Hey Grasshopper,
I think I just noticed a possible exploitable flaw.
Okay, so G1 Germany takes France. The Industrial Complex is downgraded to a Major Factory.
Later on, the Allies liberate France. The Major Factory remains.
Now Germany, strong in W Germany and itching for revenge, retakes France. The Major Factory is now downgraded to a Minor Factory.
The Allies, not about to let their poor French buddies suffer Nazi retribution, attack and liberate France again. The Minor Factory remains.
Unfortunately, retaking France was tough and didn’t leave the Allies much to keep it with. Also, the free French guys were already spent in the last liberation. So, Germany sends more units to re-retake France. Now the Minor Factory is removed from the board.
So, now poor France is left with NO factory at all even in it’s capital. Now, even if the Allies liberate France for a 3rd time and manage to keep it this time, France has to first collect income on their turn, buy a Minor Factory and place it in Paris on their second turn (after liberation), then finally they can actually purchase just 3 units to place in their capital.
Now, I’m not sure just how much this might benefit Germany, especially considering how many units they expended retaking France two times and getting it liberated from them two more times, but it’s an interesting way for them to deny the Allies a production facility.