IL Pimps Axis and Allies 1914

  • IL Pimps Axis and Allies 1914

    Development Chart
    Advanced Fighter Design: Fighters now move 4 spaces. Also, each turn one fighter may be designated a Fighter Ace which attacks other fighters at three to determine aerial superiority. If the designed plane is destroyed, another plane may be allocated.

    Tanks: Tanks can now be purchased. The only change is in combat, these units boost matching infantry at 1:1 basis. Regardless of any other bonus, for each Tank one matching Infantry now attacks at +1. Secondly, Tanks alone may make a second combat round but any hits from the defender are taken only against these attacking tanks.

    Chemical Weapons:  In one battle each turn, you may make a Chemical weapon attack against defending infantry rolling one D6 = the number of defending infantry that cannot take part in combat. They are only out of play and if the additional defending units are destroyed in combat, these units must retreat to an adjacent friendly land space.
    Strategic Artillery:Artillery adjacent to areas under attack and not used in combat may roll 2 or less. The benefit is they are free from being taken as combat loses.

    Industrial Warfare: For every 9 IPC spent on Air or Naval units, the cost is reduced by -1. For example, if you buy a Battleship, Cruiser, and Fighter 3 IPC are reduced allowing you to perhaps buy 1 Infantry.

    Trench Raiders:  In one battle, Infantry without Artillery support still attack at 3.

    Each Player may select one Free Tech every 4th turn. Tanks are not automatically available as per OOB unless this is selected at that nations development. If you want to research the technology early, pay 5 IPC and roll one die each turn until research is successful. You may buy as many dice as you want, but once the technology is achieved; all investments in this fashion are lost.

    Special Rules:

    Naval Ports: These now protect naval forces from direct naval attack. They dont protect against Air attacks. Repairs of damaged Battleships can be made at any friendly port.

    Smokescreens: Cruisers may elect to forgo their combat roll and allow defending naval units to retreat after any naval combat round. This is the only instance of defender retreats.
    Garrison Rule: The OOB rules regarding garrison of all controlled land areas is suspended and modified as follows: You only need to garrison areas with Infantry that you captured during your turns, not originally controlled areas.

    Russian Revolution: When the Russian players income drops to under 15 IPC, The potential for Revolution is activated. Each turn the income is below 15 IPC, the German player rolls a die. The first time the roll gets a 6 result to succeed. Each time the roll is made, this drops by one.  Effect: When the Russians revolution occurs, they are out of the game. Central power units occupy what they control and Russian units outside of original Russian borders remain as they are and can be attacked, but do not perform any movement/combat. They may defend however. Also, no allied units are allowed in original Russian territories.

    Askari Rule: The German player may place one land unit of any type in any controlled areas in Africa.

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: The German player who declares this may now attack any player at war with her submarines. In this case, each Submarine rolls two dice trying to hit at 2 or less. The combined result is the number of IPC the UK, French, or US player (if at war) surrenders to the bank.

    Railroads: If a land unit has not moved in combat, it may move within contiguously connected land areas and finish their move limited by the printed IPC of the area. The exceptions to this rule are no railing in Africa. No unit from the Central Powers may rail into Russia, but Rail movement may cross the Turkish straights.

    Neutrals force pool modification: The standard OOB rules are modified as follows: Spain may receive in addition to her land forces, 12 IPC worth of either Naval or Air units. Sweden and Norway may receive 9 IPC worth of Naval or Air units in addition to her land forces if activated.

    Fortresses: Each player may now designate one area per game as a fortress. Benefit:  2 Combat loses for the defenders are negated. The location of this area can be a secret. Simply write down the location in advance.

    National Advantages:
    Procedure: The Allies or Central players as a group choose one NA before the start of the game.

    English Blockade: If British surface ships occupy Sea Zone 10 or both sea zones 5 and 9, the German player begins to suffer the effect of a naval blockade. 1 IPC is reduced from the German treasury each turn the blockade is in effect. If the German player is able to destroy the British naval units, the cost is reduced back to zero.

    Combined Attacks: The Allied players may make one combined land attack per turn. They still may make a separate attack on their own turn.

    Aid Program: While neutral, the US player may send IPC to beleaguered Allies. Roll 2 D6 and subtract 1 IPC from the result for every German submarine in the Atlantic.

    Central Powers:
    Zeppelin attacks: One special attack may be made against an Allied capital (except USA). Roll one d6 and result is lost IPC that turn.

    two more coming up.

  • Customizer


    IL Pimps Axis and Allies 1914

    Development Chart
    Advanced Fighter Design: Fighters now move 4 spaces. Also, each turn one fighter may be designated a Fighter Ace which attacks other fighters at three to determine aerial superiority. If the designed plane is destroyed, another plane may be allocated.

    4 spaces is too much for WWI planes. They could fly across the Atlantic, which wasn’t achieved until after this war.
    Fighters should have to earn Ace status by scoring kills in air-to-air combat.

