I have tried this and it has worked. Bought all fighters turn one. Then all bombers turn two by turn three england landed in France and the US had like 6 fighters, 2 bombers, 2inf a tank and art in france after england had secured it the previous round. US took italy next turn and game ended shortly after. It was a few years ago so i cant recall anymore specifics. The key is pooling all available aircraft and witholding from Op. Torch. Also England needs naval dominance which sometimes doesnt happen with a G1 carrier build
Navy Buys
If you have to buy navy, what do you buy for an allround good buy attack and defense wise? I’m saying if you had to have some navy.
couple more IPC’s and i’d take a carrier and a fighter, or a transport. Although, it’s tough to beat 6/6 attack/defense of two destroyers, plus anti-sub benefits. Inside of a medium-sized navy, a two-hit BB could serve better in keeping your fodder alive.
I’m going to stick with the carrier. At the very least you have the ability to land a couple fighters on it and destroy anything that attacks you.
Carrier and a transport for 24 IPCs. It depends on the country, but that gives you the best potential for defense plus the ability to get more boots on the ground, which is the ultimate objective.
If you have to buy navy, what do you buy for an allround good buy attack and defense wise? I’m saying if you had to have some navy.
Do you mean attack/ defense in only SZ’s? If that’s the case then it’s definitely 3 subs. It’s not hard to figure this out mathematically, but you can also do it by just putting 3 subs against 24 IPCs worth or any other combination of SZ units and see who wins the battle more often. It doesn’t matter if you put the subs on offense of defense, 3 subs will win more often than any other units.
im in favor of the 3 subs.more dices.would u prefer in long term 6 2s or 4 4s?think about it.normally with 3 2s u get 1 hit.then u have with 1 4 a hit in 66% of rolls.if u get the chance to get two 24 IPCs naval buys i would most certainly go for 3+3 subs.dont forget also that if to opponenet doesnt have a destr,u get to shink some stuff without losses.
am i right or am i right? :wink:
If trying to keep sea lanes open, carriers are the most effective with 3/4/4 for 36 IPC IMO. If they simply park their navy in your sea zone, instead of retreating you can attack and also bring in land based (obviously) bombers.
If you don’t have a large air force to help out in a tactical attack destroyers would be ideal, with a consistent 3 for attack and defense.
there is no doubt with the battleships 2 hit rule that they are the kings of the seas.