Don’t you realize the stereotype of Euro’s you are propagating? Why is it that when you disagree with an American it always comes down to where he/she lives?
Well, i will get to this when i handle "guest"s other post.
Maybe the guy deserves to be in a syrian prison. I have a hard time believing that the guy got deported for no reason. Anythings possible, but even though we “USies” may be self centered we’re realy not complete idiots.
The problem is that the US jurisdiction claims to be responsible for more cases than the US gov’t would other countries’ jurisdictions allow. (As soon as any USie is somehow related to a case, the US jurisdiction “grabs” the case … i could look up the actual reasons).
I agree with you, dzrt, that there must be quite some people in the US who are not complete idiots, but you have to admit that there is a whole bunch of complete idiots around in the US (both is just a matter of statistics somehow). One thing of course is how other countries perceive the US: you call it self-centered. Then problem then is: If others behaved like that, would you call them self-centered or use a more aggressive term (like i usually do ;) )?
Even if the guy deserves to be in a syrian prison… let’s just for a moment assume this… what would that mean:
As the US jurisdiciton decides to send him there and not back home to Canada, you have to come to the conclusion, that the relations between Syria and the US are pretty good, at least there must be some treaty/contract about extradition of suspects/convicts. This just sounds a bit unbelievable to me.
Now look at the other hand: Assume that Canada extradites an US citizen to … let’s say … Iran, just because that person was born there and fled to the US…
Just imagine: a country extraditing an US citizen to a third, “close-to-be-rogue”-country. How would the media, gov’t, public in the US react?
From what i remember about the International Court, and the following legislation of the US, you would claim the right to use military means to “free” that citizen!
Could you please explain to me, why i should not be upset by these differences, these two measures that are used by the US concerning other nations citizens and their own??
As for the african thing, it sounded to me like in that article the government of Malawi handed them over to the CIA, and the whole Muslim charitable organsisation thing sounds a bit suspect to me.
The (executive part of the) gov’t handed them over, while the (juridictional part of the) gov’t said they could not be extradited.
Do you really think that the Malawi executive gov’t did that without outside pressure/promises? If yes, then why did the US have to charter that plane?
You suspect the “muslim charitable organisation” (i do also), but seem not to allow suspecting your US gov’t ? Why couldn’t the US just say: “See, their laws forbid this extradition, we then can’t take them, even though we want to.” These prisoners were kind of stolen (and btw, they were neither Malawian nor USies…).
falk, i dont care if the rest of the world hates the us. in fact, i think it should. and we should embrace it. my biggest problem with the entire us govt is it is too hung up on the world’s opinion of it. it should give up caring, and leave the world to itself. i guarantee, if the us became isolationist, pretty soon, somebody would be begging us for aid. you wait and see (ha, i say that as though it would ever happen)
So …why does it always come down to where someone lives…
because it seems that the socio-cultural background, schooling, socialization, etc. etc. seem to have a major influence of the opinions of people. Of course there always are people who disagree with the “majority” of one of those people, but …as implied by the definition… they are a minority.
As soon as there are no clear majorities/minorities, it comes down to (a) the positions these sides have and how much they agree/disagree with your/your peoples own (this is a factor in the degree of media coverage an overseas event gets), (b) how “loud” one or both sides are when defending their opinion (also a factor), and © how much the media think they can make a headline out of it (self-explainingly a third factor).
From that, the other peoples public gets to see a biased picture of the first peoples opinion (usually this leads to not seeing the conflict/discussion there).
Now, we have the internet, and thus the possibility to talk to other cultures people directly…
and you can only wonder, how good the “grenade” is working…
(see http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame65.html :) )…
This is kind of empirical evidence that my prejudices work, as i can use some topics to easily provoke personal attacks against me :)…
just as you can against us “Euros”.
So, some of my prejudices are “proven right” here, at least to a degree. I also -of course and as you mentioned- noticed that there are some people of your people who are not complete idiots… you can easily see that (metaphorical) after the reactions and reasoning of the people once the first dust of the grenade has settled…
So much for my mentioning “the stereotypical USie”, notice that i weakened the statement by including the word stereotypical. If you claimed that the stereotypical german wore shorts, drinks beer and eats weisswurst all the time, well … that’s the stereotype, what can i say…
Now to what our “guest” said:
Guest, you are one of complete idiots dzrt mentioned. The worlds economy would surely suffer if the US became total isolationistic. But, the US’ economy would collapse and not recover, the financial sector would collapse and not recover. The US research would collapse and not recover… etc. etc. etc.
You have no idea of the numbers, you just swallow what some second class media tell you. You may be the greatest and richest country on earth… but you are definitely not able to survive without the others. The others are able to survive without you (we have done that quiet some time, remember), so don’t take such a mouthful that you can’t chew properly.