Very interesting concept. I think I get how officers work, but I’m a little unclear on the range of influence, particularly “bridging”. I’m going to give some examples and you tell me if I have it right.
First, by “bridging” you mean a general’s effect crossing sea zones to affect land battles or an admiral’s effect crossing land zones to affect sea battles. I assume this is correct?
A - A general based in Berlin could affect battles in the following territories:
1 star: W Germany, Greater S. Germany, Slovakia/Hungary and Poland
2 star: Denmark, Holland/Belgium, France, N Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, E Poland and Baltic States. He could also “bridge” SZ 113 and affect Norway.
3 star: Normandy, S France, S Italy, Albania, Bulgaria, Bessarabia, W Ukraine, Belarus and Novgorod. He could also “bridge” SZ 114 and 115 and affect Finland and Vyborg.
and so on…
Does this sound about right?
B - A 2 star admiral based in SZ 115 could “bridge” the territory of Novgorod to affect a sea battle in SZ 127, right?
One other thing about “bridging” influence. Do the sea zones or territory bridged have to be friendly? Or can they have enemy units in them? What about Neutrals? (For example: Could a 2 star general based in Greece bridge Turkey to affect a battle in Iraq or NW Persia?)