I am a game group organizer living in Regina, SK, Canada. We have a fairly large group of board game enthusiasts and play games weekly. A handful of us would really like to play Axis & Allies and I thought I would reach out to see if there was anyone on this site local to us that would be interested in joining or being part of our A&A journey.
We currently have the following versions available to our group:
(1) Axis & Allies (Milton Bradley Edition).
(2) Axis & Allies 1941
(3) Axis & Allies Europe
(4) Axis & Allies Pacific
(5) The War Game: World War II (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/26919/the-war-game-world-war-ii)
If you are local and would like to be involved, please reach out via email to Bixby at Accesscomm.ca
PS. We are a pretty chill group of beer drinking folks that enjoy the camaraderie of hobby gaming. None of us get worked up in games and we invite others with that vibe to join us.