• Customizer


    ––I think MANY in this wargaming community would welcome an app that could track:

    –IPC income for all of the individual countries, including convoy losses, national objective bonuses, etc.
    –growth/loss rates
    –automatic notification of changes based on turn #, like in Global Warfare 1939 where certain events happen on certain turn #s (new units introduced, units upgraded, countries receive income, etc.

    ––This app would be most useful only if it covered ALL VERSIONS of A&A, including the HBG-Global Warfare 1939 varient. It would be very nice if it also had a provission where you could utilize some “House Rules” by ‘writing’ them in.

    ––If someone with computer skills would write this app,…AND CONTINUE TO UPGRADE IT as changes come along in the future, I would say,…Write me up as a DEFINATE SALE!
    Good luck to you on this worthy project, and I will definately follow it’s progress until I can purchase it.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Yeah this looks good. Hard to give much input until I actually started playing with but you are on the right path!

  • I rally like the idea of adding your own units, design of app is good too from what i have seen on the pictures. I looked for some A&A app on google play some time ago, but they dont look very well. I would definitely buy the app if it comes out. Good luck.

  • Tall Paul, andersonfg1 & mattsk,

    Thanks for the reply and encouragement.

    After looking at 1939 I realized that with the additional armies and all the changes that need to be tracked this would require a separate app. I think it might get to cluttered if it was added.

    What do you think? Is there a big community for AA39?

    You can see some recent screen shots of the App Dev. on Google + @ World Wide Army.

    Thanks for the input!

    WWA - Frank

  • Customizer


    ––IMHO HBG’s Global Warfare 1939 varient is the FUTURE of all A&A gaming! HBG has already invested many thousands of dollars in producing new sets that include new TYPES of units and has dozens more sets planned for the near future. Not only does this company have faith enough to invest,….but it seems to me that most, if not all of the A&A gamers are excitedly buying up these sets as they are produced and asking for more.
    ----IMHO you would be missing out on what should be considered the MAIN focus of your “app”, a single piece of software that could be utilised for ALL of the diferrent versions of the game, including provisions for “House Rules” that could be written in by the user. If your app doesn’t include all of the units, game versions, house rules, and some “bells & whistles” I wouldn’t be the least bit interested in purchasing it. Nor do I think many others would. Having said that, I WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED IN BUYING YOUR APP IF IT DID INCLUDE ALL VERSIONS, UNITS, ETC. I think most other A&A gamers would also.
    ––I truly hope that you will research further the popularity of various game versions, especially the large amount of interest that all of the new UNIT TYPES has generated specifically for the GW1939 game.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

        I don’t know if I completely agree with Paul that your main focus should be 1939. I think a good thing to do would be to start with the official releases of the game, and maybe add 1939 from there once you have the foundation laid.

    From someone who loves A&A and has played many of the various versions of the game, I have never personally played 1939, but my perception is that it is something that the community has created as an even more complex system than, say, 1940.

    By the way, I played 1940 with a couple newbies and I mentioned that the A&A community had created an even more complex version. Their eyes almost bugged out of their heads.

    “More complex than this??”  :-o

    Now, that being said, I am definitely interested in a more complex version. :evil:  Can anyone point me in the direction of a sort of “beginner’s guide” to 1939?

  • Customizer


    ––To be clear, what I said was that IMHO your main focus should be an app for ALL VERSIONS of A&A, including GW39, new UNIT TYPES, and provisions for ‘Home Rules’, as well as some 'Bells & Whistles".
    ––Further, I believe that GW39 is far too important to leave out,….and IMHO seems to be the future of A&A gaming and as such you should make allowances for it.
    ----But again, let me re-state, I hope that you develope your app to include ALL VERSIONS of the A&A game. As far as marketing goes,….this would make it an indispensable aid for all of us gamers,…whatever version we prefer and/or are playing at the moment.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @ossel:

    By the way, I played 1940 with a couple newbies and I mentioned that the A&A community had created an even more complex version. Their eyes almost bugged out of their heads.
    "More complex than this??"  :-o
    Now, that being said, I am definitely interested in a more complex version. :evil:Â

    To further impress your friends the next time you see them, tell them that the A&A community is thinking of starting an even more ambitious project: creating a version of Global 1940 which is even more complex than the Second World War itself actually was in reality.  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Hello Everyone,

    I am a long time fan of this game and have worked in the board game business for a number of years.

    Recently I found myself needing an app to help manage all the components of this game and help keep things organized. I have started working on a mobile/tablet app to help with this.

    Attached are 2 screen shots from the app in development. I wanted to share this with the community and get some feed back as to what features you would be looking for.

    I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

    Thanks for reading!

    WWA - Frank

    Frank, you can start out with the regular axis and allies games, but you need to be able to expand into custom gaming.

    Paul is right, the future of this game is in the variant map and pieces.

    I would suggest that you contact Historical Board Gaming and meet with these guys, because they are the future of this game. They invested a lot of money and time to make this game move forward into the future.

    They are taking this game into the future and are very ambitious, and all of them are great guys.

    It would be a mistake not to leave the door open for variant gaming.

    Like I said, you can start out small, but you are going to want to expand in the future, just leave yourself open for it.

    This is just my advice, but your talking to fans of the game, when your on this forum, so you have come to the right place for sure.

    I hope this helps in some way for you.



  • A great idea would be to have a game key/id for a single game that all of the players of that game can log into and manage their purchases, National Objectives, and see the income of other players. The whole game can be maintained by the players and shared on each of their screens.

  • Hi, how is the work going ?
    I am looking forward for that app.

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