    Tanks: Tanks can now be purchased. The only change is in combat, these units boost matching infantry at 1:1 basis. Regardless of any other bonus, for each Tank one matching Infantry now attacks at +1. Secondly, Tanks alone may make a second combat round but any hits from the defender are taken only against these attacking tanks.

    Who is going to throw their tanks away like this? I prefer that each artillery promotes an infantry and a tank; this encourages combined arms purchasing without altering the Battle Board.

    Chemical Weapons:  In one battle each turn, you may make a Chemical weapon attack against defending infantry rolling one D6 = the number of defending infantry that cannot take part in combat. They are only out of play and if the additional defending units are destroyed in combat, these units must retreat to an adjacent friendly land space.

    _Modified Result:

    1-4 - as above
    5 - the wind blows the wrong way and affects 1 of your own units
    6 - ditto 2 units_

    Special Rules:

    Naval Ports: These now protect naval forces from direct naval attack. They dont protect against Air attacks. Repairs of damaged Battleships can be made at any friendly port.

    Addition: Blockade - a fleet within the protection of a home port must attack and defeat all enemy warships in the same SZ before being able to move out of the SZ.
    Garrison Rule: The OOB rules regarding garrison of all controlled land areas is suspended and modified as follows: You only need to garrison areas with Infantry that you captured during your turns, not originally controlled areas.
    What if a non-infantry stack is attacked? This would throw the whole combay system out of joint.

    Russian Revolution: When the Russian players income drops to under 15 IPC, The potential for Revolution is activated. Each turn the income is below 15 IPC, the German player rolls a die. The first time the roll gets a 6 result to succeed. Each time the roll is made, this drops by one.  Effect: When the Russians revolution occurs, they are out of the game. Central power units occupy what they control and Russian units outside of original Russian borders remain as they are and can be attacked, but do not perform any movement/combat. They may defend however. Also, no allied units are allowed in original Russian territories.
    Most importantly, do the Allies still get force fields?

    Askari Rule: The German player may place one land unit of any type in any controlled areas in Africa.

    Should be infantry only - no industry in Africa. Askaris should be 1/2 2 cost 2 and have to be accompanied by a regular unit; you cannot control Africa with native units only.

    Railroads: If a land unit has not moved in combat, it may move within contiguously connected land areas and finish their move limited by the printed IPC of the area. The exceptions to this rule are no railing in Africa. No unit from the Central Powers may rail into Russia, but Rail movement may cross the Turkish straights.

    Modify: CPs may use Russian rail within Russian tts they control

    National Advantages:

    English Blockade:
    Combined Attacks:

    Central Powers:
    Zeppelin attacks: One special attack may be made against an Allied capital ( except USA). Roll one d6 and result is lost IPC that turn.

  • Customizer

    Also, may I respectfully suggest a separate 1914 House rule forum subject; I would say they are quite distinct from all the WWII materials.

  • I 2nd that motion. Its going to get hard to navigate now that 1914 stuff is mixed in with 1940, 1941, 1942.

  • Customizer


  • The house section is now full of rules for 1914. I left those treads in 1914 because the game was not out yet. Now that it is these treads got moved.

    Can’t have sub sections for every topic, house rules go here.

  • Customizer

    They will get lost among all the WWII stuff. Pity.

    Some nice HaT Askaris:

  • Yeah, after a while the 1914 houserules will be lost.  It would be a simple thing to have two child boards for WWI and WWII, but alas.  Maybe people should put ‘1’ or ‘2’ as the first character in the subject so people can distinguish them?

  • It wasn’t a problem with every other game they made house rules for. Which is every AA game made.

  • Customizer

    But every other AA game is set in the same war; this one isn’t, and has several significant differences in theme and design.

    If Larry ever does Axis and Allies: Blue versus Grey wouldn’t that gets its own House Rule section?

  • I don’t think House rules for WW1 vs. WW2 are any different than House rules for Guadalcanal and Milton Bradley AA. All people need to do is when they start a thread ACTUALLY WRITE 1914 SOMEWHERE IN THE TOPIC HEADING.

    Axis and Allies: Blue versus Grey wouldn’t that gets its own House Rule section?

    They would go here if it was a house rule. People for whatever reason think House rules is some “dead” section of these forums, when it is really one of the most popular. They think if their ideas are posted here and not on the main 1914 board, nobody reads them. This is a crock. Vast majority of people don’t want separate house rule forums in every game section. If they want to look at house rules they will find everything under one section, not 20.

  • Customizer

    The fact remains that the WW1 house rules are getting buried….case in point, this thread ( is a very well-thought out tech tree, but I haven’t seen any responses beside my own.

    I know this may be a lot to ask, but could you guys maybe move the House Rules forum up on the main forum page? (to the ‘General’ section or above ‘A&A 1914’).


    Development Chart
    Advanced Fighter Design: Fighters now move 4 spaces. Also, each turn one fighter may be designated a �Fighter Ace� which attacks other fighters at three to determine aerial superiority. If the designed plane is destroyed, another plane may be allocated. Only one plane per nation can be allocated.

