• Customizer

  • I think we can write off Russia as ever being a threat in the south if Bulgaria is worth 3.

  • Axis & Allies 1914
    Reports from the Front.
    A walk through round one

    Ottoman Empire

    I think its fair to say that the Ottoman Empire was in decline at this particular moment in history. In many ways it was but a shadow of its former self. You might notice that its ratio of artillery to infantry is the lowest on the board. This reflects the less advanced industrial state relative to the other powers at the time. Its army is first class, however, and was often underestimated in many ways.
    Constantinople is a bit complicated in terms of it being a single territory. Its cut in two by a body of water called the sea of Marmara, which has the narrow Dardanelles passage that links it in the south with the Aegean Sea, as well as the Bosporus in the north that links it with the Black Sea. In addition to all that, its also the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

    It is my belief that the constant threats from Russia to occupy this water passage, along with Turkeys harboring of German warships and the balance of power leaning towards a Central Powers victory, lead Turkey to enter into a Turco-German alliance. In exchange for money, military equipment, and the promise of future control over Russian territory, the Ottoman government sided with the Central Powers, and specifically Germany. This was particularly bad news for Imperial Russia and the British Empire.

    The Ottoman Empires geographical location on the map places it along the Russian border of Sevastopol. Russia would much rather not have to worry about this soft underbelly, especially with this life and death struggle with Austria going on.

    The Ottoman Empire is allied with the minor power of Bulgaria. With Bulgarias income of 3 IPCs, it is guaranteed a placement of 5 supporting Ottoman infantry and 1 artillery. These newly mobilized Bulgarians will be springing up right on the Romanian border. These additional forces and the threat to Sevastopol seriously tilt the balance of power against Imperial Russia. The Ottoman Empire will be well placed to make further advances in the Southern Balkans. Nothing could be more attractive to leadership of the Ottoman Empire than collecting 2 IPCs a turn from controlled Greece, and maybe even Albania.

    On its turn, Britain attacked Trans-Jordan and managed to capture it. British forces are now sitting on Ottoman real estate, and in substantial numbers at that. These are the same Australians that historically amphibbed the Turks during the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915. If youd like to try that out, all youve got to do is conduct an amphibious assault against Constantinople… Let me know how that works for you.

    OK… So what is the Ottoman Empire going to do on its first turn? Well, its going to start off by taking its original 16 IPCs and making its unit purchases. It immediately buys 2 tanks… Im just testing to see if youre still awake here… Everybody knows you cant buy tanks until round 4.

    After a careful review of the power’s needs, both long term and short term, the decision is to buy 4 infantry and 1 artillery. These units are of course placed in the Mobilization Zone, as all newly purchased units are placed.

    The capture of Trans-Jordan by the British is a big deal, and it must be reacted to. The Empire has lost the initiative and finds itself trying to put a fire out in the south. It would seem that the British are calling the shots. Presently, there are no Turkish forces strong enough to make an immediate attack against the invading British forces. The Ottoman Empire must maneuver its formations so as to be in position to push the British back across the Suez canal and beyond.

    With that objective, and also a desire to put pressure on Russia, the forces in Ankara moves 3 of their 6 infantry, along with an artillery unit, into the Syrian Desert territory. These forces, along with those presently based in Smyrna (6 infantry and 1 artillery), will attack Trans-Jordan when the time is right. Ankara will also dispatch 3 infantry to Mesopotamia. That will bring the Turkish infantry count there to 5, with one supporting artillery.

    The move that should surprise no one is the movement of a large Ottoman force in Constantinople into neighboring Bulgaria. This immediately mobilizes 5 Bulgarian infantry and 1 artillery to the side of the Ottoman Empire. The combined Bulgarian and Ottoman forces will be 11 infantry and 3 artillery.

    What to do with the Ottoman Empire fleet? Coupled with the mine fields that home waters with a naval base can offer, it is felt that the best us of the Ottoman fleet at this point is to remain on alert and be ready to react to any Allied naval movements into Turkish coastal waters. The fleet remains in place.

    I want to briefly talk about the use of the colored plastic chips. There are two basic colors  red for the Central Powers and blue for the Allies. Light colored chips, whether red or blue, represent one combat unit each, and dark colored chips represent five units each. If the Ottoman Empire, part of the Central Powers, wanted to place seven infantry on a space, it would stack one dark red chip for 5, one light red chip for 1, and place a Turkish infantry on top of the two chips.

    The number of stacks is not limited by the number of plastic pieces available. If you do not have enough pieces to top off all of your stacks, use any agreed-upon method for identifying them. If you run out of your sides plastic chips, you can temporarily use your opponents chips. For good order, you should replace the borrowed chips as soon as your become available. It is important, however, that you always have your colored chips showing at the top of a stack of chips.

