close at hand/CD).
    “Badgers! We don’t need no stinking badgers!” - correct the misquote and identify the source.

  • On 2002-06-13 11:31, Xi wrote:
    Many great songs by the bands listed, but in the long run few of these are Great bands. One song by them(including my one of my selections, RUSH) purty much sounds like another. Though they are not my favourite band, Da Beatles were in a world almost unto themselves. Between them they could play over 60 instuments in their peak production years. Name me another band(even one of up to seven members) that can do that WIHOUT SYNTHESIZERS!

    NOTE : I’m not so limited in my ways to enjoy life that I would choose to CRANK UP DA BASS just to to feel it pummel my body.
    I want to enjoy listening to music for a long time to come. However, I’m already the only guy I know my age with little(and it’s selective)hearing loss. Crank up your music next to my car and I’ll match it with a competitor(country, rap, techno, pop, blues,you name it- it’s close at hand/CD).
    “Badgers! We don’t need no stinking badgers!” - correct the misquote and identify the source.

    Who cares how many different instruments a band/group can play.

    Does a band have to play multiple instruments to make enjoyable music?

    And what does the quality of my life have anything to do with heavy bass?

    You just keep cruising around in your Daddy’s car blasting your country music there, hillbilly.

  • Music is an art. You respect the greats. The Beatles were so skilled at Music that they could make Music with anything from a Guitar to a Gong.

    “History is just a set of lies agreed upon”

    • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
      “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference” - Robert Frost
      “Only the dead will see the end of war”

    [ This Message was edited by: Yanny on 2002-06-13 18:11 ]

  • 3 words:
    Hip, Fully Completely

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