• '14 Customizer

    The picture shows the King George BB from HBG, the OOB Royal Oak BB, four new Cruisers from Panzerschiffe.com, OOB UK Cruiser and OOB UK Destroyer.  I think the Cruiser is too small and I wanted to change it.  Which of the four grey ships would you use for the new Cruiser?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Number 1 and 2 look as big as the battleships, but number 3 looks solid to me. This is the one I would choose, if it was me.

    It would be easier for me to distinguish. Number is just too small.

    I hope that helps.


  • My answer would “none of them” because all four Panzerschiffe cruisers are longer (albeit more slender) than the OOB and HBG battleships.  One possible alternate solution would be for you to use the British “battleship” from A&A 1941, which actually depicts the Hood, which was a battlecruiser.  I’ve just checked my unit identification chart for battleships and battlecruisers…

    Reply #10 on: September 11, 2013, 11:08:03 am
    WW2-Sea-Battleships & Battlecruisers-Allies.jpg

    …and the Hood sculpt is a trifle longer than the Royal Sovereign (Royal Oak), which battlecruisers did indeed tend to be relative to battleships.

    Another alternative would be to use the older version of the Royal Sovereign / Royal Oak sculpt (the one from the earlier A&A games), which was appreciably smaller than the current version.

  • '14 Customizer

    Wow Marc, thanks for the info. I have many old sets of the Classic as well as the first Pacific and Europe sets.  I will check out the size od the old Classic BB’s and see if they will work.

  • Wow I had no idea how small the uk cruiser was till your chart here! Now I am annoyed too lol. In my opinion even though #3 # 4 are as long as the king George my eyes had no problem distinguishing the two ship classes. I think because the cruisers are long and narrower with less heavy gun detail. If you painted them differently maybe a different shade of brown on your deck I think it would look distinguishable on the board in my opinion.

  • @cyanight:

    Wow Marc, thanks for the info. I have many old sets of the Classic as well as the first Pacific and Europe sets.  I will check out the size od the old Classic BB’s and see if they will work.Â

    My pleasure.  I don’t recall exactly when the change occured, but I think it was in whichever game came out right after Anniversary.  Both the British battleship and the Bismarck increased in size, and to some extent in detail (more so in the case of the British ship).  The motivation may have been to better distinguish those two sculpts from the cruiser unit that was introduced in Guadalcanal and Anniversary, and to make them closer in length to the American and Japanese battleship sculpts.  I’ve recently been toying with the idea of using those older small British battleships (the ones in nonstandard colours like celery green) to represent cruisers from secondary powers like China and the Netherlands, which is why the subject was already on my mind when I noticed your post.

  • Just to follow up: this picture from knp7765’s sculpt evolution post…

    Re: Evolution of Axis & Allies pieces – Take 2
    « Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 05:34:49 pm »
    British sea 02.JPG

    …has a shot of a Anniversary British BBs next to its 1942 counterpart that gives a good idea of the size difference.

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