Hi there
Thank you so much for yr help guys in advance :mrgreen:
- On Order Card 5
If I place a bomber on a zone containing 3 Axis land units do i through the die for each Axis, that means three times or just once?
Roll one die for each bomber you place in the zone and for each hit remove your choice of unit.
2)On order card 8
Can I move from one zone some infantry to one adjacent zone and some others to another adjacent zone or I have to remove them all to the same adjacent zone that I pick?
This is movement. All land units not locked in combat or in a beachhead box may be moved to an adjacent zone.
- On order cards 11 and 13
Do infantry attack only infantry? Tanks only tanks etc… ?
All units attack or defend for one round.
5)Do blockhouses fire in the the order cards 11 and 13 or they fire only when Order card 9 tells them to?
Blockhouses are included in combat.
6)On the Manual pages 5 and 6 all combat units have Attack, Defense and move… What is the number at defense used for?
On Order 11 Allies units are the attackers. On order 13 Allies are defenders.
- On Order card 12
Do Axis chooses to move or not and if they move they get attacked by the fighters? If yes do they fire back?
Fighter fire only units which they move in or out form the zone they are placed?
Any moving axis unit faces fire from all aircraft both in the zone it is leaving and in the zone it is trying to enter.
D-Day FAQ.