@Call77 - thanks, that’s my pal FOlewnik with the steady hand and tiny brush. He’s a professional painter who has work in museums & auto shows that you’d never notice (faux finishes and things like that).
Carrier Decals
I have been working on a project to put decals on my carriers to make them unique. It all started about a month ago when I was frustrated with the Graf Zeppelin and wanted it to look more like a carrier and less like a canoe. I first started by using Imperious Leader’s link to create magnetic carriers but I used it to only build templates to modify later. http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=21083.0
I will review the process here
Place scotch tape on carrier and trim off excess tape with knife
Paint tape with a black permanent marker.
Carefully remove the tape I urge caution to be very careful in this step.
Place tape on a blank piece of paper. You can group multiples on one page
Scan the page and you should get a 200dpi scan file for each carrier.
The above process will only need to be done with new carriers since I will provide files of my completed work for you to use.
You will need the following items.-
White Decal Paper http://www.micromark.com/white-decal-paper-for-ink-jet-and-laser-printers-and-copiers-5-sheets,7945.html
Krylon Clear - Gloss Spray.
Decal Fix http://www.micromark.com/acrylicos-vallejo-decal-fix-1-oz-total,11218.html
Applying the decal
Print the files on the decal paper and carefully remove from printer.
Next you will need to apply thin coats of Gloss spray. About 5 coats should be enough.
Cut decals from sheet.
Apply Decal fix to carrier and let dry 15 mins.
Soak decal in water.
Apply water to carrier and slide on the decal.
Let dry and coat with a thin layer of gloss to seal edges. I have not tried using decal medium but it may be better than glossing again.
To be continued…
I finished the Axis carriers last night and hope to have the Allied carriers done tonight.
Graf Zeppelin
Akagi, Kaga(HBG Sculpt), Hiryu, Soryu
Camo: Zuiho, Junyo, Unryo(HBG Sculpt), Zuikaku I used the Shinano sculpts for the other carriers.
Here are the Allied Carriers.
Illustrious (x2 - UK)
Magnificent (x2 -ANZAC)
Ranger (USA-4 Atlantic)
Lexington (USA-16 Atlantic)
Yorktown (USA-10 Midway)
Enterprise (USA-6 Midway)
Wasp(USA-18 Atlantic)
Hornet(USA-12 Midway)
Saratoga (USA-3 Guadalcanal)
Essex (USA-9 Guadalcanal)As promised here are the files I used to make the decals. You could use these to make stickers too if you want.
Image Files
Essex carrier is 1/4000 scale from Shapeways sculpt.
Kaga is HBG’s sculpt
Unryo is HBG’s sculpt
These look terrific from the directly-above view in your pictures. Very nice indeed!
Hey all, new to the Axis and Allies forums and to customizing my ships. I apologize if this was answered elsewhere, but how do I size these carrier decals down to fit my ships? They look much bigger, and I’m assuming I need to arrange them onto a photoshopped page of some sort?
As a side note, i’m curious if anyone has made country symbols on a handy one piece sheet with all the countries included so that I can print out one set and decal up my whole set of models. I’m not sure if they have them in a 6mm size, or 8mm size etc.
If not I might have to try this on my own, but I didn’t want to recreate work someone else has already done.