Stormtroopers v.s. Clonetroopers

  • I just had a looooong argument over who is better, and Im definantly going with the Clones, because they beat trillions of droids, while the stormtroopers couldnt catch 4 people on the death star, and lost to an army of fuzzballs with spears.

  • I am your mother’s sister’s cousin’s nephew’s former roommate…

  • What the? That is spam Switch!!! :x :x :x

  • It is NOT spam!  It is The Schwartz!  LOL

  • Stormtroopers are best. Indipendant control. Drones are cannon fodder.

  • …the stormtroopers are clonetroopers, when Palpatine switches over to the Empire, the clonetroopers become the stormtroopers

  • Im thinking of that dreaded “clone” army from episode one. you know the “roger,roger” robots?

    The human looking clones are much better fighters . I guess i meant the drone army?

  • Well gee, y’all were taking this seriously… and I could not resist Spaceballs references instead…

    “Comb the desert!”  LOL  Yep, gotta love those independent thinking storm troopers…  :mrgreen:
    (VERY appropriate icon there… for those who have seen Spaceballs)

  • I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!

  • @trihero:

    I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!

    Hhmmm… I could say that is nothing to brag about Tri !  LOL

    OK, back on topic, and back out of the gutter…

  • so much for my attempt to start a thread! :-o :roll:

  • Uh… Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers are the same thing. just in different movies… aren’t they…? :P

  • @ncscswitch:

    Well gee, y’all were taking this seriously… and I could not resist Spaceballs references instead…

    “Comb the desert!”  LOL  Yep, gotta love those independent thinking storm troopers…  :mrgreen:
    (VERY appropriate icon there… for those who have seen Spaceballs)

    “We ain’t found shrek!”

  • Oh great… a Druish Princess.  :-D

  • @Wargaming_nut:

    Uh… Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers are the same thing. just in different movies… aren’t they…? :P

    For the love of all things star wars no!  Once all the clones had been killed, Remember there are about 20 years between ep 3 and 4, the empire recruted troopes and they were the stormtroopers.  Clones took to long and they were to expensive to make.  If you notice in the orignal triligy the stormtroopers are all diffrent heights and have diffrent voices.

  • I doesnt matter because Cylon troopers were the best! I should know because i rule in Cylon.

  • With their Jedi leaders taken out, the chain of command placed the clone troopers under the Chancellor, who would regroup and reform his galaxy-spanning armed forces into the stormtrooper ranks that came to symbolize the oppressive might of the Galactic Empire.

    Following the rise of the Empire, the military cloning program expanded to include new clone hosts. By the time of the Empire consolidated its power by dissolving the Senate, the ranks of the Imperial stormtroopers would include cloned infantry from multiple sources as well as birth-born conscripts and recruits from various worlds.

    just to settle this unnecessary debate finally, these two quotes come from the official website. knowing this forum, im sure someone will challenge the authority of this, but whatever it says on this website is the official version of the starwars universe. so the stormtroopers are the clonetroopers, like i said, but they expanded the cloning program to include new models for the clones, and bolstered their ranks with some “real” people.

  • The real issue is who would fair better

    1. a cylon task force consisting of a baseship w/ 300 fighters

    2. an imperial star destroyer (victory class) with fighters i think thats like 45 tie fighters

    Cylons win hands down.

  • @Imperious:

    The real issue is who would fair better

    1. a cylon task force consisting of a baseship w/ 300 fighters

    2. an imperial star destroyer (victory class) with fighters i think thats like 45 tie fighters

    Cylons win hands down.

    Yes, that is one mechanized brain against another effective mechanized brain.

    But let us remember that a lone battlestar with HUMANS outclassed many a Cylon base ship and all of its raiders.

    And it was a single X-wing that blasted the Death Star to kingdom come… and a single Father and Son who destroyed the emporer himself.

    So… let the Cylons and the Stormtroopers blast at each other… then let the X-Wings and the Vipers come in an mop up :-P

  • But let us remember that a lone battlestar with HUMANS outclassed many a Cylon base ship and all of its raiders.

    Yes but it took me only 3 baseships to destroy 5 battlestars at the peace conference by the old moon cintar. In fact it only took the fighters themselves to obliterate 5 battlestars, support ships and 12 twelve planets of the colonies. It took the deathstar a whole movie to blow up alderberan, plus the deathstar was wiped out by teddy bears… a baseship was never destroyed by any daggits.

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