• '14 Customizer

    I made the decals with my printer and decal paper.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I made the decals with my printer and decal paper.

    Wow, that is awesome. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    I painted some new tech pieces. V2 Rockets and Adv Mech for ANZAC. I also painted three versions of tanks for ANZAC. I plan to have 3 stages of tanks for all the powers.

    The following is a list of what tank will be used during setup and turns. Tank stacks can be converted when they join as well.

    • Early (Setup and turns 1-3)

    • Mid (turns 4 - 6)

    • Late (after turn 6)

    They will be just for appearance not any rule changes.

    I will be re-painting some older pieces and adding new ones.

    V2- Rockets with launcher

    Stuart (light tank)
    Valentine (medium tank)
    M15/42 (heavy tank) - This is the OOB tank.

    ANZAC Adv Mech Infantry

  • Impressively detailed work!  I especially like the missiles and launchers.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Wow, these are sweet Cyanight. Awesome job on these. Especially, the V2’s and tanks. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    Repainted my ANZAC pieces. I wanted the the Tanks, Mech, Adv Mech and Adv Artillery to look similar. I also repainted my ANZAC airforce and converted my old Meteor jets (shapeways) to ANZAC.  Repainted ANZAC Inf and Russian air force.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Wow, you have been busy. Great looking V-2 and Anzac Army. Love the new colors. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    Here is the first set of my Amerika pieces.

    • Horton XVIII (German Heavy Bomber)

    • Meteor (UK Jet)

    • Centurion (UK Heavy Tank)

    More on the way so stay tuned :)

  • these look good cynaight! you finally received your amerkia set! love those meteors man. Can you give me alittle review? how’s the game the pieces? lots of detail?? How are the heavy bombers ki 91 and the b48? Is the scale of the units all compatible with A&A pieces so they can easily inserted into AA games? hopefully I will have my set some time in jan 2016


  • '14 Customizer

    The set has a lot of detail. The pieces all look like they could fit with other global pieces.  The Heavy tanks might be the exception since they are kinda large especially the Japanese heavy tank.  I wish they included the Maus, T28 and Japanese Project Z bomber.  They have prototypes for  these pieces so maybe HBG will make them available later as expansion sets.  I am very pleased with the set.

  • Sponsor

    Incredible dedication, passion, and patience… I applaud you cyanight and everything you do.

  • '14 Customizer

    Thanks YG! I really appreciate the comment. Now onto more painting :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Cyanight, those pieces look really neat, especially those bombers. Super awesome job on these. :-D


  • '14 Customizer

    I repainted my Italian tanks, mech and Adv. Mech.

    Added Adv Artillery fromt he Amerika set. Im using the German Artillery from Amerika for the Italian Adv Artillery.  I think its very close the to the Italian Semovente M90/35 90mm self-propelled gun.

    Also added the Caproni Campini N.1 Italian Jet fighters. After doing some research it looks like this was the first jet fighter built in WW2.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Cyanight, your on a roll. Glad to see you painting again. Superb job, on your Italians. :-D

  • '16 Customizer

    When you say repaint, do you just paint over the old paint job or do you soak them in spirits or something to strip them?

    Also, where did you get the jet fighters? They look great!

  • '14 Customizer

    I just painted over the old paint. It does lose some definition with extra coats as you can see the tanks in the back have been painted many times. I repainted them so they could all look similar.

    The Italian Jets are from HBG.


  • Wow man great work cyanight! Really like the refitted Italian armour here. Mussolini is breakin the bank with new paint jobs and jet fighters clearly! ….great med style colors with your browns.  Any chance I can talk you into a lower degree lacquer sheen buddy?? lol your getting nicer and nicer details as you paint on and that wicked shine can sometimes kill some of it ! just my opinion… but very awesome! I really like your variety of units for each country, it’s the best I think we have seen out there!

  • '14 Customizer

    Oh, I know the clear gloss does change the colors and hide’s some detail. The only reason I keep painting them with gloss is because the other pieces are already glossed. I’m thinking about trying that spray that deshines or deglosses the piece without having to repaint it.  If that works it would be easy to apply to the other pieces.  Thanks again for your comments :)

  • Is it possible to include the Maginot Line imprinted on the map? Next to the France-Western Germany, France-Switzerland, and the France-Northern Italy borders, within the France territory. (Literally by the border side). The line should be represented by design line of a series of pillboxes.

    The rule regarding it. Enemy units entering France from either of those three territories will be shot at prior to combat, for one round, at a value of 1, any units selected as casualties from a successful attack are removed prior to the main battle. After France is captured, this rule no longer takes effect for the remainder of the game.

    Change Shanghai out for Nanking, the actual capital of China.

    The big thing is, more victory cities. Kiev, Oslo, Vladivostok, Singapore, are on my mind right now, more additions would be great.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