    Tanks: Tanks can now be purchased. The only change is in combat. Now these units boost matching infantry +1 at 1:1 basis for either attack or defense. Secondly as the attacker, Tanks alone may make a second combat round but any hits from the defender are taken only against the attacking tanks.

    Chemical Weapons:  In one battle each turn, you may make a Chemical weapon attack against defending infantry rolling one D6 = the number of defending infantry that cannot take part in combat. They are only out of play and if the additional defending units are destroyed in combat, these units must retreat to an adjacent friendly land space.

    Strategic Artillery: Artillery adjacent to areas under attack and not used in combat may roll 2 or less. The benefit is they are free from being taken as combat loses.

    Industrial Warfare: For every 9 IPC spent on Air or Naval units, the cost is reduced by -1. For example, if you buy a Battleship, Cruiser, and Fighter 3 IPC are reduced allowing you to perhaps buy 1 Infantry.

    Trench Raiders:  In one battle each turn, Infantry without Artillery support still attack at 3.

    Each Player may select one Free Tech every 4th turn. Tanks are not automatically available as per OOB unless this was developed earlier. If you want to develop technology, pay 5 IPC and roll one die each turn until research is successful. You may buy as many dice as you want, but once the technology is achieved; all investments in this fashion are lost.

    Special Rules:
    Naval Ports: These now protect naval forces from direct naval attack. They don�t protect against Air attacks. Repairs of damaged Battleships can be made at any friendly port. If the enemy decides to enter the sea zone adjacent to your port, they may elect to defend in the sea zone or not.

    Smokescreens: Cruisers may elect to forgo their combat roll and allow defending naval units to retreat after any naval combat round. This is the only instance of defender retreats.

    Garrison Rule: The OOB rules regarding garrison of all controlled land areas is suspended and modified as follows: You only need to garrison areas with Infantry that you captured during your turns, not originally controlled areas.

    Contested Areas modification: You cannot move from a contested area to another. You must first exit a contested area before moving to another one.

    Askari Rule: The German player may place one land unit of any type in any controlled areas in Africa.

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: The German player who declares this may now attack any player at war with her submarines. In this case, each Submarine rolls two dice trying to hit at 2 or less. The combined result is the number of IPC the UK, French, or US player (if at war) surrenders to the bank.

    Railroads: If a land unit has not moved in combat, it may move within contiguously connected land areas and finish their move limited by the printed IPC of the area. The exceptions to this rule are no railing in Africa. No unit from the Central Powers may rail into Russia, but Rail movement may cross the Turkish straights.

    Neutrals force pool modification: The standard OOB rules are modified as follows: Spain may receive in addition to her land forces, 12 IPC worth of either Naval or Air units. Sweden and Norway may receive 9 IPC worth of Naval or Air units in addition to her land forces if activated.

    Fortresses: Each player may now designate one area per game as a fortress. Benefit:  2 Combat loses for the defenders are negated. The location of this area can be a secret. Simply write down the location in advance.

    Dreadnought: When Battleships roll a 1, they may select their targets.

    National Advantages:
    Procedure: The Allies or Central players as a group choose one NA before the start of the game.

    English Blockade: If British surface ships occupy Sea Zone 10 or both sea zones 5 and 9, the German player begins to suffer the effect of a naval blockade. 1 IPC is reduced from the German treasury each turn the blockade is in effect. If the German player is able to destroy the British naval units, the cost is reduced back to zero.

    Combined Attacks: The Allied players may make one combined land attack per turn. They still may make a separate attack on their own turn.

    Aid Program: While neutral, the US player may send IPC to beleaguered Allies. Roll 2 D6 and subtract 1 IPC from the result for every German submarine in the Atlantic. Example: US player decides to commit aid to her Allies on turn 3. The combined roll is 9, but Germany has 3 Submarines so the result is 6 IPC are given to Russia and deducted from US income that turn. 6 IPC is now deducted from US treasury.

    Central Powers:
    Zeppelin attacks: One special attack may be made against an Allied capital (except USA). Roll one d6 and result is lost IPC that turn.

    Stosstrupen:  In one battle per turn, special shock troops can be employed. They attack normally, but may make a second attack and only the infantry may roll for combat.

    Advanced Submarine Warfare: German subs attacking in groups of 2 more, now attack at +1

  • Revised Russian Rules:

    Russian Revolution: When the Central Powers control 20 or more IPC’s of original Russian areas, the potential for Revolution is activated. Each turn this is accomplished, the German player rolls a die. The first time the roll needs a 6 result to succeed. Each time a new roll occurs, this drops by one.

    Effect: When the Russians revolution occurs, they are out of the game. Central power units occupy what they control and Russian units outside of original Russian borders remain as they are and can be attacked, but do not perform any movement/combat. They may defend however. Also, no allied units are allowed to enter in original Russian territories once the revolution begins.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







