I'll always tell you. the "most tolerant" are always not.

  • 2007 AAR League


    its always the “enlightened” and tolerant nations that are complete fascists.

    in our nation, the “tolerant” become nothing like they claim as soon as someone disagrees with them.  to bad they run all the cultural outlets.  watch it, if you believe something that they dont, they will protest and whine and cry and try to stop you from speaking at all levels.  happens everyday. especially in “tolerant” san fran or berkely or some other God forsaken area.

    and screw socialist/fascist governments.

  • I have never included Quebec’s “Language Law” as a sign of an enlightened culture.

    You would not believe the nightmare my company goes through to sell our products and provide service in Quebec…  French must be AS LARGE as English, even if the French version is 3 times the number of letters to write out, the font must be the same.

    But I think the best one though is that my company offers, as one of our services, a Fax-on-Demand MSDS service.  MSDS are ONLY required under US law (part of the HAZCOM standard).  However, since our company offers the service, and since we operate in Quebec, we are REQUIRED to translate our MSDS inventory into French to have available for our Quebec customers (who cannot sign up for the service because it is a US ONLY compliance requirement.
    More than 8,000,000 MSDS translated, and counting…

  • The Quebec companies can’t voluntarily receive the Material Safety Data Sheets?

  • If French speaking customers cannot read the language, they have merely to go to the pubs owners and say so. Getting the government involved is absurd.

  • 2007 AAR League

    thats a lot of work switch.  :-o

  • @balungaloaf:

    happens everyday. especially in “tolerant” san fran or berkely or some other God forsaken area.

    Just wondering bung, what are you comparing these to?

    I know plenty of communities in the south that still segregate churches, schools and disallow functions such as school dances… enforce “dry” laws in counties… enforce dress codes in public schools… do not practice Equal Oppertunity Employment… regulates radio stations musical content… the list goes on.

    You tell me how the tolerance of S.F or Berkeley or any other city with your underlying accusations have a more facist background the our RED southern Christian bretheren?

  • 2007 AAR League

    one side knows its wrong but doesnt care- the south

    one side doesnt see any problem with their fascism. - N. Cali and canada etc.

    equal opportunity employment IS fascism.  a man owns his business and other people are going to come and tell him who he must hire.  rediculous.  thats not freedom.

  • 2007 AAR League

    english only is a way to get the mexicans to stop demanding like the canadian french, that everything needs to be translated for them.  screw them, dont change the damn signs, if they want to read it, they’ll learn english.  it just makes a mess b/c then all these other languages will want their translation and so on.  its baby crap.

    we shouldnt cow-tow to their demands.  i refuse their fascism.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I find it humorous that someone finds it fascist to have dress codes in public schools.

    Honestly, if you force the kids to dress up, they tend to pay attention more.  It also solves a lot of arguments before they even happen because no one can have the “in” clothing or wear racially, sexually, religiously, whatever inoffensive attire to class and thus, no argument about it.

    I’d love to see a return to boys and girls dressing up for school.  Not in their Sunday best, but at least in casual or professional attire.

    As for the illegals, if they cannot speak the language of the nation they are infiltrating, they deserve to do without.  I think a lot of the problems with illegals would dissolve if they stopped forcing their culture on us.

  • @Cmdr:

    I find it humorous that someone finds it fascist to have dress codes in public schools.

    Honestly, if you force the kids to dress up, they tend to pay attention more.  It also solves a lot of arguments before they even happen because no one can have the “in” clothing or wear racially, sexually, religiously, whatever inoffensive attire to class and thus, no argument about it.

    I’d love to see a return to boys and girls dressing up for school.  Not in their Sunday best, but at least in casual or professional attire.

    I understand your point, Jen. But schools other than private, have NO right to tell a parent what the child MUST wear. Next thing you know, they’ll have dress codes for going to public markets, parks,… anything and everything that is of public use. That, my dear, IS facism. There are other alternatives outside of enforced dress codes to get children to pay attention.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That’s not historically true, however.  Schools have long held dress code standards in this country and even today, dress code standards are being held as legal by the Judiciary.

    Just because it’s a public school does not mean you can dress anyway you want.

    For instance, my school, where I teach, not learn, forbids exposed undergarments, swim suits, provacative clothing of any type, any piece of jewelry that may be used as a weapon, anything glorifying or advertising illegal drugs or activities, etc.

    After seeing how kids dress on the street, I daresay without these regulations the women would be naked and the boys would have their butts hanging out with their shorts around their ankles everywhere they go!

  • 2007 AAR League

    The Spanish/English California argument doesn’t apply to the Canadian situation.

    First, you’re discussing illegal aliens wanting to change the language policy in California which, even as a democrat, I don’t fully support. In predominantly Spanish speaking neighborhoods, fine. For everybody, too excessive. Just like in Chicago they have dual language signs to ease assimilation. In Asian neighborhoods they have store signs with both English and their particular native languages. Same goes for Spanish neighborhoods. You emmigrate to this country to assimilate into our culture, not modify it to fit your needs.

    On the other hand, not only is the OLF being accomodating by giving them the opportunity to exempt the signs but the French Canadians are also actual citizens of Canada and their ancestors were speaking French there before Canada was a sovereign nation.

