• I thougt up these rules for paratroopers to be included in A&A, Europe and Pacific games:

    • Paratroopers cost 4 IPC each (More complex training then infantry)
    • 2 paratrooper units can be loaded in a bomber.
    • Bombers that drop paratroopers CANT be used to strat bomb or attack.
    • Bombers that drop paratroopers CAN be hit by aa guns.
    • If a bomber carrying paratroopers is hit by flak, roll a dice for each paratrooper on a 1 or 2, the paratrooper gets out safely, otherwise it goes down with the plane.
    • In the turn the paratroopers drops in, they attack on 1, after that, when they get organized on the ground they attack on 2 or less.
    • In pacific, bombers carrying paratroopers can be intercepted by CAP fighters.

    What do you guys think… I havent tested this yet, just something I thought up after watching “Band of Brothers” :D
    Happy to head suggestions…


  • @Samael:

    • If a bomber carrying paratroopers is hit by flak, roll a dice for each paratrooper on a 1 or 2, the paratrooper gets out safely, otherwise it goes down with the plane.

    ……and then they attack the terr where the AA gun is - right?

    I dunno about their increased attack - I’d rather say they attack on a 1, untill supported by amr and in that case 3 infs increases their attatck rate to 2 or less pr/amr unit, to represent their increased combatskills, of course when a Paratrooper dies, only other paratroopers can take their place besides the amr (still 3 each) and increase thier att. skills to a 2 or less, not standard inf……imho :wink:

  • Moderator

    Zue… the reason the para’s get an advantage is because they hit the enemy where he didn’t expect…think about the 101 screaming eagles on june 5,1944 …

  • ……and then they attack the terr where the AA gun is - right?

    Ofcourse, I thought that one explained itself :wink:
    Not very long range on the parachutes at that time…

    I still think (backed up by Guerrilla huy :D ) That they should be suppreme on what they do behind enemy lines and should attack on 2 or less. But Zeu may have a point, when pinned down by heavy resistance, they wern’t that much better then the rest, and would rely on armour support. I shall give this some more thought…
    Any other ideas out there??

  • Just so you know… I wrote that last one…
    Damn auto login, it becomes a habit. did’nt even check to see if I were loged in… :oops:


  • I see nothing wrong with giving paratroopers a surprise bonus (in the 1st round ONLY). If anyone feels differently … why don’t you make the surprise factor rolled for – such as the following:

    1 = +1 attack (1st and 2nd rounds)
    2-3 = +1 attack (1st round only)
    4-5 = no bonus
    6 = defenders get +1 (paratroopers landed in wrong area)

    Just an idea…

  • @MistaBiggs:

    I see nothing wrong with giving paratroopers a surprise bonus (in the 1st round ONLY). If anyone feels differently … why don’t you make the surprise factor rolled for – such as the following:

    1 = +1 attack (1st and 2nd rounds)
    2-3 = +1 attack (1st round only)
    4-5 = no bonus
    6 = defenders get +1 (paratroopers landed in wrong area)

    Just an idea…

    that might be the right way to introduce theese mofo’s - keep the price @ 3 IPC /each, but due to their superior skills, they pocess a 50 pct. chance to become the ultimate weapon when swifting down upon an unknowing enemy - just like the 101 on d-day……some landed just where they were ment to be…others miles off - giving them no superiority at all, again represented by the 50% chance with the dice…that might be just it 8)

  • Moderator

    wouldn’t you want the bombers in battle??? just my opinion

  • The benefit of paratroopers is to TAKE the territory. Whereas bombers ALONE can’t do this. In addition, the bomber will allow paratroopers to reach territories that are otherwise unaccessible. This is the major benefit/threat of paratroopers.

  • moving this to house rules.

  • Moderator

    I think there should be AT’s

  • AT’s are alright too!

  • If you want the paratroopers to have a better attack capability, maby it is better to give them a “suprise attack factor”. This factor allow all paratroops to attack on a die roll of 2 or less, for the first round of battle only!

    B. Andersson, Game Master

  • @B.:

    If you want the paratroopers to have a better attack capability, maby it is better to give them a “suprise attack factor”. This factor allow all paratroops to attack on a die roll of 2 or less, for the first round of battle only!

    B. Andersson, Game Master

    This was discussed already in this thread. For an added twist to the surprise factor (making it more realistic) see specifically:


    I see nothing wrong with giving paratroopers a surprise bonus (in the 1st round ONLY). If anyone feels differently … why don’t you make the surprise factor rolled for – such as the following:

    1 = +1 attack (1st and 2nd rounds)
    2-3 = +1 attack (1st round only)
    4-5 = no bonus
    6 = defenders get +1 (paratroopers landed in wrong area)

    Just an idea…

  • Moderator

    I’m wondering… what do you think of Amphib. plus Para’s… do you think they need a advantage… like they tie down defending units…


  • '19 Moderator

    The Rules we use for Paratroops is that Bombers carry 1 Unit and they attack at two durring the turn they are dropped.

    The whole Idea is to make people, especialy Russia cover all of thier territories. Plus it gives Germany a better shot at africa.

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