• The line "Get away from her you B*tch is from Aliens.

    And now one that describes this thread:
    “Very good, Lewis.  Short, but pointless.”

    And a few others:
    “You know what?  F*ck you, man.  Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire.  Raining down sulfur is like an endurance trial - Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer!”

    "You know what one of the causes of short-term memory loss is, Leonard?  Venereal disease.  Maybe your cnt of a fckin’ wife sucked one too many diseased ccks and turned you into a fckin’ retard!"  (Brutal, I know.  Mods - Sorry if that last one still doesn’t cut it with the asterisks I used to censor it.  I just happen to think this is a great movie - pretty obscure, but let’s see if anyone gets it!)

    “You spilled my warm cup of piss.”

    “…I don’t know what happened to you, but if you ever, ever, tank another play like you did today, I’m gonna cut your nuts off, and stuff ‘em down your f*ckin’ throat!”

    “Oooh, I’m really scared!  No!  Don’t!  There’s a…a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!”

    “Yeah well what the hell you know about it Capone?  What’re you in for?”
    “Me?  Lawyer f*cked me.  Everybody’s innocent in here, don’t you know that?”

    “F*ck Martha Stewart.  She’s polishing the brass on the Titanic; it’s all goin’ down, man!”

    Great thread dude!  :lol:

  • @AgentOrange:

    The line "Get away from her you B*tch is from Aliens.

    And now one that describes this thread:
    “Very good, Lewis.  Short, but pointless.”

    And a few others:
    “You know what?  F*ck you, man.  Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire.  Raining down sulfur is like an endurance trial - Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer!”

    "You know what one of the causes of short-term memory loss is, Leonard?  Venereal disease.  Maybe your cnt of a fckin’ wife sucked one too many diseased ccks and turned you into a fckin’ retard!"  (Brutal, I know.  Mods - Sorry if that last one still doesn’t cut it with the asterisks I used to censor it.  I just happen to think this is a great movie - pretty obscure, but let’s see if anyone gets it!)

    “You spilled my warm cup of piss.”

    “…I don’t know what happened to you, but if you ever, ever, tank another play like you did today, I’m gonna cut your nuts off, and stuff ‘em down your f*ckin’ throat!”

    “Oooh, I’m really scared!  No!  Don’t!  There’s a…a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!”

    “Yeah well what the hell you know about it Capone?  What’re you in for?”
    “Me?  Lawyer f*cked me.  Everybody’s innocent in here, don’t you know that?”

    “F*ck Martha Stewart.  She’s polishing the brass on the Titanic; it’s all goin’ down, man!”

    Great thread dude!  :lol:

    the 1st one is ghostbusters 2
    the 2nd one is from dogma
    the 3rd one could either be Identity or Memento
    4th one, dont know
    5th one is major league
    6th one is willow
    7th one is shawshank redemption
    dont know the last one

    how did i do?

  • ok here are a few more
    1.) id take pleasure in gutting you boy!
    2.) They made you feel cool didnt they, man i met you, you are not cool.
    3.) Your butt looks like 200 pounds of chewed bubblegum!
    4.) What the F, who the F ,F, how did you two F! (F is a 4 letter word  :-P)
    5.) All the hates going to burn you up kid
            It keeps me warm at night.
    7.) Captin your mother would be very upset with you if she saw that!
                I thought you were my mother!
    8.) The enemy can not push a button if you disable his hand!
    9.) Now you all take a look at this lump of Sht and remember what it looks like, you keep your Sht wired at all times, you mess up in a fire fight and I god damn grantee you a trip out of the bush, in a body bag!
    10.) Were the night stalkers, well we were going to go with the carebears, but that was taken.

    wow I’m a dork
    have at it

  • Major:

    1. the Rock

    2. should know, but cant remember

    3. sounds like Dogma, but its not exactly the same (might be a different movie, might be you just didnt get it exactly right)

    4. Starship Troopers

    5. oh, i really should know this

    6. Blade: Trinity?

  • “She turned me into a newt!!!”

