I play an avg. of 1-2 times in a week, from around 6 pm to 11-12 pm, or later if it’s weekend and there wasn’t anything fun to do :-? . Our games usually goes on and on forever (at least it feels like they do at times). Unless either side gets off with an incredible first 2-3 rounds it usually takes ~4 sittings before we start so see a winning side, and another sitting or two before that side secures the win (or fails to do so and the game is suddnely wide open again :P ).
Sometimes we play speedrounds as well, those games are usually over in a sitting or two. A mix of reduced quality and faster rounds :)
Makes for much fun tho, and much more ‘stunts’. :D
So; avg. of 10 hours a week, a normal game lasting about 25 hours, some much more and some much less of course. :P
Speedgames usually lasting 5-10 hours.