This is what people usually mean when they say “J3 India crush”:
J1 build 3 transports. �Take Chahar, Anhwe, Hunan, Yunnan. �Land all planes in Kwangsi and all fleet in z36 with transports loaded. �Leave FIC alone for now.
J2 Declare war on all Allies. �Build airbase and naval base in Kwangsi. Sink destroyer in z37 and any other ships that could attack z36 or block transports route from z36 to z39. �Dump 3 transports and 2 Siam guys on Shan State. �Airstrike Burma or Malaya if necessary to stop any attack on shan. �Put fleet in z38 and 3 loaded transports in z36.
J3 take India and land planes in shan state. �
(or you could do what Spendo said and starve them while you walk down thru china)
Hey Variance, I respect your play alot as I’ve read these threads & thanks for answering this one, so I would love to try this scenario also but have a few Q’s for you if you could expand on this––You were very detailed in your steps for this, so I’d like to be as detailed in my Q’s that this has prompted as well :-)
J1) 1)–when you say “land all planes in Kwansi”, I’m counting, for just land based units Japan starts with;8-fghtrs, 5-Tac’s & 2-Bombers. So these planes only or are you also talking about CV based fightrs as well?
2)–all fleet in sz36; do you mean EVERY available Sea unit? & what about the units in sz33, as they obviously can’t make it on J1, as well as that would leave Caroline Island & its resources open to US invasion on US1?
3-transports loaded; I only count 3-trnsprts that Japan starts w/on the board; 1-sz6, 1-sz19 & 1-sz20. So if I’m taking all my eastern China units to take out the 4-China territories you listed (that leaves the trns in sz20 w/o available units). So are you talking about just he one in sz6 or are you also loading the one from sz19 w/ units from Manchuria or Korea, which would make only 2 w/4-inf?
J2) 1)–DOW on Allies—thats a Big One! The US is definitely gonna come a runnin :? Which would beg the question–with all that loot now, what are the Germans & Italians gonna do to divert the Pacific attention away from the US so the Japs can grab the Victory cities before US gets to big in the Pacific, since I presume that w/ the “Crush India” strategy, thats what this is about?
2)–build Air & Naval in Kwangsi; I’m guessing that you have no fear of Kwangtung walking in w/one or 2 inf to Kwangsi to capture the unprotected Air & Naval just placed for a one round disruption of the plan (because then Hong Kong could just be taken on the next round anyway, Right? & speaking of HK, when or what is the plan there?
3)–when you say "sink DD in sz37 & othr ships that could attack sz36; the sz37 is actually a BB–but ok. Then there’s the US-DD & SS in sz35, are you just diverting 1-DD from the sz36 for the SS detection & then hitting them w/CV fighters for the wipe out? & is this coming from the 1-CV from sz33 or what is your thinking there?
4)–dumping 3-trns & Siam inf on Shan State; I presume those are the trans that were w/ the fleet from J1 (although I only had a possible count of 2-per my previous assessment, unless I misunderstood) & their going into sz38 to unload w/ the balance of the fleet? Then the 3-loaded trns to be in sz36 were the ones purchased during J1, coming from sz6?
J3 1)–take India & land planes in Shan State; Got that one!
So now w/ India out of the picture, w/ maybe another round of clean-up, is the strategy to take out China’s threat entirely or just keep them @ bay while you start gearing up for the US & ANZAC? Because by my count, including Hong Kong, you should have 4-Victory cities, 5-soon counting Manila. But the US fleet should be well on their way, if not already there. So 1-more VC to get, but is it going to be Sydney or Honolulu? Seems like the way it should play out is that Sydney would be the more unprotected, but I don’t know? After J3 & since you hadn’t discussed the DEI, that they’ll be trying to acquire for more IPC & to help the UK, that 6th VC could be a pretty hard get??? But after J3, who wants the game to end that quickly anyway 8-)
Should be a fun play!!! So if you could please refine the above Q’s with some further detail, that would be great! I’m all about playing & figuring it out, but with someone else’s idea of a whole new strategy, I don’t want to screw it up 2-3 times just trying to get to the way it should have been played for the 1st 3-4 rounds, after that—its anybody’s game anyway based on the counter moves & how the dice fell :roll: So thanx again, look forward to the follow-up.