    “I have enjoyed this good conversation”

  • Response for Major Koning’s post…

    #5 is from Red Dawn
    #8 is Starship Troopers

    OK, now the answers for the ones I posted:
    Yes, the one was Aliens
    “Who dies first?” is from The Sword and the Sorcerer
    “If you refuse…” is from Heavy Metal
    “I am serious…” is of course Airplane!

    The rest… well that was Monty Python Ick Den Holy Grailen! (read the subtitles…)

  • @marine36:

    “She turned me into a newt!!!”

    “I have enjoyed this good conversation”

    the first one is Monty Python Holy grail and the second one is The Last Samuri, i think.

    the whole F uou F this deal was from boondock saints (great movie) but like you said i might have got the qoute a little wrong it has been a year since i saw the movie.

    the body bag deal was Platoon (greatest nam movie ever, well maybe Apox Now is better.)

    the 7th one was saving private ryan
    the chewed buble gum was from full metal jacket

    i think you got the rest of them right. you did great heres a gold star!

  • ah, boondock saints. i thought you were screwing up the dogma quote from jay, at the end. i see now.

  • ha, i never thought about how close they were. i think dogmas deal was something like this. What the F is going on here, Who the F is that, Why did you two hug my head, What the F happened to that guy! or somethig close to that.

    heres one

    Ahhh, Venice. (think sewer :wink:)

  • Darn…didn’t answer fast enough on these before you gave the answer.


    1.) id take pleasure in gutting you boy!
    2.) They made you feel cool didnt they, man i met you, you are not cool.
    3.) Your butt looks like 200 pounds of chewed bubblegum!
    4.) What the F, who the F ,F, how did you two F! (F is a 4 letter word  :-P)
    5.) All the hates going to burn you up kid
            It keeps me warm at night.
    7.) Captin your mother would be very upset with you if she saw that!
                I thought you were my mother!
    8.) The enemy can not push a button if you disable his hand!
    9.) Now you all take a look at this lump of Sht and remember what it looks like, you keep your Sht wired at all times, you mess up in a fire fight and I god damn grantee you a trip out of the bush, in a body bag!
    10.) Were the night stalkers, well we were going to go with the carebears, but that was taken.

    #6 is Tommy Boy
    #7 is obvious, even though you gave the answer…
    #9 thought it might be Forrest Gump, but knew it was darker…
    Was #10 Blade:Trinity?

    Had to Google the Heavy Metal one, switch - it wasn’t what I had in mind (although I’ve seen the movie).

    Is the Venice one from TMNT?

    Mine were:
    Half Baked
    Spaceballs (courtesy of switch)
    Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

    Here’s more:
    “What’s it mean when there’s a skull on the bottle?”  “Good stuff!” (two characters, question & reply)
    “…I keep getting older and they stay the same age.”

  • “Aaahh, Venice” is from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

    …and Major:  Here’s the answers to the ones you didn’t get:
    “You spilled my warm cup of piss” is from The Last Boy Scout.
    “F*ck Martha Stewart…” is from Fight Club.

    How about these?  :-P

    “You cold-blooded b*stard!  I’ll tell you what I think of it!  I’ll live to see you eat that contract!  But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I’m going to ram it into your stomach, and break your G**damn spine!”

    “But like my plastic surgeon always said, ‘If you gotta go, go with a smile!’”

    “Really; I live in Queens.  Did you put that together yourself Einstein?  Whaddya got a team of monkeys workin’ around the clock on this?”

    “What devil or saint was ever so great as Attila whose blood…flows in these veins?”

  • @AgentOrange:

    “Aaahh, Venice” is from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

    …and Major:  Here’s the answers to the ones you didn’t get:
    “You spilled my warm cup of piss” is from The Last Boy Scout.
    “F*ck Martha Stewart…” is from Fight Club.

    How about these?  :-P

    “You cold-blooded b*stard!  I’ll tell you what I think of it!  I’ll live to see you eat that contract!  But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I’m going to ram it into your stomach, and break your G**damn spine!”

