Joining the Central powers that late in the game would have been absurd. Their subs sank our ships. Political suicide. Highly Nevillian.
Joining early would be equally absurd. the British navy would have sank or confiscated nearly all of our Atlantic surface ships. We would have also been left with no wealthy nations to trade with. Germany would have needed to crush the Royal navy in order for us to trade with them.
We would have had to declare immediate war on Canada. At least that is one part we could have slugged out to a win.
The side we got on would have won. The English Navy would not have sunk all of our fleet. It was stretched out over the Atlantic fighting the U-boats. Not to mention, the battle of Jutland would have been much different had the US fleet intervened on the side of the Germans.
As it was, all we really had to do to ensure a central powers victory was not to supply the Allies.
But as I stated before, it was not in our best interest to back the Central powers.