Im not talking about a digital Map, but a real one. I consider myself very artistically minded so I think I could do it without it looking too bad. What materials would I need, how much time would it take? I wanna do a global map from about 1920.
North Quabbin Axis and Allies 1914 custom
1914 Axis and Allies Custom variant based on other threads, A&A, HBG Global 1914, and some historical documents. I initially used Tjoek’s A&A 1914 OOB as the underlying canvas but took suggestion i had been collecting since 2013 from these forums to build it out and modify the map. Playtested, great map; still working out some setup and unit kinks.
Full PDF of Map:
Tech Chart: Great War Tech Chart mk iv.pdf
Unit Stats: Unit stats.pdf
Central and Allied Setup 1914.pdf
More to come… One of these days i will finish the revised rulebook. (For gas and zeppelins i rely on the HBG rules for everything but cost)
@sweetchops27 will be checking this out
I printed mine to be 4 foot by 4 foot, i would not suggest going smaller.
Where did you get those 1914 capital buildings?
@sweetchops27 I’ll be doing a 4’ x 8’ minimum
@spitfire i found their files on thingiverse and used my 3d printer however i has seen people sell simular sculpts pre printed and painted advertized on fb axis and allies.
@panzerfreak i know these guys printed my map and do odd and end sizes. down side is even though the cost is cheap shipping was not.
Any news on setup information for this map?
The neutral setups prove to still need work. Also i am testing an updated tech chart. The chart worked better for my original map edits, with this one i needed to make some slight modifications. Major power setups available in edit above.
Great War Tech Chart mk iv.pdf still being tweaked -
This map looks like an awesome build-out of the original game! Very impressive. Do you have a ruleset in the works? I noticed there are a lot more minor cities and the naval base symbols have been removed, so I was curious hear more about you vision for how the game is played using this map.
@Midwest-Doughboy so the naval base icons were replaced with peices which could be added through use of research and technology points. I do have a rulebook in the works however i keep getting sidetracked by other projects.
The technology list is the most key component to this game. Every nation gets points every round and must choose how to spend them. Re-usable items include coercing minor allies into the war as well as establishing new factories and naval bases.
Unit list were expanded, much in thanks to historical board gaming.
My rules for the russian revolution still need work as they feel entirely broken at the moment.
@sweetchops27 Surprised that Senussi isn’t on here as an Ottoman-Aligned Territory (land area could be in-between Cyrenaica and Egypt) . If you don’t want to add more territories, you could very well replace Cyrenaica with it and make it north and south instead of west and east.