    “But like my plastic surgeon always said, ‘If you gotta go, go with a smile!’”

    “Really; I live in Queens.  Did you put that together yourself Einstein?  Whaddya got a team of monkeys workin’ around the clock on this?”

    “What devil or saint was ever so great as Attila whose blood…flows in these veins?”

    the line I get older they stay the same age is from dazed and confused

    the plastic surgen deal is  from batman
    the i live in queens is from usual suspects (great movie by the way)

    dont know the others.

    ad yes, AHHh, Venice is from Indiana jones and tha last crusade

  • The cold-blooded bastard line is from Running Man.
    The “Attila’s blood” line is from Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

    How about this one?
    “It’s party time!  P-A-R-T…Why?  Because I gotta!”  :lol:

    “Okay - now I’m thinkin’ of somethin’ orange… somethin’ orange… orange… you give up?  It’s an orange!”  :-P

  • “Oh, this is the biggest one I ever had. You hear that Elizabeth? I’m coming to join you honey.”

    Aunt Esther: Who you calling Ugly Sucka?
    Fred Sanford: I’m calling you ugly. You so ugly I could press your face into some dough and make some gorilla cookies.

    Fred Sanford: On behalf of Elizabeth, would you care for something to eat?
    Aunt Esther: Oh I wouldn’t mind a little snack.
    Fred Sanford: Son, go in the kitchen and fix your Aunt Esther a fish-head sandwich!

    Fred Sanford: Ain’t you got some work to do, Oleo?
    Julio: The name is Julio, Mr. Stanford.
    Fred Sanford: It’s “Sanford”, Julio.
    Julio: Okay, then.
    Fred Sanford: Why don’t you clean your yard up? Go take a bath. Go milk your goat.
    Julio: I did all that this morning, man.
    Fred Sanford: Well, why don’t you go back to Puerto Rico?
    Julio: Mr. Sanford, I told you. I come from New York City. And I can live in any 50 states that I want.
    Fred Sanford: Well, how about Alaska? That’s a state.

  • A few more quotes popped up while Angel and I were eating dinner…

    #1  “Sorry Sir, the band-aid was holding the fingernail on.”
    #2  “Sir, he’s dead already.”
    #3  “‘If the cash is there, we do not care.’  What kind of life philosophy is that?!”
    #4  “First in Alaska, then invading steadilly southward there were reports of a new species… the [name of movie]”

    MASSIVE bonus points for the last one!

  • Well, thread is apparently dead, so here are the last answers…

    #1  Down Periscope (a GREAT movie, very funny)
    #2  Star Trek 2, The Wrath of Khan
    #3  Deep Rising
    #4  The Killer Shrews (and INCREDIBLE mid-century “B” sci-fi movie, right up there with the Giant Gila Monster!)

  • Those were two difficult… and i dont watch those kind of movies. Only war movies, documentarys, and black exploitation comedy… :mrgreen:

  • I hope the thread’s not dead, because I’ve enjoyed it!

    But here are my final answers in case you’re right.

    The “Party Time” line is from The Mask.
    The “Somethin’ Orange” line is from UHF.

    And here’s some harmless jokes while I’m at it:

    Q:  Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?

    Q:  What do you call a fly with no wings?

    Q:  Why did the little tug boat leave home?

  • Failed Al Qaeda Recruiting Posters

    1. “Be Allah you can be”

    2. “Aim Low”

    3. “An Army of None”

    4. “The Few……”

    5. “Martyrs have more fun”

    6. “Virgins…we got Virgins!!”

    7. “Free Camouflage Turbans…sign up today!”

    8. “Uncle oSAMa wants you”

  • @Imperious:

    Failed Al Qaeda Recruiting Posters

    1. “Be Allah you can be”

    2. “Aim Low”

    3. “An Army of None”

    4. “The Few……”

    5. “Martyrs have more fun”

    6. “Virgins…we got Virgins!!”

    7. “Free Camouflage Turbans…sign up today!”

    8. “Uncle oSAMa wants you”

    :lol: “Be Allah you can be” :lol:

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