You drop an IC there and I will take it, even if I have to put off a move against some of the Allied navy to do it.  Making UK lose 15 IPC’s  of their UK1 build is worth it.
If I’m dropping an IC there (which I already said I usually won’t), I will defend it. I’ll have 4 infantry and 1 fighter there. Your force will consist of 2 infantry + 4 fighters + 1 bomber. You will win, but at probably high cost to your fighters since you’re preserving the infantry to invade the territory. The worst problem is that you have now left the suicide UK navy to live. How in heck you’ll defend a J1 transport buy is well beyond me when you’re facing 1 dest + 1 carrier + 1 trans + 1 bomber, unless you skip Pearl Harbor. If you skipped Harbor, thanks for giving the US 34 IPC in equipment! You may have taken the complex, but you gave the US a huge boost and also extremely likely spent 2+ fighters doing it.
What? Â I routinely have 6 trannies by end of J3 in Classic, and in revised I have even more income, and higher tranny capacity. Â Yes it does take 4 turns to get to Russia, taking IPC’s from Russia all the way, and pulling their forces off the German front the whole time to try to slow that advance. Â Add in a few forces on a central Asia vector, and then some southern asia forces just for good measure.
I really don’t think Russia will pull up troops to stop you until perhaps you’re at novosibirsk/kazakh, and usually not even then. Russia is certainly not pulling forces off Germany “the whole time” until it becomes necessary. And by then, Germany is certain in dire straits.
You also need to realize that those “advanced” bomber forces, the ones that can reach SZ60 and SZ 61 arte vulnerable to that Japan advance. Â By J3, you won’t have any allied territory in Asia where a bomber can land and reach SZ60. Â And all I need is ONE capital ship to protect my trannies. Â Sure, you will probably sink 1 of them, but then your bomber is gone. Â Want to buy a bomber a round to send to East Asia just so I can shoot it down after it sinks 1 8 IPC tranny?
I understand that. The whole point is to delay Japan for 1 turn in the beginning. I don’t expect to have allied territory in Asia by J3. I also would not attack you if you had a capital ship for protection, but isn’t that the point? I made you buy one or have one sit behind on the first turn just by threat, not even action. I don’t have to use the bomber, do I? I just made you do something suboptimal though!
You mean that there is no difference between Classic and Revised for Russia, eventhough now they are a 24 IPC nation sandwiched between a 40 and a 30 IPC enemy instead of 32 and 25 IPC enemies?
Fortress Europe, Japan tranny fleet with a 3 prong westward push, 3 Japan fleets to chase down and kill 1 US fleet, 1 UK fleet, and some straglers.
You forget that the Russian eastern rim is now worth less, so it takes more time to bite into Russia’s paycheck. And again, I really don’t think you have any experience with the timing of the game. You seem to take a massive jump to conclusions that the Japanese will always crush Russia with this slow, 3 prong attack, before Germany falls?
No, not much money at all, only 20% of UK’s income. Â Leaves them with 24 IPC’s, same as Russia. Â That is 1 tranny not being filled each round.
You again, forget that the UK can make money elsewhere. Take Norway, Algeria, and Libya and you’re up 5 IPCs. And you again forget that you have to use a tranny and probably 2 battleships + 2 fighters + 1 carrier to be sure you nail the australian/zealand IPCs in time to make a difference. You spend a lot of effort to make a little dent.
And what does the UK have left? Â The BB? Â How many forces can a BB carry to Europe? Â UK will have their Eastern Canada tranny left in the Atlantic. Â A whopping 2 units heading for Europe or Africa on UK1. Â Wow. Â I am crushed. Â And the US fleet can get to Africa on US 1, but not Europe. Â And if the US does go for Africa, there is a fair chance I might still have a Baltic sub alive after submerging off France, still have compenents of my Med navy, and of course some German Air Force, especially if US did not actually TAKE algeria (you see, I am not hell-bent on Egypt in G1 and I think G2 might be the better time for that offensive, but give me some more time to work out the numbers).
I don’t think you have any clue what you’re talking about yet. You have sacrificed a fighter and a bomber and a sub to take out essentially one transport which I will replace (the russian sub is a suicide unit so who cares about it?). Please, I would love to trade that! I don’t go for Africa on UK1 (and I never said I did!) because usually the Germany player lands about 4 fighters in Western Europe to deter that. I go for Africa on UK2/US2 when I’m much better prepared.
So I am back to having 3 rounds as Germany to pound on Russia without much concern for Germany, with Japan coming in from the back side. Â Let’s see… 8 tanks vs. 8 INF, 3 rounds… Â oops, forgot, Russia will be losing IPC’s the whole time, so make that more like 6 INF…
I don’t think you’re even looking at the gameboard, this comment is so off. At the end of turn 2 I have
UK –> 2 transports (3 quite usually since people don’t take that chance that you do with the atlantic navy) that have 2 inf 2 tank in them + 1 or more fighters
US --> 4 transports with 4 infantry + 3 tank + 1 artillery + 3 fighters + 1 bomber
All in Algeria. Which means I can strike at Western Europe and Southern Europe with my transports. Germany has had 2 full rounds of free time against Russia, but suddenly that’s the end of it. If you do not immediatley pull back the troops you built on G2 to protect southern/western europe, you’re screwed! That means you only had the first round of purchases to use freely against Russia since the second round of purchases has to fend off a third round attack.
I may not OWN Russia by the end of T3, but I will have German and Japan forces adjacent to it.
Oh please. You even agree that it takes 4 turns for the Japanese infantry to get to Russia. And you needed at least what J2 or J3 to start that flow of infantry? That’s hardly T3 when you’re close enough to threaten Russia. You may have German forces next to Russia, but they are suddenly cut off from reinforcements because Germany is forced on defense. A quick turn or so and Russia has enough forces to bounce Germany straight back.