@the_good_captain It is only during the pre-emptive artillery strike that tanks don’t cancel hits. Per the following paragraph, the land combat is conducted normally, except for battleship bombardment.
Tanks Special Ability to Remove Defender hits!
But there is only one round of combat. That’s the point.
And yes, a single tank attacking a single infantry is a walkover; but I’m not sure you can attack any land area without at least one infantry.
In any case, the tank kills the infantry, but then defends at one next turn.
Mind you, with Africa the way it is a single tank transported there could do some serious damage…
2 infantry can defend 2 areas simultaneously.
How so? I’m fairly certain this is not the case. Do you mean one unit is in one territory and the other is in another territory? If so, yeah, that makes sense.
I was literally going to write about this tomorrow. Scooped.
Did you ever get around to using tanks all that much in your game Djensen?
I was literally going to write about this tomorrow. Scooped.
Go ahead and write it up anyway. Some people may not visit the forum or this specific thread.
I know lots who don’t, they come here for the articles and just to check up on news. That’s what I did for a good 2 years (off and on) before finally signing up here on the forums.
Did you ever get around to using tanks all that much in your game Djensen?
I bought a tank once. The math just doesn’t work out. Tanks might be scary in a large group however.
Another factor here is multinational armies. I don’t know how common these will be, but perhaps a pattern might be:
1. Only France buys tanks, in a fairly large stack.
2. France makes a tank attack, breaking through the enemy lines to capture a tt, but having to take inf and art as casualties.
3. The UK moves in large numbers of inf and art to defend the area (and the vulnerable tanks) from an enemy counter-attack.
4. France has to move up its own stacks of inf and art to prepare for the next attack.
The problem with this is that you have to spend a whole turn in between bringing up fresh troops to support the tank breakthrough. Far from speeding up a drive towards the enemy capital, tanks actually slow it down.
Perhaps, if you’re camped outside the enemy capital, the one tt you need to win the game, it will pay to build tanks for the final push; but in general game play I think 2 inf will always be the better buy.
I still stick to thinking that tanks will be a valuble weapon in the lower econ battles of the east, but planes are going to the arms race on the western front simply because they buff artillery so much, which along with infantry make the most sense to buy. Unless America just wants to go all in and buy a shiz ton of tanks lol :mrgreen:
Go ahead. Make your opponent’s day.
It’s America, they do what they want cause they’re coolz like thatz……that said the American infantry sculpt is simply too good not to use.
With only 20 IPCs and being at the edge of the map, I think the US would be better off reinforcing the defences of a territory rather than attacking. Plus, they would only be able to afford 3 tanks a turn, as opposed to 6 infantry a turn.
The big problem with the tank special ability is that it only works on attack. If it worked for defense, then it might start to make sense.
Their cost is a little high. But in large numbers they may tip the scales of certain battles.
I refer people to this earlier discussion:
As I suggested then, I feel that in future tanks will either be powered up (3/4 in attack) or reduced in price (5 IPCs).
I would also consider giving nations a +1 moral boost the first time their tanks go into action; rather like bombing the morale benefits of new weapons often outweighs their material benefit.
Seems like artillery/infantry will be a better choice than tanks. However, powers like the U.S. and U.K that rely on transports to get troops to the front may benefit from upgrading an infantry to a tank rather than paying for an additional transport.
e.g. artillery (4) + tank (6) + transport (6) = 16
v.s. artillery (4) + 2 infantry (6) + 2 transports (12) = 22I wouldn’t advocate that U.S. & U.K. go all into tanks, but it might be a good purchase option for that remainder 3.
I will have a tank or two in my bigger stacks, but I won’t be buying many of them, that’s for sure. The idea that I can prevent an Infantry loss or two is pretty nice.
Perhaps the best was of balancing up tanks would be to allow each artillery to promote 1 infantry and 1 tank. That would definately change my attitude to armour, and it doesn’t require changing any of the components.
Perhaps the best was of balancing up tanks would be to allow each artillery to promote 1 infantry and 1 tank. That would definately change my attitude to armour, and it doesn’t require changing any of the components.
Have we confirmed that this is not the case?
In one of Larry’s reports it clearly states that an artillery can promote an infantry or a tank.