MrRoboto: Wish you would just read this. You would understand.
Fighters are the best on defense, and can escort and intercept SBR.
Tactical bombers are (on purpose) the best on offense, and the best all around (again on purpose) pure combat air unit. However tactical bombers can no longer SBR, they cant escort SBR, and they cant intercept SBR.
Strategic bombers have a good offense (nearly exact same as unsupported tacticals), but with increased range. and the ability to SBR
3 units, 3 different roles. balanced among themselves. and, if you do the math the new fighter is actually slightly better than the old fighter.
the 3 roles are historically accurate aswell…what else would you want lol
on the battlefield a tactical bomber is going to be more efficient both in the air and vs moving ground units than a strategic bomber
again one more time…
Fighter = Best defense, air superiority (SBR escort and intercept)
Tactical = Best offense, best all around air combat unit
Strategic = Long range, good offense (better than fighters not as good as supported tacticals), can SBR
Yes I’ve read it multiple times. It’s what you want to achieve and it’s also what I want to achieve!!!
But your current model just doesn’t result in this!
The balance of Fighters to Tacs is right at the moment. Fighters are way better in defense and air-combat, unsupported tacs are better in attack. Supported tacs are way better.
But your strategic bomber is balanced totally wrong! You want the attack to be between unsupported tacs and supported tacs. And that’s where it should be.
I try to explain it to you one more time.
Compare the Strategic bomber (12 IPC, 4 attack, 1 defense) with your fighter (8 IPC, 2 attack, 3 defense)
6 Fighters: 48 IPC, 6 HP, 12 Attack, 18 Defense
4 Strats: 48 IPC, 4 HP, 16 attack, 4 Defense
Get this: In your current model, even fighters attack better than strategic bombers (They are ahead in about 55% of the time). Not to mention their defensive value. Even with the greater range, I would never prefer a strategic bomber over a fighter.
Compare the Strategic bomber (12 IPC, 4 attack, 1 defense) with your Tactical bomber (10 IPC, 3-4 attack, 3 defense).
5 Strats: 60 IPC, 5 HP, 20 Attack, 5 Defense
6 Tacs: 60 IPC, 18-24 Attack, 24 Defense.
Now you planned to have the attacking strat somewhere between unsupported tacs and supported tacs. But that’s not the case. EVEN UNSUPPORTED tacs are stronger in the offense, than the strategic (Tacs are ahead 60% of the time!).
Why would I ever want to buy a Strategic instead of a tactical? The Tac is ALWAYS better in offense, incredibly better at defense and if I can support them, they are more than doubling the offensive power compared to a strategic bomber. Range alone does not justify that.