    That’s like saying that in Iraq the Kurds aren’t allowed to require Kurdish to be to be added as an official language in the areas where they predominate and that the offical language of Iraq is Arabic and they just need to deal with it. Even we wouldn’t back that up. We would fully support that Kurdish be accepted as an official language in their portion of Iraq yet Quebec is facist for requiring French be accepted. I just don’t see the problem here.

  • @frimmel:

    The Quebec companies can’t voluntarily receive the Material Safety Data Sheets?

    They can, but our fax-on-demand service is not sold in Quebec.

  • not on facism but rather should the government that is subsadised by tax money be translating for all people in government assistance? i ask this as to translate all documents and have translaters on hand is a strain on the economy. it isn’t one of the major ones granted, but it is still a strain. i would personally cut a large protion of that government spending (leave the both language stuff in areas where you have first generation immigrants living in mass) in this to turn and cut tax’s.

    there are studies out that prove in the US that students tought in an English only setting (who were not English speaking to begin with) make 15% more then those tought in an intergrated system. would it not prove to be more humain at the least to stop providing the intergrated system, at the vary least as much as it is? this way you provide for the students the best opertunity to better them selfs as it opens the best work options for them.

    i don’t doupt that the intent of the multi langauge system was ment to do, but it is proving to that it’s not working as intended. so it needs to be scraped and redone by diffrent desighners to make it work.

  • 2007 AAR League

    jermo its fascist to demand that someone do something the way you want it, even though they were doing it another way in their own country first.

    again, if they want to read the sign, they can learn to.  easy as that.  everyone else has at some time.  its not hard.


    b/c france assimilated they cant have claims for french being added.  i agree 100%.    thing is everyone should assimilate.

    america is the melting pot.  and always will be.  we dont all meld to them, they meld to us.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Honest question - what exactly is our culture?  (Was going to pose this to someone else, but I think you are better suited to answer ;) )

    Ok, so I was on my way to Wal-mart and McDonalds as I was thinking about what exactly our culture is and the irony was definitely not lost on me.

    We are the everyculture. The Wal-mart of cultures. Anything you want, anywhere, and as fast as you want it. When an immigrant comes here his culture is already here but it isn’t his anymore, it’s everybody’s. We’ve absorbed every culture on the planet and can spit it back at you in no particular order in any combination that you would like. It’s where a white man can be a Muslim, speak Spanish, listen to Rap music, eat German food, create ancient Egyptian art, and drive a Japanese car. Just about everything we create is rooted in other cultures, but nothing in particular everywhere. Our Capitol has Greek columns and a Roman dome. The University of Memphis’ stadium is a pyramid made of concrete, steel, and glass. We bury our dead in mausoleums inspired by the Persian Mausoleum of Halicarnassus in Turkey. Rock and Roll was spawned from R&B which was spawned from African music brought here by the slaves. Our cities, counties, and states are named after people, places, and things from all over the world. Our most common thread is probably our language, because it’s taught in our schools, but even that isn’t ours.

    Off the top of my head, the only things I can think of that can be specifically attributed to us outside of other cultural influences are basketball, the internet, and skyscrapers. That’s about it.

  • 2007 AAR League

    way of living……malls, strip malls, movie theaters, movies, tv shows, all in our style.  fast food, fast cars, big cars, baseball, jazz, the hamburger (maybe german), nuclear power, the 50 cal, our way of economics (they are all coming back to the laissez faire), celebrities, i’ll think of some more.

    and as you mentioned. the biggest thing for the world.  the internet.


  • @ncscswitch:


    The Quebec companies can’t voluntarily receive the Material Safety Data Sheets?

    They can, but our fax-on-demand service is not sold in Quebec.

    Ahhhh. Now I understand.

  • 2007 AAR League


    way of living……malls, strip malls, movie theaters, movies, tv shows, all in our style.  fast food, fast cars, big cars, baseball, jazz, the hamburger (maybe german), nuclear power, the 50 cal, our way of economics (they are all coming back to the laissez faire), celebrities, i’ll think of some more.

    and as you mentioned. the biggest thing for the world.  the internet.

    I’ll give you malls, motion picture, fast food and cars(as art forms, big or small). Movies and TV as well as strip malls and malls are too related to be separate.

    But, I’d say baseball was inspired by cricket. Jazz from African music. Hamburgers are technically a sandwich. Nuclear power was brought about through the efforts of a collection of international scientists. Our economic system was inspired by Adam Smith’s(he’s Scottish) model for the free market. Fast cars, I’d say Europe gets credit for that. The .50 cal MG is a “gun” which Europe and China both have claims on. And the first true “celebrities” were probably the Roman gladiators, but if you’re talking about actors then it goes the the Greeks.

    We can also take credit for the practical use of electricity(Edison and Tesla) even though Tesla was Serbian, he was an American when he did his best work. We also have telephone and telegraph. As impressive as our list is, I still think it’s kind of short all things considered.

  • submarines, plains, modern ships of iron, slinky, duckt tape, post it’s.
    our list may be short, but when compaired to other nations it’s a nice list considering how short the nation has been around.

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