Rule question about capturing a capital

  • '15 '14

    Hi there,

    I guess this is not a global 1940 specific rule question but I am not sure how much general rules differ in various games thus I ask here as I only played 1940 global once so far.

    Assuming the following situation which happened in our (of course newbie game as everybody played the first time) game:
    England EU finishes turn with 30 income round 1 –> Earning 30 and putting them in the treasury
    Assuming Germany captures London round 2 --> Q1. Germany gets the 30 unspent IPCs from England immediately during the German income phase, correct?
    England EU round 2 has 0 money and cannot buy anything but recaptures London --> Q2: Assuming there were no other changes England collects 30 again in its income phase, correct?
    Assuming Round 3 Germany recaptures London again --> Q 3: Does this mean Germany gets the 30 from England again?

    Q4: So the conclusion is: In case you recapture your own capital you must wisely determine whether you can hold it because otherwise you just give the invader easy money several times?

    Thanks for any help!

  • '15 '14

    Alright, thanks for the quick reply!

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, JapanDOWRound1Fan!


    Assuming Germany captures London round 2 –> Q1. Germany gets the 30 unspent IPCs from England immediately during the German income phase, correct?

    Actually, Germany gets UK Europe’s IPCs immediately after the battle for London.  These IPCs are not considered to be income.

  • Customizer

    Yeah, I have made IPC tracking sheets to keep track of each country’s income. They include a special row just for “capital plunder”. It goes like this:
    Starting IPCs
    Purchases & Repairs
    Capital Plunder
    IPC Income
    Convoy Losses
    Adjusted IPC Income
    National Objectives
    IPCs Carried Forward

    If we play with techs, and someone gets the War Bonds tech, we simply add that into the NO section.

  • '15 '14


    Welcome, JapanDOWRound1Fan!


    Assuming Germany captures London round 2 –> Q1. Germany gets the 30 unspent IPCs from England immediately during the German income phase, correct?

    Actually, Germany gets UK Europe’s IPCs immediately after the battle for London.  These IPCs are not considered to be income.

    Alright, ty for clarification.

  • TripleA

    Please put this kind of stuff in the FAQ.

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