    All this movement, and yet no battles were generated. This demonstrates a cautious but deliberate entry into this Great War by the Ottoman Empire. The second turn of this great empire will probably not be as bloodless. The newly mobilized units purchased at the beginning of the turn are placed on Constantinople. I think this is the beginning of a great struggle for parts of the Middle East, North Africa, and southern Imperial Russia.

    Next up will be Italy.

  • Customizer

    For a moment there, I thought we were going to learn something new about tanks.

    Thanks to Larry for dedicating an entire week to that most informative article.

    There’s an awful lot of naval action in this game.

  • @Flashman:

    For a moment there, I thought we were going to learn something new about tanks.

    Thanks to Larry for dedicating an entire week to that most informative article.

    There’s an awful lot of naval action in this game.

    Just like the war. Isn’t that what you want?  :wink:

  • No. he wants railroads, not war

  • All Quiet on Near Eastern Front…

    Is Italy going to be the last posting or will reports from the front continue for the second round ?

    I really like them !

  • Agreed. Keep those reports coming. It builds excitement.

  • Customizer

    I think we’ll only get one round. If the remaining two are going to be Saturdays we’ll have the game and be able to write our own reports.

    Guess what? Italy reinforces Venice. Navy stays in port. Build a few infantry and an artillery.

    America builds a bunch of transports.

  • @Flashman:

    Navy stays in port.

    What with the minefields, the high costs of the land war, and the (relative) ineffectuality of naval battles to make a difference in this game, this game is going to see very few naval battles.
    Oh, at least it’s historically accurate this way.

  • Customizer

    If you can’t retreat from a naval battle, we might not see any whatever.

    If you can retreat, then we might see some tit-for-tat strafing raids.

  • You wanted historicalness, you get inactive navies. Though the Atlantic will certainlly be more interesting.

    Gosh Bulgaria worth 3 is insane, the only hope for Russia is the Ottomans get REALLY bad dice roll or my British strategy turns out to be a bigger threat to them than the jucyness of the Balkans.

  • Customizer

    Naval war would be much livelier if we had German cruisers starting in East Africa and the Mediterranean. Austria might consider a sub or two to raid the Italian fleet, while Italy could risk wrecking its navy in the Adriatic to close down Austrian troops bridging into Tuscany.

    Bulgaria did raise a large army, I think 3 is quite reasonable. This will certainly help protect the Turksih section of the Ostwall (Romania). Much less reasonable is Albania on 2, this was barely a state at all and had no industry or army to speak of.

    Britain should take Mesopotamia R1 and channel troops into Sevastopol to keep Russia afloat.

  • @Flashman:

    Naval war would be much livelier if we had German cruisers starting in East Africa and the Mediterranean. Austria might consider a sub or two to raid the Italian fleet, while Italy could risk wrecking its navy in the Adriatic to close down Austrian troops bridging into Tuscany.

    Bulgaria did raise a large army, I think 3 is quite reasonable. This will certainly help protect the Turksih section of the Ostwall (Romania). Much less reasonable is Albania on 2, this was barely a state at all and had no industry or army to speak of.

    I plan to houserule the Königsberg in, but I think the Goeben and Breslau are already represented by those two Turkish cruisers. And if Bulgaria gets that amount of troops, then Belgium should be a 3 as well.

  • Or make Romania 3 as well, they mobilized a lot of men even if half of them were dead or in Bulgarian prison camps withing 3 months  :-P

  • Customizer

    I thought Romania was three?

    Bulgaria mobilized more troops than Belgium, about 500,000 to 340,000.

  • '16


    Much less reasonable is Albania on 2, this was barely a state at all and had no industry or army to speak of.

    Everything is wrong about Albania. It shouldn’t even be aligned to anyone. Neutral with 1 IPC would be better.

  • Customizer

    If anything, it should be a Turkish Ally, certainly if the population is considered.

    Probably make it neutral on my map, with 1 IPC to be generous.


  • @Flashman:

    Bulgaria did raise a large army, I think 3 is quite reasonable. This will certainly help protect the Turksih section of the Ostwall (Romania). Much less reasonable is Albania on 2, this was barely a state at all and had no industry or army to speak of.

    I’m with Flashman, since Bulgaria is the fourth and final Central Power, I’m perfectly happy with a 3 and giving it to the Ottomans helps make up for their general weakness.

    Since Albania on the map includes Montenegro, which, if I recall, had a plucky little army, 2 seems alright by me as well. Likewise, giving it to Italy helps make up a bit for their general weakness, although I wonder which will be more common: Albania brought into the game by Italy or by an Austrian attack.

  • If German troops push into moscow an Russia surrenders these troops may still be a usefull help for the ottomans holding off the british army.
    There are 6-7 tts between moscow and france but only 2 between moscow and turkey…

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