Generally speaking powers defend together. However in G40 there are powers that start off neutral (Russia and USA) or not at war with each other (like Japan and UK/France). You could have a case at sea when you attack a sz with units from multiple powers, and can ignore the units that belong to a power that you aren’t yet at war with.
Question regarding the capture of Paris
My friend and I had a our first game going today of Europe and we cant believe how awesome this game really is. But we have a few questions:
1)Does Germany get the 17 IPC from France once they take Paris (Central France)? Don’t think they do2)Can subs pass through the straits even if you don’t control Denmark, Gibraltar and Turkey?
3)If the German player has at least one sub or ship in sea zone 125, the Russians don’t get the 5ipc bonus.
Thanks in advance. Great Game!
1. As soon as Germany conquers central France, they get all 17 (or 19 in Global) of France’s IPCs, just like when any power conquers another power’s capital
2. I think they can, but I want a second opinion on this
3. If there are any axis ships (excluding transports) in SZ 125, Russia looses its NO
2)Can subs pass through the straits even if you don’t control Denmark, Gibraltar and Turkey?
2. I think they can, but I want a second opinion on this
Subs can move through Gibraltar, but can’t move through the other two.