@Gen-Nehring-0 Good day. I’m retired, can travel occasionally. I live in northern VA. When do you normally play? Best way to reach me is by email at jonkrost@comcast.net
Looking for Texas Players
Looking for Texas players in the greater Dallas area that are interested in getting a group going.
––I was excited when I first saw your post,…but my ‘gang’ are a little EAST of you in East Texas. I’m in Longview area, another player is in Tyler area, another guy is up North in Paris area, and my Dad & brother are over in Shreveport, LA. If you or your gang are ever ‘over here’, maybe we can get together.
“Tall Paul”
Tall Paul-
I just moved to Tyler/Hideaway Lake this last August.I’m up for a game.
Yeah those are pretty far from Dallas. Maybe we can organize something sometime though. Tyler is probably like a few hours drive from Dallas.
Depends on where in Dallas. Takes me 1hr 1/2 to drive to Love Field
––Yep, well maybe we can get together with a “travelling road-game” someday.Johnson73,
----I sent you my contact info. Give me a call and we’ll get together and “kill each other”. :-D“Tall Paul”
Ah, more Texas players. I’m in Austin, but I encourage you guys to get yourselves added to the player list that I maintain:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=29890.0 -
Tall Paul-
I just moved to Tyler/Hideaway Lake this last August.I’m up for a game.
––Give me a call or e-mail ANYTIME, 24/7 concerning a game. I’d also be very interested in playing/learning my Global Warfare 1939 for the 1st time. Both you and Ben Worsham in Tyler area are only 35-40 minutes away from me in Hallsville, Tx (Longview area),….and I have use of a wonderful meeting room for games almost anytime.
“Tall Paul”
i am dallas are and used to play a lot in the army and miss this game so much would be interested in playing
I live just north of Texarkana in Arkansas, about two hours or so from Tyler and Longview. Man, I’ve been struggling to find some AA players since moving to the region. I would certainly be down for the drive to get a game going! Definitely let me know if you guys wanna get some dice rolling one day!
Tall Paul-
I just moved to Tyler/Hideaway Lake this last August.I’m up for a game.
––R DiStefano, I sent you a PM with my contact info. We’re really starting to play a few A&A games now and some NEW players are in the mix also. Call or contacct me and we’ll see about setting up a game for you.
Tall Paul
@Tall-Paul Great game the other day.